A lightweight CMS written in PHP. Lightning fast to setup. Obviously easy to maintain. #php
A commenting system for your website using OAuth for authentication, SQLite for storing and jQuery for the interface
Visual UI editor for websites
Simple PHP aggregator of RSS feerds
Front-end for makesites.org which includes information on the repositories
Node.js + WebGL Experiment: See how the world is feeling in realtime... #javascript #node.js #webGL #html5 #css3
Remy's jQuery API browser for the iPhone powered by Phonegap
Simplest lightbox to display a flash object with no dependencies
Converting KML Polygons to JSON
print a remote page with one click.
Data visualizations of cloud data - built on top of D3 #javascript #d3 #html5 #css3
Realtime Foursquaring using Google Maps and Node.js
Plugins officially supported by KISSCMS
Wordpress plugin to present latest tweets on the content or sidebar
Create entries and generate an XML script through an administration online
Automatic version control for posts with the same prefix in the post_name
A wrapper of the default 'wp_list_categories' to present an author's menu, when in the author pages.
Display a custom bar on the fly #jQuery
Create a slideshow in a "video wall" format #jQuery
Officially supported themes for KISSCMS
jQuery plugin that helps AJAX apps interact with hash URLs
PHPjs functions in jQuery
[DEPRECATED] Location-based resourcing of 3D map geometry. All development moved to makesites/globe
Template project for backbone.js #backbone.js #javascript
CRUD operations on persistent connection stores #node.js #javascript
A set of super simple php classes for popular tasks
Elastic server setup using Node.js #javascript #nodejs
Package Manager for PHP
JQuery Slider Plugin
Automation for Express.js #express.js #javascript