• kisscms

    A lightweight CMS written in PHP. Lightning fast to setup. Obviously easy to maintain. #php

  • open-comments

    A commenting system for your website using OAuth for authentication, SQLite for storing and jQuery for the interface

  • templateblocks

    Visual UI editor for websites

  • rss-merger

    Simple PHP aggregator of RSS feerds

  • makesites.github.com

    Front-end for makesites.org which includes information on the repositories

  • emotiglobe

    Node.js + WebGL Experiment: See how the world is feeling in realtime... #javascript #node.js #webGL #html5 #css3

  • jquery-api-browser

    Remy's jQuery API browser for the iPhone powered by Phonegap

  • swfbox

    Simplest lightbox to display a flash object with no dependencies

  • kml2json

    Converting KML Polygons to JSON

  • ajax-print

    print a remote page with one click.

  • cloudvisio

    Data visualizations of cloud data - built on top of D3 #javascript #d3 #html5 #css3

  • m4psqr

    Realtime Foursquaring using Google Maps and Node.js

  • kisscms-plugins

    Plugins officially supported by KISSCMS

  • wp-jquery-twitter

    Wordpress plugin to present latest tweets on the content or sidebar

  • xml-editor

    Create entries and generate an XML script through an administration online

  • wp-post-version-control

    Automatic version control for posts with the same prefix in the post_name

  • wp-author-categories

    A wrapper of the default 'wp_list_categories' to present an author's menu, when in the author pages.

  • jquery-foobar

    Display a custom bar on the fly #jQuery

  • jquery-slidawall

    Create a slideshow in a "video wall" format #jQuery

  • kisscms-themes

    Officially supported themes for KISSCMS

  • jquery-hurl

    jQuery plugin that helps AJAX apps interact with hash URLs

  • jquery-php

    PHPjs functions in jQuery

  • webgl-globe

    [DEPRECATED] Location-based resourcing of 3D map geometry. All development moved to makesites/globe

  • backbone-template

    Template project for backbone.js #backbone.js #javascript

  • crudr

    CRUD operations on persistent connection stores #node.js #javascript

  • mini.php

    A set of super simple php classes for popular tasks

  • drone

    Elastic server setup using Node.js #javascript #nodejs

  • ppm

    Package Manager for PHP

  • codaslider

    JQuery Slider Plugin

  • brisk

    Automation for Express.js #express.js #javascript