Additional console commands

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wayPoints.printWayPointsForCar(carId) - print all points for car.

wayPoints.printCurrentCarId() - print current car id.

wayPoints.clearCarWayPoints(carId) - clears from memory all waypoints for a specified car.

wayPoints.stopCar(carId) - stops the specified car.

wayPoints.enableSkipPoints() - activates the skip points by bot.

wayPoints.disableSkipPoints() - deactivates the skip points by bot.

wayPoints.runAllCars() - runs all cars, for which are loaded waypoints.

wayPoints.stopAllCars() - stops all cars.

wayPoints.resetWaypoints(carId) - the specified car will follow to the first point from the current position.

wayPoints.resetAllWaypoints() - too as resetWaypoints but applies for all cars.