#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines -1
Sps := "                                "
VarSetCapacity( A_SysDir,520 ), DllCall( "GetSystemDirectory", Str,A_SysDir, UInt,260 )

TrayTip, Function Exports - Viewer,                                    Scanning %A_sysDir%
Loop %A_SysDir%\*.dll
 If   ( Funx := PE_FunctionExports( A_LoopFileLongPath ) )
   && ( File := SubStr(A_LoopFileName,1,StrLen(A_LoopFileName)-4 ) )
    Loop, Parse, Funx, `n
      If InStr( A_LoopField, "@" ) || ! A_LoopField
      Else Data .= SubStr( File . Sps, 1,16 ) A_LoopField "`n"
StringReplace, Data, Data, `n, `n, UseErrorLevel
TotalFunctions := ErrorLevel
StringTrimRight, Data, Data, 1
Sort, Data, P17 D`n

Gui, Font, s10, Arial
Gui, Add, Edit, w439 h20 -E0x200 UpperCase hWndhEdit cAA1010 Border vQuery gSTimer
SendMessage, 0xD3, 0x1,5,, ahk_id %hEdit%
Gui, Add, ListView, Yp+19 R15 w439  -E0x200 +Border gDClick, Function|Library
LV_ModifyCol( 1, "290" ), LV_ModifyCol( 2, "125" )

TrayTip, Function Exports - Viewer,                              Loading List of Functions
Loop, Parse, Data, `n
 LV_Add( "", SubStr(A_LoopField,17 ), SubStr( A_LoopField,1,16) )

Gui, Show,, Function Exports: %TotalFunctions% in [ %A_SysDir% ]
Return                                                ; // end of auto-execute function //


 SetTimer, FunctionSearch, -250

 GuiControlGet, Query
 If ( Query="" ) {
   Loop, Parse, Data, `n
   LV_Add( "", SubStr(A_LoopField,17 ), SubStr( A_LoopField,1,16) )
 }  StringReplace, Query, Query, +, +, UseErrorLevel
 SearchItems := ErrorLevel+1
 Loop, Parse, Data, `n
 { Line := A_LoopField, Result := 0
   Loop, Parse, Query, +
   Result := InStr( Line,A_LoopField,0,17 ) ? Result+1 : Result
   If ( Result = SearchItems )
     LV_Add( "", SubStr(A_LoopField,17 ), SubStr( A_LoopField,1,16) )
 } Return

 IfNotEqual, A_GuiEvent, DoubleClick, Return
 Row := LV_GetNext( 0, "Focused" ), LV_GetText( Func,Row,1 )
 If ( SubStr(Func,0) == "A" || SubStr(Func,0) == "W" )
    StringTrimRight, Func, Func, 1
 URL1 := "" Func
      . "'m+Feeling+Lucky"
 URL2 := "" Func "&btnI=I'm+Feeling+Lucky"
 If GetKeyState( "LControl", "P" )
      Run, %Url2%,,Max
 Else Run, %Url1%,,Max

PE_FunctionExports( PEFile ) {
 VarSetCapacity( $LI,48,0 ), DllCall( "ImageHlp\MapAndLoad", A_IsUnicode ? "AStr" : "Str"
                                                 ,PEFile, Int,0, UInt,&$LI, Int,1, Int,1 )
 nPtr := DllCall( "ImageHlp\ImageRvaToVa", UInt,Numget( $LI,12 ), UInt,Numget( $LI,08 )
       , UInt, NumGet( ( P := DllCall( "ImageHlp\ImageDirectoryEntryToData", UInt
       , NumGet( $LI,8 ), Int,0, UShort,0, UIntP,nSz )) + 12 ), UInt,0 )
 VarSetCapacity( Var,1024,0 ), VarSetCapacity( List,10240,0 )
 IfEqual,nPtr,0, Return SubStr( DllCall( "ImageHlp\UnMapAndLoad", UInt,&$LI ), 0,0 )
 Loop % NumGet( P+24 ) + 1
    A_IsUnicode ? Var := DllCall( "MulDiv", Int,nPtr, Int,1, Int,1, AStr )
                : DllCall( "lstrcpy", Str,Var, UInt,nPtr )
  , nPtr := nPtr+StrLen( Var )+1,  List .= "`n" Var, A_Index=1 ? Omit := StrLen( Var )+2 :
 StringTrimLeft, List, List, %Omit%
 DllCall( "ImageHlp\UnMapAndLoad", UInt,&$LI )
 Return List

Font by Majniketor

Font(HCtrl="", Font="", BRedraw=1) {
	static WM_SETFONT := 0x30
	if Font is not integer
		StringSplit, Font, Font, `,,%A_Space%%A_Tab%
		fontStyle := Font1, fontFace := Font2

	  ;parse font 
		italic      := InStr(Font1, "italic")    ?  1    :  0 
		underline   := InStr(Font1, "underline") ?  1    :  0 
		strikeout   := InStr(Font1, "strikeout") ?  1    :  0 
		weight      := InStr(Font1, "bold")      ? 700   : 400 


		RegExMatch(Font1, "(?<=[S|s])(\d{1,2})(?=[ ,]*)", height) 
		ifEqual, height,, SetEnv, height, 10
		RegRead, LogPixels, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontDPI, LogPixels 
		height := -DllCall("MulDiv", "int", Height, "int", LogPixels, "int", 72) 
		IfEqual, Font2,,SetEnv Font2, MS Sans Serif
	 ;create font 
		hFont   := DllCall("CreateFont", "int",  height, "int",  0, "int",  0, "int", 0
						  ,"int",  weight,   "Uint", italic,   "Uint", underline 
						  ,"uint", strikeOut, "Uint", nCharSet, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "str", Font2, "Uint")
	} else hFont := Font
	ifNotEqual, HCtrl,,SendMessage, WM_SETFONT, hFont, BRedraw,,ahk_id %HCtrl%
	return hFont

Code by jniZm

GVEx := GetVersionEx()

MsgBox, % "GetVersionEx function`n"
        . "OSVERSIONINFOEX structure`n`n"
        . "OSVersionInfoSize:`t`t"     GVEx[0] "`n"
        . "MajorVersion:`t`t"          GVEx[1] "`n"
        . "MinorVersion:`t`t"          GVEx[2] "`n"
        . "BuildNumber:`t`t"           GVEx[3] "`n"
        . "PlatformId:`t`t"            GVEx[4] "`n"
        . "CSDVersion:`t`t"            GVEx[5] "`n"
        . "ServicePackMajor:`t`t"      GVEx[6] "`n"
        . "ServicePackMinor:`t`t"      GVEx[7] "`n"
        . "SuiteMask:`t`t"             GVEx[8] "`n"
        . "ProductType:`t`t"           GVEx[9]

GetVersionEx() {
    static OSVEREX, init := VarSetCapacity(OSVEREX, 284, 0) && NumPut(284, OSVEREX, "UInt")
    if (DllCall("GetVersionEx", "Ptr", &OSVEREX))
        return, { 0 : NumGet(OSVEREX,   0, "UInt"),   1 : NumGet(OSVEREX,       4, "UInt")
                , 2 : NumGet(OSVEREX,   8, "UInt"),   3 : NumGet(OSVEREX,      12, "UInt")
                , 4 : NumGet(OSVEREX,  16, "UInt"),   5 : StrGet(&OSVEREX+20, 128, "UTF-16")
                , 6 : NumGet(OSVEREX, 276, "UShort"), 7 : NumGet(OSVEREX,     278, "UShort")
                , 8 : NumGet(OSVEREX, 280, "UShort"), 9 : NumGet(OSVEREX,     282, "UChar") }

MinorVersion := DllCall("GetVersion") >> 8  & 0xff
BuildVersion := DllCall("GetVersion") >> 16 & 0xffff