Logophilia Dump

Hiraeth a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was...Baron_Wobblyhorse
Tsundoku buying books and not reading them; letting books pile up unread on shelves or floors or nightstands. (xpost r/books)rhiannian
Kintsukuroi "to repair with gold"mcjergal
Toska [Russian] a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning.fucksrslycatagain
Contronym A word that is its own antonym (opposite)kfudnapaa
Decathect To withdraw one's feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss.Chisaku
furlough 1) a period of time when a soldier is allowed to leave the place where he or she is stationed; 2) a period of time when an employee is told not to come to work and is not paid; 3) a period of time when a prisoner is allowed to leave prisonluckykobold
Lalochezia the emotional relief gained from using abusive or profane languageBaron_Wobblyhorse
Petrichor The pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell.bestlaidplansofmice
Pluviophile Lover of rainNoGodsNoKingsNoFear
L’appel du vide 'Call of the Void', the urge some people get to jump from high places when they encounter them.Rapird
Sapiosexual (n.) a person who is sexually attracted to intelligent peoplee112
Googling a word now provides all kinds of info definition, pronunciation, etymology, translations, and a chart of popularity over the centuries. (Info in comments)canausernamebetoolon
Felicitation Congratulations. Congratulations /r/Logophilia, you are subreddit of the day!GreyCastle
Cunctator A procrastinator. As in, Redditors are a bunch of massive cunctatorscanausernamebetoolon
Idiolect A person's individual speech pattern.Nourn
apricity (n.) the warmth of the sun in Winter.8bitlisa
Mononymous A mononymous person is an individual addressed or known by a single name, e.g. Platosextagrammaton
Pilcrow The paragraph symbol ( ¶ ).canausernamebetoolon
Omnicompetent Able to handle any situation.Nourn
Whited sepulchre a person who is inwardly evil but outwardly professes to be virtuousAesir1
Vorfreude (n.) the joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasuresjdotfox
Zenzizenzizenzic to the eighth power of a numberSpacenut42
Nefelibata "cloud walker"; one who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams; or one who does not obey the conventions of society, literature, or art.emkayyess
Growlery a place to retreat to, alone, when ill-humouredAesir1
Pyrrhic achieved at excessive costKisutra
Vellicate to touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movementsAesir1
Callipygian having well-shaped buttocks.CAPTAINLOCK
Ineffable incapable of being expressed in wordsMcHerpaDerp
Eigengrau The dark grey colour seen by the eyes in perfect darkness, as a result of signals from the optic nerves.Nourn
Kakistocracy government by the worst persons possible.veronicuddles
Aposiopesis a sudden breaking off in the midst of a sentence, as if from inability or unwillingness to proceed.PocketFullOfRain
Accismus Feigning disinterest in something while actually desiring it.Nourn
Pleonasm The use of more words than are necessary to express an idea.sacredserenity
zaftig - of a woman slightly fat in an attractive way; having a full, rounded figurecallipygia
Pogonotrophy the cultivation of beards, beard-growing.Pata4AllaG
Polysemous Having multiple meanings.Nourn
My favorite word site Power-search over 1000 dictionaries with Onelook.com. Want to know the bovine/feline/canine/piscine equivalent for a goose? Type *ine:goose. More instructions on homepagecanausernamebetoolon
memento mori literally "remember you must die," an object, such as a skull, intended to remind people of the inevitability of deathAesir1
Decathect To withdraw one's feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss.Nourn
Sophistry the clever use of arguments that seem true but are really false, in order to deceive peoplezoossii
Bluestocking A woman with considerable scholarly, literary, or intellectual ability or interest.Nourn
Antejentacular Occurring before breakfast.veronicuddles
Anthypophora A figure of reasoning in which one asks and then immediately answers one's own questions (or raises and then settles imaginary objections)Aesir1
Odalisque A woman slave in a harem.Nourn
Anasyrma The gesture of lifting up the skirt or kilt to expose buttocks or genitalia (often for non-sexual purposes, such as warding against supernatural forces).LiminalMask
Cephalophore a saint who is generally depicted carrying his or her own headPandora_Glovebox
Mumpsimus (n.) Adherence to a traditional custom or notion although it is shown to be unreasonableZakuriyah
Quockerwodger “a wooden toy figure which jerks its limbs about when pulled by a string”, and also a politician whose strings are pulled by someone else." (Thanks TIL)tjleggz
Saudade a deep emotional state of nostalgic longing for an absent something or someone that one lovesEchoScar
Isolato A person who is spiritually isolated from or out of sympathy with his or her times or society.Nourn
Elucubrate To produce a piece of work by intensive effort at night???
Amaranthine Not fading or dying : immortal.Nourn
Philalethist A lover of the truthAesir1
Aizuchi term for frequent interjections during a conversation that indicate the listener is paying attention and/or understanding the speakerAesir1
Pecksniffian pretending to have high moral principlesyaph
Penumbra (n) the faded edge of a shadowRedSquidz
Deuteragonist The second most important character in a drama, the second actor.cuprous_veins
Crepuscular Of or relating to twilightConsultingBastard
Skyclad Naked outdoors.Nourn
Subnivean Occurring beneath a layer of snow.Nourn
Darkle To become clouded or gloomy.Nourn
Ghost word A word that has come into a dictionary, grammar, or other scholarly work as a result of a misreading or misinterpretation, as by mistaking a typographical error for an actual wordAesir1
Ferrule the metal part that holds an eraser to a pencilclarkskywalker
Nihilarian one who does useless workPandora_Glovebox
Spoonerism Switching the first sounds of two or more words. Eg "A Dot in the Shark."_undone_
Threnody A song or poem of lamentation or mourning for a dead person; a dirge; an elegy.Nourn
Quincunx an arrangement of five objects with four at the corners of a square or rectangle and the fifth at its center (like when you roll a "five" at dice)spikebrennan
In silico In or on a computer.Nourn
Jingo a person who professes his or her patriotism loudly and excessively, favoring vigilant preparedness for war and an aggressive foreign policy; bellicose chauvinist. (see also Jingoism)LiminalMask
Catachresis, n Improper use of words; application of a term to a thing which it does not properly denote; abuse or perversion of a trope or metaphor.FTFYcent
Stultify (1) To render useless or ineffectual; cripple. (2) To cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculousAesir1
Jape 1) to jest; joke; gibe. 2) to mock or make fun of. 3) a trick or practical joke.LiminalMask
Meliorism The belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its bettermentNourn
Dystheism The belief that there is a god, but that this god is not good, and possibly, although not necessarily evilAesir1
Hapax legomenon a word that occurs only once within a contextriboflavins
Spanogyny a scarcity of womenPandora_Glovebox
Bluebeard A man who marries and kills one wife after another.Nourn
Niggle (v) To find fault constantly and trivially; carpphreakocious
Escutcheon The part of a ship's stern on which the name is displayedRysona
Cenotaph A monument erected in honor of a dead person whose remains lie elsewhere.Nourn
Essorant Standing, but with the wings spread, as if about to flyAesir1
Hyperthymia excessive emotionalismAesir1
Psithurism The sound of rustling leaves.Nourn
Wasm an obsolete belief; an out-of-fashion `ismAesir1
Nepenthe A potion used by the ancients to induce forgetfulness of pain or sorrow.Nourn
Pettyfogger (n) One who quibbles over trifles.ScriptSimian
Feuillemort Having the color of a faded leafwildereye
Scripturient Having a strong urge to write.SootCayenne
miasma a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere.allURboozeRbelong2us
Boondoggle work of little or no value done merely to keep or look busy.ThePrinterDoesntWork
Potvaliancy Brave only as a result of being drunk.Nourn
Lacuna A blank space or a missing part.Nourn
Exergasia The repetition of a single idea, phrased in a different way each time.AnimaSeverem
Witwanton One who indulges in idle, foolish, and irreverent fancies or speculations; one who tries to be cleverly amusing but falls short.Aesir1
Velleity a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.schnessl
Quincunx The arrangement of five items in this pattern: ⁙mcmlxix
Sprezzatura studied nonchalance; perfect conduct or performance of something (as an artistic endeavor) without apparent effortmattXIX
Torpor (n) A state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibilityphreakocious
Lascivious inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd.dragonfire882
Fustilugs A fat and slovenly person.Nourn
Paralogize To reason falsely; to draw conclusions not warranted by the premisesAesir1
Paroxysm A sudden violent emotion or actionFragmented663
Qua in the capacity of [A fantastic scrabble word with rather complex usages, please see text]ALoafOfBread
Psychopomp (n) a deity or creature who guides souls to their underworld, e.g. Charon or Anubis IAmTheMittenMan
Reify To regard something abstract as if it were a concrete material thing.Nourn
polylemma A choice involving multiple undesirable options.Snazzy67
Ploce The repetition of a word or phrase to gain special emphasis or to indicate an extension of meaning.Nourn
Menhir a single upright rough monolith usually of prehistoric origin.LiminalMask
Doctrinaire A person inflexibly attached to a practice or theory without regard to its practicalityAesir1
Spoonerism the transposition of the initial consonants or consonant clusters of a pair of words, often resulting in an amusing ambiguity of meaning, such as hush my brat for brush my hatAesir1
Opsimath a person who learns late in life.dragonfire882
Elflock A tangled lock of hair.Nourn
Persnickety Overparticular about trivial detailsrichieguy309
Muckibus Drunkenly sentimental or maudlin.Nourn
Mot Juste The exactly right word or phrasing.Nourn
Verecund bashful; modestAesir1
Aesthete (n) One who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or naturephreakocious
Hobbledehoy An awkward adolescent boy.Nourn
Dixi literally translated as "I have spoken". When used, it usually means: "I have said all that I had to say and thus the argument is settled".Aesir1
Mordant biting and caustic in thought, manner, or styleAesir1
Agathocacological Composed of good and evil; pertaining to both good and evil.Aesir1
Doggerel crude. CAPTAINLOCK
Banana republic A political science term for a politically unstable country whose economy is largely dependent on the export of a single limited-resource product.Nourn
Holophrasis The use of a single word to convey a complex ideaAesir1
Nychthemeron A full period of a day and night: 24 hours.Nourn
Oojah An oojah or ooja-ka-piv or oojiboo is "a thing whose name one forgets, does not know, or prefers not to mention."Nourn
Inamorata A woman with whom one is in love or has an intimate relationship.Nourn
taedium vitae the feeling that life is boring and dullAesir1
Otiose Lazy; indolent.Nourn
humuhumunukunukuapua'a The state fish of Hawaiicanausernamebetoolon
Mottainai the sensation of loss associated with needless waste or patterns of behaviour that lead to such waste. One may say "that feels Mottainai".RegularSustenance
Zoopharmacognosy behaviour in which non-human animals self-medicate by selecting and using plants, soils, insects and psychoactive drugs to treat and prevent disease.bouncingvumeters
A helpful resource for my fellow logophiles A list of Greek and Latin root words with English meanings, examples, and etymologies.Aesir1
Pogonotrophy The cultivation of beards; beard-growingSoullessredditor
Ignivomous Vomiting fireAesir1
holographA document written wholly in the handwriting of the person whose signature it bearsSnazzy67
Dolorific Causing pain or griefAesir1
Ebullient Zestfully enthusiasticAesir1
Concupiscence A strong desire, especially sexual desire; lustAesir1
Susurration - noun A soft murmur or whisperlimasierra
Katagelophobia fear of being ridiculedfatalillusion
Erudition Knowledge gained chiefly from books.dilettanteTunesmith
Claque 1) A group hired to applaud at a performance 2) A group of sycophantsLiminalMask
Frangible able to be broken into pieces (adj)sextagrammaton
Aleatoricism Dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome.Nourn
Imprimatur a highly-weighted acceptance or guarantee that something is of a good standardyudkev
Nigrescence The process of becoming black or dark.Nourn
Polysemant a word having more than one meaningmattXIX
Quaff To heartily drink a (usually alcoholic) beverageLiberLapis
Pusillanimous lacking in courage and manly strength and resolutionMichaelas10
Esoteric Understood or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interestschindelar
Good one for Reddit ailurophile - a lover of catspullarius1
Ouroboros an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tailAesir1
Mitty An ordinary, timid person who indulges in daydreams involving great adventures and triumphs.Nourn
Doryphore One who gains inordinate pleasure from detecting minor errors; a pedantic nitpickerAesir1
Bellibone A Woman Who Excels In Both Beauty And Goodnesstomjenkinson
Droog A violent young gang member or a hooligan.Nourn
Dialectic (n) The art or practice of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical argumentsphreakocious
Caryatid a sculptured female figure used as a column.LiminalMask
Milquetoast a timid, meek, or unassertive personbraveliltoasterr
Taradiddle A trivial or childish lie.Nourn
Metaxy the permanent place where man is in-between two poles of existence, such as the infinite and the finite reality of existencefucksrslycatagain
Shebang ("the whole shebang") probably from the French 'char-à-bancs' - carriage with benches.vinipoars
Thanatosis the process by which an animal feigns death in order to evade unwelcome attention.Innitinnuitinnit
Fleer To smirk or laugh in contempt or derisionAesir1
Chirocracy A government that rules by a 'strong hand' or by physical forceAesir1
Fustian Pretentious speech or writing; pompous languageAesir1
Exsanguinate to drain of bloodkk-
Verbile a person who is best stimulated by wordsAesir1
Mythopoeic Giving rise to myths; pertaining to the creation of myth.Nourn
Jingoism Extreme patriotism, chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policyDont_Thread_On_Me
Factotum A person having many diverse activities or responsibilities.dilettanteTunesmith
Demulcent Soothing.Nourn
Borborygmi The rumbling sound your stomach makesfrankyroads
Retrophilia a strong liking for things from the pastAesir1
Triumphalism The attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, especially a religion or political theory, is superior to all others.Nourn
Ultracrepidate to go beyond one's scope or province, esp to criticize beyond your sphere of knowledgeAesir1
Entheogen A psychoactive substance used for the purpose of inducing a mystical or spiritual experience.Nourn
Aviatrix A female aviator.Nourn
Orotund Marked by fullness, strength, and clarity of sound.Nourn
Nonpareil Having no equal.Nourn
Gargalesthesia The sensation commonly associated with ticklingfreer101
Mollitious Luxurious.Nourn
verisimilitude the appearance or semblance of truth; likelihood; probabilityEternal_210C8A
Sonder The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your ownSir_Lurksalot12
Mensch A person having admirable characteristics, such as fortitude and firmness of purposeAesir1
Voluptuary a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit and enjoyment of luxury and sensual pleasure.LiminalMask
Crapulence Excessive indulgence; intemperancetheturbolemming
Colloquy a high-level, serious discussionSchezemu
Putsch a plotted revolt or attempt to overthrow a government, especially one that depends upon suddenness and speed.LiminalMask
Efflorescent bursting into flower; growing at a rapid rate; flourishingpallas_athene
Limpid clear, transparent; completely calmLiminalMask
Slubberdegullion a filthy, slobbering person.gezzed
Hierophant An interpreter of sacred mysteries or arcane knowledgejwbraith
Fremdscham shame felt for actions done by someone elseAesir1
Anathema a person or thing detested or loathed.PocketFullOfRain
bel esprit A cultivated, highly intelligent personAesir1
Vespertinal Of, relating to, or occurring in the eveningAesir1
Surcease To bring or come to an end; stop.Nourn
Jerkwater Remote and unimportant.Nourn
Resistentialism The belief that inanimate objects have a natural antipathy toward human beings, and therefore it is not people who control things, but things which increasingly control people.Octavian979
Kleptocracy A corrupt and dishonest government characterised by greed.Nourn
Jink To make a quick, evasive turnAesir1
Circumlocutionthe use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an ideaspoonfrog
Colposinquanonia Estimating a woman's beauty based on her chestMr_A_Snuffleupagus
McCarthyism The practice of making unfounded accusations against someoneyaph
Manes 1) (plur) the souls of the dead, shades; 2) (sing) the spirit or shade of a particular dead person.LiminalMask
Anhedonia The lack of pleasure or the ability to experience ittheturbolemming
Solacious Affording solace; as, a solacious voiceAesir1
Cenotaph a tomb or a monument erected in honor of a person or group of persons whose remains are elsewhereLiminalMask
Hoplophobia a morbid fear of guns and firearms.yudkev
celerity (n.) Swiftness of action or motion; speed.blboppie
Biophilia The love of nature and all living things.Nourn
Onychophagia The practice of biting one's nails, especially when done habitually and as a symptom of emotional disturbance.Nourn
Blellum An idle, senseless, talking, or noisy fellowAesir1
Altisonant High-sounding; lofty or pompousAesir1
Immanent Naturally part of something; existing throughout and within something.Nourn
Ambulate to walk; to relocate one's self under the power of one's own legs.zoossii
zeugma (n) a literary term for using one word to modify two other words, in two different ways. "She brook his car and his heart."Halloseve
Maumetry the worship of idols or false godsAesir1
Icarian Of or relating to an over-ambitious attempt that ends in ruin.Nourn
rebarbative repellent; unattractive; objectionableh1ppophagist
Sphallolalia Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere.Aesir1
Stravage To wander aimlessly.Nourn
Homophilic Tendency for people to maintain relationships with people who are similar to themselves, as characterized by age, race, gender, religion, or profession.Nourn
Terricolous Living on or in the ground.Nourn
Vesta 1) The Roman goddess of the hearth; 2) a short wooden matchLiminalMask
Agglutinate To form words by combining words or word elements.Nourn
Penurious extremely poor; destitute; indigent.PocketFullOfRain
Majuscule A large letter, either capital or uncial, used in writing or printing.Nourn
Hortator Inciter, encourager, exhorter.Nourn
Oologist A collector of birds' eggs.Nourn
Odeon A modern theatre or concert hall.Nourn
Falcate Curved like a scythe or sickle; hooked; falciform.Nourn
valedictory (adj, n) bidding good-bye; saying farewellallURboozeRbelong2us
Anglosphere The countries where English is the main native language, considered collectively.Nourn
Panoply a full suit of armor; something forming a protective covering; an impressive arraykbmeister
Scelestic Evil; wicked; atrociousAesir1
Gormless Lacking intelligence and vitality; dull.Aesir1
portmanteau a new word which is a combination of two others words or morphemes (e.g. spork = spoon + fork)clarkskywalker
Paroxysm any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotioncanyoupickbetternick
Tope To drink (liquor) habitually and excessively or engage in such drinking.ExplainLikeImAmish
Temerity Excessive confidence or boldnessbloogie
Aeluroid / Aluroid Having feline characteristics; catlikeAnother_one_here
Sanative Having the power to cure; healing or restorativeAesir1
Audile A person in whose mind auditory images, rather than visual or motor images, are predominant or unusually distinct.DinosaurViking
Shivelight a tiny sliver of lightjoke-away
Tergiversate To make conflicting or evasive statements, or to change one's loyalties.quadrapod
Genuflect to briefly lower one's body by bending one knee to the ground, as in a sign of worship or respectRedSquidz
Hadal Of or pertaining to the greatest ocean depths, below approximately 20,000 feet.Nourn
Phaneromania An uncontrollable impulse to pick at a spot or growth on one's body; the habit of picking at scabs, biting one's nails, or picking pimplesAesir1
Blague pretentious but empty talk; nonsenseAesir1
Floccinaucinihilipilification The act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant, of having no value or being worthless.Nourn
Widdershins counterclockwisefakingmysuicide
Pulchritude physical comeliness; beautyliquidflare
Dysania The state of having a hard time waking up and getting out of bed in the morningAesir1
Mollycoddle To be overprotective and indulgent towardAesir1
Deipnosophist a person who is a master of dinner-table conversationAesir1
Phylactery 1) either of two small leather boxes containing a piece of parchment inscribed with scriptural passages worn during prayers by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish men. 2) a receptacle containing a holy relic. 3) an amulet, charm, or safeguard against harm or danger.LiminalMask
Paraleipsis A pretended or apparent omission; a figure by which a speaker artfully pretends to pass by what he really mentions; as, for example, if an orator should say, "I do not speak of my adversary's scandalous venality and rapacity, his brutal conduct, his treachery and malice."Aesir1
Albedo (n) the energy reflected off of a surface, typically a planet or moonRedSquidz
Discerp to tear in pieces; to rendAesir1
Versute Crafty; wily; cunning; artfulAesir1
Heortology The study of religious festivals.Nourn
bucolic relating to or typical of rural life / of or relating to shepherds or herdsmen : pastoralpixel_bits
moribund being in the state of dying / approaching death / being in a state of inactivity or obsolescencepixel_bits
Bellicose Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.Nourn
Snollygoster A clever, unscrupulous person.Nourn
Nidus A nest or breeding place.Nourn
Evulse to extract forciblyAesir1
Abeyance temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension [Let's hold that problem in abeyance for a while]???
Esse Being; existence.Nourn
ecdysiast, n. A striptease artist.Kaworu--Nagisa
Cyprian lewd; licentious.determinism89
Turgid Excessively ornate or complex in style or language; grandiloquentAesir1
Proclivity (n.) A tendency to choose or do something regularly.aryst0krat
Nurdle 1): To gently waffle or muse on a subject which one clearly knows little about. 2): The small amount of toothpaste applied to the toothbrush.Nourn
Lucubrate to work diligently by artificial light; to study at nighttospiteyourface
Sclerotic Hard, rigid, slow to adapt or respond.Bearrathi
Preantepenultimate fourth from the end (of a series)Rocknocker
Lachrymose Weeping or inclined to weep; tearfulAesir1
Snowbroth Melted snow.Nourn
Fustilarian A fat and slovenly person.Nourn
Zymurgy The branch of chemistry dealing with fermentation, as brewing.Nourn
Mordacious Sharp or caustic in style, tone, etc.Nourn
Tapinosis Giving a name to something which diminishes it in importanceAesir1
Drachenfutter a gift (especially to a spouse) to appease someone who is angry at the giverLeonardoFibonacci
Bovarism an exaggerated, especially glamorized, estimate of oneself; conceit. Aesir1
ignotum per ignotius an explanation that is obscurer than the thing to be explainedAesir1
Mamihlapinatapai "a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other will offer something that they both desire but are unwilling to suggest or offer themselves"MonsieurPsychosis
Nimiety Excess or redundancyfurniture_exorcist
Bromidic lacking in originalityConradical126
subarin (n) the waxy coating on the skin of plantsRedSquidz
Percontation An act or process of questioning.Nourn
Xanthodont Someone who has yellow teethAesir1
Illusive deceptive (not to be confused with "elusive")Dont_Thread_On_Me
Roustabout 1) A wharf laborer or deckhand; 2) An unskilled laborer who lives by odd jobs; 3) A circus laborer who works at setting up tents and caring for animals.LiminalMask
Animadversion The act of criticizing.Nourn
Phlegmatic 1) not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish. 2) self-possessed, calm, or composed.LiminalMask
Circumpunct A circle with a point at its centre, an ancient symbol.Nourn
Cygneous curved like the neck of a swanangelbeach
Uxoricide The murder of a wife by her husband. Serial_Philatelist
Pabulum food or fodder, bland intellectual farea2dam
Ambisinistrous clumsy with both hands.insomniaclyric
Bloviate to speak pompously.LiminalMask
Obloquy harsh or critical statements about someonecriss990
Confabulate to talk informallyConsultingBastardess
Prosopopeia a figure of speech in which an imaginary, absent, or deceased person is represented as speaking or acting.le_music_defener
Transeunt (of a mental act) producing an effect outside of the mind.LiminalMask
Furfuraceous Covered with dandruff.Nourn
Gubbins A small object or gadget; nameless odds and ends; a silly person.itsoonwearsoff
Eccedentesiast (n.) one whom fakes a smileklank
Huboon A human-baboon hybrid; an ape-like person.Nourn
Stakhanovite An extremely productive or hard-working worker, especially in the former USSR, who may earn special rewards.Nourn
Psychorrhagy The manifestation of a person’s soul to another, usually at some distance from the body.Nourn
Horrescent Bristling with horror; shudderingAesir1
Apoplexy (n) A fit of extreme anger; ragephreakocious
battology wearisome repetition of words in speaking or writing.evanthesquirrel
Indefatigable (adj) Incapable or seemingly incapable of being fatigued; tirelessphreakocious
Mithridatism The developing of immunity to a poison by gradually increasing the dose.Nourn
Pervicacious Very stubborn.Nourn
Peregrination Travel from one place to another, especially by foot. A journey or expedition.Rodan218
Omnibus An anthology of previously released material linked together by theme or author, especially in book form.rickg3
Subsultory Bounding; leaping; moving by sudden leaps or starts.Aesir1
Junta A group of people in control of a government after a coup.dilettanteTunesmith
Dragoon To compel by violent measures or threats; coerce.Nourn
Regicide The act of killing a King or an EmperorSwordLaker
Prolepsis Rhetoric. the anticipation of possible objections in order to answer them in advance.vNourn
Antinomianism The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine graceAesir1
Rhinorrhea an excessive discharge of mucus from the nose. ???
Monology The habit of soliloquizing, or of monopolizing conversationAesir1
Algedonic Pertaining to both pleasure and pain.Chisaku
Eutony Pleasantness of the sound of a word.Aesir1
Recusant One who refuses to bow or to conform.Nourn
Proctalgia pain in the rectumAesir1
Desiderate To miss, to feel the absence of, to long forAesir1
Pedantocracy rule by pedants,.INSIDIOUS_ROOT_BEER
Loblolly A thick gruel.Nourn
Lachrymose suggestive of or tending to cause tears; mournful.dragonfire882
Xanthochroic pertaining to people or races with light hair and pale complexionsAesir1
Visile a person best stimulated by visual thingsAesir1
Obambulation Wandering about; a casual outing.Nourn
Insouciance Lack of care or concern; indifference.Nourn
Uloid Resembling a scar; scarlikeAesir1
Solivagant A solitary wanderer mjtribute
Treppenwitz "Staircase wit", a devastating rejoinder thought of only after leaving the scene of the debate. German phrase for for Esprit descairAesir1
Subtrist slightly sad, not completely sadAesir1
Reticent disposed to be silent; reserved; reluctant or restrainedEternal_210C8A
Dasypygal Having Hairy Buttocksbamburger
Echolalia The uncontrollable and immediate repetition of words spoken by another person.Nourn
Supernal Celestial; heavenly.Nourn
Esurient Very hungry or greedy; ravenousAesir1
Illecebrous Alluring; attractive; enticingAesir1
pharisaical Hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory.Aesir1
Addlepated Being mixed up.Nourn
To hobnob socialize, be friendly withMichaelas10
Concatenate To connect or link in a series or chain.Nourn
Praxeology (n.) The study of human action and conduct.maplesyrupismajestic
Sophrosyne moderation; discretion; prudence.Buffalo__Buffalo
Golgotha A place or occasion of great sufferingrichieguy309
Magdalen a reformed prostitute, or a reformatory for prostitutesjadepearl
Avulsion The forcible tearing away of a body part by trauma or surgeryAesir1
Tin god a self-important, dictatorial person in a position of authority, as an employer, military officer, critic, or teacherAesir1
Hypergraphia An overwhelming urge to writedrukqsx
Sklent (n) A sideways glancephreakocious
Damnatio memoriae literally meaning "damnation of memory"; to cancel every trace of a person as if he had never existedAesir1
Kalopsia A state in which things appear more beautiful than they really are. Chisaku
Phaneron the real world filtered by our sensory inputstuntaneous
Apropos Being at once opportune and to the point.Nourn
Celerity swiftness of movementcriss990
Arachibutyrophobia a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouthyaph
Midden a dunghill or refuse heapblonderson
Terpsichorean related to dancingcanausernamebetoolon
Aefauld Characterised by oneness; single; without duplicity.Nourn
Oculolinctus Eyeball-licking fetishism.Neynt
Abecedarian a 16th-century German sect of Anabaptists who effected an absolute disdain for all human knowledgeFlipConstantine
Propitious Presenting favorable conditions.Nourn
Concomitance Occurrence or existence together or in connection with one another.dilettanteTunesmith
plebeian characteristic of commoners or a vulgar personSnazzy67
Asteism Genteel irony; a polite and ingenious manner of deriding anotherAesir1
Uxorial of, relating to, or characteristic of a wife St_Dymphna
Inured to accustom to hardship, difficulty....; toughen or harden; habituate; inured to cold.Helzibah
Orgulous Proud; haughty; disdainful.Nourn
Spaghettification What happens to an object when it enters a black hole. OhFrabjousMe
In celebration of Halloween--Horripilation [noun] a bristling of the hair on the skin from cold, fear, etc.; goose flesh.stult
Mollitude Softness; effeminacy; weaknessAesir1
Bumbledom Behavior characteristic of a pompous and self-important petty official.Nourn