The Tragedie of Hamlet

Actus Primus. Scoena{ Prim}a.

Enter Barnardo and Francisco two Centinels{.

{ Barnardo}. Who's there?{
{Fran}. Nay{ an}sw{er }me: St{and }& vnfold
your selfe{

{ Bar}. Long liue{ the} King{

{Fran. }{Barnardo}?
{ Bar. }He{

Fran. }
You come most carefully vpon {your }h{our}{e

Bar. }
'Tis now strook{ tw}elue, get{ the}{e t}o be{d Francisco}{

Fran. }
For{ th}{is }releef{e m}uch{ th}ankes:{ 'Tis }bit{ter }c{old},
A{nd }I am sicke at heart{

{n. }Ha{ue }{you} had qui{et }Gu{ard}{?
Fran. N}
ot a Mouse{ st}irr{ing

{Barn. }Well{, g}oodnight. If{ you }{do }me{et }Horati{o and}
Marc{ell}us,{ the }Riuals{ of }my Watch,{ bi}d{ the}m ma{ke }hast.{
Enter }
{Horatio and} {Marcellus}{.

{Fran. }I{ thi}{nke}{ I }{hear}{e the}m.{ Stand}: w{ho's there?
{Hor}{. F}riends{ to }{this }grou{nd
M{ar. }{And }Leige-men{ to th}e Dan{e

Fran. }
Gi{ue you }{good} {night}{

Mar. }
O far{wel}{ ho}ne{st }S{old}ier,{ who}{ ha}th{ rel}ieu'd{ you}{?
{. Barnardo}{ ha}{'s }{my }plac{e: }g{iue you good}{night.}{

xit{ Fran.}{

{Mar. }Holla{ Barnardo}{

Bar. }
Say{, wh}{at }{is }{Horatio }{there?
Hor. }
A peec{e of }him{

Bar. }
{Wel}{come }{Horatio}{, w}{elcome }{good }{Marcellus}{

Mar. }
W{hat},{ ha's }{this }{thin}g app{ear}{'d }aga{ine}{ to }{night

{Bar. }{I h}{aue }see{ne }no{thing}{

Mar. }
{Horatio }saie{s, }'t{is b}ut {our }Fantasie{,
And }
will{ not} {let}{ be}{leefe }t{ake h}{old}{ of him
To{uch}{ing }{this }dread{ed }s{ight}{, t}wic{e seene }{of }vs,
T{here}fore{ I haue }int{rea}t{ed }{him} al{ong}
Wi{th }v{s, t}o w{atch}{ the }minute{s of }{this }N{ight,}{
{at i}f{ againe t}{his }Appari{tio}n{ come},
H{e m}{ay a}pp{rou}e{ our }ey{es, }{and }s{pea}k{e to }i{t

{Hor. }Tus{h, }t{ush, }'t{will not }{appear}{e

Bar. }
S{it }dow{ne }a-whil{e,
And }
{let }v{s o}n{ce }{againe }as{sai}le{ your }{eare}s{,
That }
{are }so {for}tifie{d again}s{t our }Story,
{What}{ we}{ two }{Night}s{ haue seene}{

Hor. }
{Well, }si{t we }{downe}{,
And let vs }
{heare }{Barnardo }{speake }{of this}{

Barn. }
L{ast}{ night}{ of }a{ll,}{
e{n yo}{nd s}a{me }{Sta}r{re th}at{'s }W{est}w{ard} from{ the }Pole
H{ad }m{ade} {his }c{our}{se }t' {ill}um{e that} {par}{t of }He{aue}n{
re{ now }{it }burn{es, }{Marcellus}{ and }{my }{selfe}{,
B{ell}{ the}n{ be}{ati}{ng }o{ne

{Mar. }Pe{ace}{, b}r{eake t}{hee }of:{
Enter }
{the }Gho{st.

L{ook}e{ wh}{ere }{it }{come}s{ againe}{

Barn. }
In{ the }{same }fig{ure},{ li}k{e the King}{ that's }d{ead}{

Mar. }
T{hou} {art }a{ Sc}{hol}ler;{ speake to it}{ Horatio}{

Barn. L}
{ooke}s{ it }{not l}{ike the King}?{ Mar}ke{ it Horatio

{Hora}.{ Mo}s{t like}: I{t h}{arr}ow{es }{me }w{ith }f{ear}{ & }w{ond}er
{ Barn. I}{t w}ou{ld }b{e s}po{ke to}o{

Mar. }
Qu{est}{ion }{it Horatio

{. What}{ art }t{hou }{that }vsurp'st{ this t}im{e of }n{ight,
o{get}{her}{ with }{that }Fai{re }{and }War{like }{for}me
{In }{whi}{ch the }M{aies}ty{ of }{bur}{ied }Denm{arke}
D{id }s{ome}{time}{s m}{arc}h: By{ Heauen}{ I }c{har}g{e thee }{speake}{

Mar. }
I{t is }off{end}ed{

Barn. }
Se{e, }{it }stal{kes }away{

Hor. }
{Sta}y:{ speake}{; speake}{: I} C{harge thee},{ speake}{.

Exit }
{the Ghost.

{ Mar. }{'Tis }g{one}{, and }{will not a}{nswer}{

Barn. H}
{ow }{now }{Horatio}?{ You }{tre}mb{le }& l{ook }pale:
Is{ not }{this }{somet}{hing }mo{re the}n{ Fantasie}?{
What }
{thinke }{you }on't{?
Hor. }
B{efore }{my }God,{ I }m{ight }{not this }{belee}ue{
ou{t the }sensi{ble }{and }tr{ue }au{ouch}
Of{ min}{e o}{wne }{eyes}{

Mar. I}
{s it not like the King?}{
Hor. A}
s{ thou }{art t}{o th}{y selfe,
S{uch }wa{s the} very Arm{our h}e{ had }on{,
When }
th' Amb{itio}{us }No{rwe}y{ com}ba{tte}d:
So{ fro}wn{'d }{he }{once}{, wh}{en }in{ an}{ an}g{ry }{par}{le
{e s}mo{t the s}led{ded }P{olla}x{ on}{ the }Ic{e.
{'Tis }{str}{ang}e{

Mar. Th}
{us }{twice }b{efore}{, and }iu{st }a{t this }{dead}{ houre},{
With }
{Mar}ti{all}{ stalke},{ hath }he{ gone} by{ our }{Watch}{

Hor. }
{In wh}{at part}icular{ thou}{ght }{to w}ork{, I }kn{ow no}t:
B{ut }i{n the }{gro}ss{e and }{sco}pe{ of my }Opini{on,
T{his b}o{ade}{s some}{ strange} errup{tion }{to }{our St}{ate}{

Mar. }
G{ood n}{ow s}{it downe},{ & }t{ell }{me }h{e that }{know}{es
W{hy }{this s}a{me str}ict{ and m}{ost }obseru{ant}{ Watch,}{
So }
{night}{ly }toyle{s the }subiect{ of th}e{ La}n{d,
And }
w{hy s}{uch }day{ly }C{ast }{of }Braz{on }Cannon{
And }
{For}raigne{ Mart}{ for} Imple{men}t{s of }w{arre}:{
Why }
{such }imp{res}s{e of }Ship-wr{ights}{, who}{se s}{ore }Tas{ke
{o's }{not }diuid{e the }S{und}{ay }{from the }weeke{,
What }
{might }b{e to}{ward},{ that }{this s}w{eat}y{ hast}{
{th }m{ake the}{ Night} ioynt-Lab{oure}{r with th}e{ day}{:
{o i}s't{ that }ca{n in}{forme}{ me}{?
Hor. }
T{hat can }I{,
{t le}as{t the }{whi}{spe}r{ go}{es so}: O{ur }l{ast }{King}{,
{ose }Ima{ge e}{uen }{but }{now }{appear'd }{to }{vs,
W{as }({as }{you }{know}){ by }F{orti}nbra{s of }{Norw}{ay,}
({There}{to }p{ric}k'{d on}{ by }a{ most }em{ula}te{ Pri}de)
D{ar'd to }{the }C{ombat}e{. In wh}i{ch, }{our }Vali{ant }{Hamlet}{,
{For }s{o this }s{ide }{of }{our }{know}{ne }{wor}{ld }{est}eem'{d him}){
Did s}
la{y this }{Fortinbras}{: who}{ by a }Seal{'d }{Com}pac{t,
{Well} {rati}{fied }{by }Law{, and }Heraldr{ie,
{Did }{for}fei{te }({with }{his }life){ all}{ tho}s{e his }{Land}{s
{ich }{he s}t{ood }seiz{'d on},{ to the Co}nqueror:
A{gainst }{the whi}{ch, }{a Mo}it{y com}pet{ent}{
Was }
g{aged}{ by our }{King}:{ which }{had }{ret}{urn}'d{
{ the I}n{her}i{tan}{ce of }{Fortinbras},{
Had }
{he }b{in }Va{nqu}ish{er, }{as }by{ the same }Cou'n{ant}{
And }
c{arr}i{age }{of the }A{rtic}{le }{des}{igne}{,
{is }f{ell t}o{ Hamlet}{. No}{w si}{r, }{you}{ng }{Fortinbras,
{Of }vn{impr}{oue}{d M}ettl{e, h}o{t and }{full}{,
{th }{in the }skirt{s of Norway,}{ he}e{re and }{there}{,
{har}{k'd }vp{ a }Li{st of }{Land}l{esse }Resol{utes},
{For }F{ood}{e and }Diet{, to }{some }{Enter}{pri}ze{
That }
{hath }a{ sto}ma{cke }i{n't}{: which }{is no} o{ther}
({And }{it do}{th }w{ell }{appeare}{ vn}{to our State}){
But }
{to }re{cou}{er }{of vs}{ by }{stro}{ng }h{and
{And }{ter}{mes }{Comp}uls{ati}{ue, }{those }{fore}{sai}d{ Lands
S{o by }{his F}a{ther }l{ost}:{ and th}{is }(I{ take }it){
Is }
{the m}{aine }Mo{tiue}{ of our }Pre{par}{atio}n{s,
{ So}{urse }{of this }{our Watch},{ and the}{ ch}{eefe }h{ead
O{f this }p{ost}-{hast}{, and }Ro{mage }{in the }{Land}{.
Enter }
{Ghost}{ againe}{.

{But }sof{t, }be{hold}:{ Lo}{e, whe}{re it comes againe}{:
{le }c{rosse }it,{ though}{ it b}{last }me{. Stay} I{llus}{ion}{:
f{ thou }{hast}{ an}{y s}{ound}{, o}r{ vs}{e of }Voyc{e,
{peake to }{me. }{If th}{ere }be{ any }{good }{thing }{to be}{ do}ne{,
That }
{may }{to the}{e do}{ ea}s{e, and }gr{ace}{ to me}{; speak}{ to me.}{
If thou }
{art }{pri}uy{ to thy }{Cou}{ntr}{ies}{ Fat}e
({Which h}{app}i{ly }{fore}{know}{ing m}{ay a}uoyd) Oh{ speake.
O{r, }i{f thou hast }vp-hoor{ded }{in th}y{ life}{
{tor}{ted }T{rea}{sur}{e in the }w{omb}{e of }E{art}h{,
(For }
{which, }{the}{y s}{ay, }{you }Spi{rit}{s of}{t w}{alke}{ in }{dea}th){
Speake }
{of }it{. Stay}{, and speake}{. St}op{ it }{Marcellus

Mar. }
{Sha}{ll }I{ stri}{ke at }{it w}{ith }{my }P{arti}zan{?
Hor. }
Do{, if }{it wi}{ll not }s{tand}{

Barn. }
{'Tis }{heere}{

Hor. }
{'Tis heere

{Mar. 'Tis gone}{.

Exit }

W{e do }{it w}{rong}{, be}{ing }{so }{Maiest}ic{all}{
To }
{offe}r {it the }{she}w{ of V}i{ole}{nce,}{
For }
i{t is }{as the }Ay{re, }invuln{era}b{le,
And }
{our }v{aine }bl{owes},{ ma}lic{ious }Mo{cke}ry{

Barn. I}
t{ was }{abou}{t to }{speake}{, when }{the Co}{cke }crew{

Hor. }
A{nd the}n{ it sta}{rted}{, like }a guilty{ thing}
V{pon }a{ fear}{full}{ Su}mm{ons}{. I haue }{hear}d{,
The }
{Cocke }t{hat is }t{he Tr}u{mpet}{ to the }d{ay,
{Doth }{with his l}{oft}y{ and s}hr{ill}-{sound}{ing }Thro{ate
Aw{ake the }{God}{ of }D{ay: }{and }{at h}{is }{war}n{ing,
{ether }{in }{Sea}{, or }Fi{re, in}{ Earth,}{ or }{Ayre,}{
' ex{tra}u{aga}n{t, and }e{rring}{ Spirit}{, h}{yes
{To }{his }{Con}f{ine.}{ And }{of the }{tru}{th he}{ere}i{n,
This }
{pres}{ent} O{biect }{made }{pro}b{ation}{

Mar. It }
f{aded }{on the }{cro}{wing }{of the }{Cocke}.{
{me s}a{yes, }{that }e{uer }'{gainst th}{at }{Sea}s{on come}s{
{in }{our S}aui{ours} Bir{ch is }{cel}e{bra}{ted,}{
The B}
ir{d of Da}wn{ing s}{ing}e{th a}{ll n}{ight }{long}:
{And then }({they say}){ no }{Spirit}{ can }{walke }ab{roa}{d,
The }
n{ights }{are }{who}l{some},{ then }{no }Planets{ strike},
No{ Fai}{ery }{talkes},{ no}{r W}it{ch ha}{th }po{wer }{to }{Char}me{:
So }
{hall}ow'd{, and s}o{ grac}{ious }{is the }{time}{

Hor. S}
o{ haue }I{ heard,}{ and }{do i}n{ part }{beleeue}{ it.}{
But }
{look}{e, the}{ Mo}rn{e in }Ru{sse}{t ma}nt{le c}l{ad,
W{alkes }o'{re the}{ de}{w of }y{on }h{igh}{ Ea}{ste}{rne }Hi{ll,
B{reake }we{ our Watch}{ vp}{, and }{by }{my }adu{ice}
L{et vs }{imp}{art }w{hat we }{haue seene }{to night
V{nto }y{ong }{Hamlet. }{For }{vpon }m{y life}{,
This }
{Spirit }dum{be to}{ vs, }{will }{speake to }{him}:{
{ you }c{ons}{ent }w{e sh}{all }acqu{ain}t{ him }{with }{it,}
A{s n}eed{full }{in our }L{oue}{s, }fit{ting o}{ur }Duty?{
Mar. }
{Let }do{'t }I{ pr}{ay, and }I{ this }mo{rning}{ know}{
Where }
{we shall }{fin}{de hi}m{ most c}on{uen}i{ent}ly{.


Sc{ena }Sec{unda}{.

Enter }
Clau{diu}s{ King }{of D}{enmarke}, Ger{tru}{de the }Qu{eene},{ Hamlet,
La{ert}{es, and }{his S}i{ster}{ Op}he{lia},{ Lo}rds At{ten}dan{t.

{King}{. Thou}{gh }yet{ of Hamlet}{ our }d{eere }Br{other}s{ death}{
The }
me{mor}y{ be }gr{eene}{: and th}{at it }{vs b}e{fitt}e{d
To }
b{eare }{our he}a{rts }{in }{gree}f{e, and }{our }{whol}{e King}d{ome}{
To be}
{ con}{tra}ct{ed in }{one b}{row}{ of w}o{e:
Yet{ so f}{arre }{hath }Dis{cre}{tion }f{ought }{with }Natur{e,
That }
w{e with }wis{est }{sor}{row }{thinke }{on hi}m{,
Together with }
r{eme}mbr{ance of }{our sel}{ues}.{
Therefore }
{our s}{ometimes }{Sister},{ now }{our }{Queene,}{
Th' }
{imp}{eri}{all I}{oynt}{resse of }t{his war}{like }{State}{,
u{e we}{, as }'tw{ere,}{ with }a{ de}f{eated }{ioy}{,
With }
{one }Ausp{icious}{, and o}{ne }Dro{ppi}{ng }ey{e,
With }
m{irt}{h in }Fu{nera}{ll, }{and wi}{th Di}r{ge in }M{arriage},{
In }
e{qua}{ll S}{cal}{e we}{igh}{ing }D{eli}{ght }{and D}{ole
T{ake}{n to }W{ife};{ nor }h{aue we}{ heerein} b{arr}{'d
Y{our }be{tter }W{ise}{dome}{s, wh}{ich ha}{ue }f{ree}ly{ gone}{
With }
{this }aff{aire a}l{ong, }{for }{all }{our }T{hankes}.
{Now }fol{lowes, }{that }{you know}{ young Fortinbras,
H{oldi}{ng a}{ we}{ake }sup{pos}{all o}{f our }{wor}th;{
{ think}{ing }{by our }{late }{deere Brothers death}{,
{ur State}{ to be d}is{ioynt}{, and ou}{t of }Fra{me,
C{olle}ag{ued }{with the d}{rea}m{e of hi}{s A}d{uant}{age};{
He }
{hath }{not }fayl{'d to }pe{ster }{vs }{with }M{ess}{age,
mp{ortin}g{ the su}{rre}{nder}{ of th}{ose }{Lands
L{ost }{by his Father}:{ with a}{ll }Bo{nds }{of La}w{
To o}
{ur }{most }v{aliant }{Brother}{. So }{much }{for }{him}{.
Enter }
Voltem{and a}n{d Co}{rne}li{us.

{Now fo}r{ our sel}{fe, and }f{or this }{time of }{meet}{ing
{Thus }{much th}{e b}{usi}n{esse }is{. We}{ haue he}{ere w}{rit}{
To }
{Norway, }Vn{cle }{of yo}{ung Fortinbras,
{Who }{Impo}{tent}{ and }Bedri{d, }sca{rse}{ly }{heare}s{
Of this }
{his N}e{phe}{wes }pur{pos}e{, to s}{upp}{resse}{
His f}
ur{ther }g{ate }{heerein}{. In th}a{t the }Leuie{s,
The }
{List}{s, and }{full }{pro}{porti}{ons}{ are }{all }{made}{
t{ of his }{subiect}{: and }{we heere}{ dis}p{atch
Y{ou good }{Cornelius}{, and }{you }{Voltemand}{,
For }
{bear}{ing of th}{is gr}{eeting}{ to o}ld{ Norway,
Giu{ing to }{you }{no }{further }{per}{son}{all }{power}{
To b}
{usinesse }{with the }{King,}{ more then }{the s}{cope}{
Of th}
{ese}{ di}l{ated }{Article}s {allow}:
F{are}we{ll, and }{let }{your h}a{st co}mme{nd you}{r d}{uty}{

{Volt}{. In that}{, and }{all th}{ing}{s, will }w{e shew o}{ur duty

{King. }{We do}ubt{ it not}h{ing, }{heart}{ily f}{arewell}{.

Exit }
{Voltemand and Cornelius.

{And }{now }{Laertes, }w{hat's }{the }n{ewes }{with }{you?
{You t}{old }v{s of }{some s}ui{te. }W{hat is}{'t }{Laertes}{?
You }
c{anno}t{ speake of }R{eason }{to the Dane}{,
And l}
o{ose }{your }v{oyce}{. What }{would}{'st th}{ou }beg{ Laertes,}{
That }
{shall }{not }b{e my }O{ffer},{ not th}y Ask{ing?
{The }H{ead }i{s not }{more }N{atiue}{ to the }H{eart}{,
The }
H{and mo}{re in}{str}u{ment}a{ll to }{the Mo}u{th,
T{hen i}{s the T}{hro}{ne of }{Denmarke}{ to thy }{Father}.
{What would'st thou }{haue }{Laertes?
{ Laer}{. D}{read}{ my }{Lord},{
Your }
l{eaue}{ and f}{auou}r{ to re}{turn}{e to }{Franc}{e,
{rom }{when}ce{, though }{will}{ing}{ly }I{ ca}m{e to }{Denmarke
{To }{shew }{my }{duty}{ in }{your }{Cor}{ona}t{ion,
{Yet }{now }I{ mu}{st con}f{esse}{, that }{duty }{done,
My{ thought}s{ and wi}{she}{s be}n{d againe to}{ward}s{ France,
{And }b{ow th}em{ to you}r{ gracious }{leaue and }p{ardo}n{

King. }
{Haue you }y{our Fa}{thers }{leaue}{?
What }
{sayes}{ Poll}{onius}{?
{Pol}{. He}{ hath }{my Lord}:
I{ do }b{ese}ech{ you g}{iue }{him }{leaue }{to }go{

King. }
T{ake th}{y fa}{ire }{houre}{ Laertes, }{time }b{e thi}{ne,
And }
{thy }b{est }{grace}s{ spe}{nd it }a{t thy }{will}{:
But }
{now }m{y Co}{sin}{ Hamlet,}{ and my }Sonn{e?
am{. A }li{ttle}{ more then }{kin}{, and le}{sse }{then kin}de{

King. H}
{ow i}s{ it th}{at the }Cloud{s st}{ill }{han}{g on}{ you?
{Ham. }{Not }{so }{my Lord,}{ I am }to{o much }i'{th' }Su{n

{Queen}{. Good }{Hamlet }c{ast th}y{ nightly }c{olo}u{r of}f{,
And let }
{thine}{ eye}{ looke}{ like a }{Friend}{ on }{Denmarke}.{
Do }
{not f}{or }{euer }{with th}y veyl{ed }li{ds
{eeke}{ for th}y{ No}{ble }{Father }{in the }d{ust};
{Thou }{know}{'st }{'tis }{comm}{on, }{all th}at{ liue}s{ must }d{ye,
Pass{ing th}r{ough }{Nature,}{ to }E{tern}i{ty

{Ham. }I{ Ma}dam,{ it is }{common}{

Queen. }
I{f it }b{e;
{Why s}eem{es it }{so }{particular }{with the}e{

Ham. }
S{eemes }{Madam}?{ Nay}{, it is}:{ I know not}{ Seemes}:
{'Tis no}t{ alon}{e my }Inky{ Clo}{ake }({good M}{other}){
{r C}u{stoma}ry{ suite}{s of so}lem{ne }Bl{acke},{
Nor }
w{ind}{y su}{spi}{ration}{ of }{for}c{'d }{brea}{th,
No{, nor }{the }fr{uit}{full }Riu{er in the }Ey{e,
Nor }
{the de}{iect}{ed h}{auiour}{ of the }Vi{sage,
{Together with }{all }F{orme}{s, M}{ood}{s, }s{hewes }{of }G{rie}f{e,
That }
{can }de{not}{e me}{ tru}{ly.}{ Th}{ese }{inde}{ed }{Seeme}{,
For }
{they }{are a}c{tions }{that }a{ man}{ might }pl{ay:
{But }{I haue }{that }{With}{in, }{which }pa{sset}h{ sh}ow{;
e{se, }b{ut the }Tra{pping}s{, and the }S{uites of }{woe}{

King. }
{'Tis s}w{eet }{and }{commend}{able}{
In }
{your }{Nature}{ Hamlet,
{To }g{iue the}s{e mo}u{rning }{dut}{ies }{to your }{Father:}{
But }
{you }{must }{know},{ your Father}{ lost}{ a F}{ather}{,
That }
{Father lost},{ lost }{his}{, and the Su}{rui}{uer }b{ound
{In }fil{iall }Ob{lig}{ation,}{ for }{some }{terme}{
To }
{do }{obse}qu{ious }S{orrow}. {But to }{pers}{euer}{
In }
{obs}{tin}{ate }C{ond}o{lement},{ is a}{ course}{
Of }
{imp}{ious }stubb{orn}{nesse}{. 'Tis }v{nma}n{ly g}{reefe,}
It{ shewes }a{ will }{most }inc{orr}{ect }{to H}{eauen}{,
{ Heart}{ vnfo}{rtified}{, a M}{inde }{impa}t{ient}{,
{ Vn}{der}{stand}{ing si}{mple}{, and }vnschoo{l'd}:{
,{ what we }{know }{must }b{e, and i}{s as }{common
As{ any }{the m}{ost v}ulgar{ thing to }s{ence,
{Why s}h{ould }we{ in our }pee{uish} O{ppos}{ition}{
{ it t}o{ heart}? F{ye,}{ 'tis }a{ fau}l{t to Heauen,
A }
{fault }a{gainst the }D{ead},{ a fault to }{Nature,
o{ Reason }{most }ab{sur}d{, whose }{common}{ The}a{me
{s death}{ of F}{athers}{, and w}{ho }{still ha}{th }c{ried}{,
From }
{the f}i{rst}{ Co}{arse}{, ti}{ll h}{e that }{dye}{d to }{day,
{This }{must be}{ so}{. We }{pray}{ you }{thro}w{ to }{eart}h{
This }
vn{pre}u{ayl}{ing }woe{, and th}{inke o}{f vs}{
As }
{of a}{ Father};{ For }{let th}{e world }{take }{note}{,
{are the}{ most i}{mme}di{ate to }{our Th}ro{ne,
And }
{with }{no }{lesse }{Nob}{ili}{ty of }{Loue}{,
Then }
{that }{which }{deere}s{t Father }{beare}{s his }{Sonne}{,
{ I }{impart }{towards }{you}{. For }{your }in{tent
{In }go{ing b}{acke }{to }S{chool}{e in }W{itte}nberg{,
It }
{is mo}{st }{ret}ro{gra}d{e to our }{desi}{re:
A{nd we }{beseech you},{ bend }{you t}{o re}{maine}
H{eere }{in the }c{heere and }{com}{fort}{ of our }{eye,
{Our }{cheefe}{st Co}{urt}i{er C}{osin}{, and our }{Sonne}{

{. Let }{not thy }{Mother}{ los}{e he}{r Pr}{aye}{rs }{Hamlet}{:
I }
pry{thee s}{tay }w{ith vs, }g{o not }{to Wi}{ttenberg}{

Ham. I }
{shall }{in a}{ll m}{y best}
Obe{y you }{Madam}{

King. W}
{hy }{'tis a }{lou}{ing, }{and a}{ faire }Repl{y,
B{e as}{ our selfe}{ in }{Denmarke.}{ Madam}{ come,
{This }ge{ntle }{and vn}{forc'd }ac{cor}d{ of Hamlet
S{its }smil{ing to }m{y hear}t;{ in gr}{ace }{where}of{,
No }
ioc{ond }{hea}l{th that }{Denmarke }dr{inke}s{ to day,
B{ut the }g{reat}{ Cannon}{ to the C}{low}{ds s}{hall }{tell}{,
And th}
{e King}s Rouc{e, the }{Heauen}{s shall }b{ruit}{e againe},
Re{speak}{ing e}{arth}{ly }Thu{nder}.{ Com}e{ away}{.


M{anet}{ Hamlet.}
Ham. }
Oh {that this }{too }{too }{sol}id F{les}h,{ would }mel{t,
{w, and }r{esolu}{e it }{selfe in}{to }a{ De}w:{
Or th}
{at the }E{uer}{last}i{ng ha}d{ not f}ixt{
His }
{Cannon }{'gainst }S{elfe}-sla{ught}e{r. O }{God, }{O God}!
{How }w{ear}{y, }{stal}{e, }fl{at, and }{vnpr}ofit{able
{Seemes }{to me}{ all th}e{ vse}{s of this }{world}?
F{ie o}{n't?}{ Oh }{fie},{ fie, }{'tis a}n{ vn}{wee}{ded }G{ard}en{
That }
g{rowes }{to S}{eed}:{ Th}{ings }{ran}k{, and gr}{osse i}n{ Nature}
P{osse}{sse it}{ mee}re{ly. Th}{at it }{should }{come }{to this}{:
But }
{two }{mon}th{s dead}:{ Nay, }n{ot so m}{uch};{ not t}wo{,
So }
ex{cell}{ent a}{ King, }{that w}a{s to this}{
{peri}{on to }a Saty{re:}{ so }{louing}{ to my }{Mother}{,
That }
{he mi}{ght not }bet{eene t}{he w}{inde}{s of }h{eauen
{Vis}it{ her }f{ace to}{o r}{ough}{ly. }{Heauen }{and }{Earth}
M{ust }I{ rememb}{er: w}{hy sh}e{ would }{hang on }{him,
{As }if {enc}{reas}{e of }Appet{ite }{had }{grow}{ne
By{ what is }f{ed on};{ and y}e{t with}{in a}{ month}?{
Let }
me{ not thi}{nke on}{'t: }{Fra}{ilty},{ thy n}{ame }{is wo}m{an.
{A little }M{onth}{, or }e{re th}{ose s}{hoo}{es w}{ere }{old,
{With }{which }{she }{followe}{d my }po{ore }{Fathers }body
L{ike }Nio{be, a}{ll te}{ares}{. Why }{she},{ euen }{she}.
(O{ Heauen}!{ A }b{east th}{at wa}{nts }d{isco}{urse of }{Reason}
W{ould ha}u{e mourn}'d{ long}{er)}{ mar}{ried }{with m}{ine }Vnkl{e,
My }
{Fathers }{Brother}:{ but no}{ more }{like }my{ Father,
{en I }{to He}r{cul}{es. W}{ithin a }{Mon}e{th?
E{re }y{et the }s{alt}{ of m}{ost v}n{right}e{ous }T{eares
{Had }lef{t the }flush{ing of }{her ga}u{led }{eyes,}
S{he ma}{rried}{. O }{most }w{icke}{d spe}{ed, }{to p}{ost}{
With }
{such d}ext{erit}{y to }I{nce}{stu}{ous s}{hee}t{s:
{It is }{not}{, nor }{it can}{not }{come to }{good}{.
But }
{breake }{my heart}{, for }{I must }{hold }m{y to}ngue{.
Enter Horatio}
,{ Barnardo},{ and Marcellus.

{Hor. }H{aile }{to your }{Lords}hip{

Ham. I }
{am }glad{ to se}{e you }{well}:
{Horatio, }{or I }d{o for}{get }{my selfe}{

Hor. T}
{he same }{my Lord,
A{nd your }{poore }S{eruant }{euer
Ham. S}
ir{ my }{good }f{riend},{
Ile c}
h{ange }{that }{name }{with you}{:
And w}
{hat ma}{ke you }{from }{Wittenberg}{ Horatio?}

Mar. }
M{y good }{Lord}{

Ham. I am }
{very }{glad to see you}:{ good }{euen }{Sir}{.
But }
{what i}n{ fai}{th make }{you from Witte}{mber}g{e?
Hor. A }
t{ruant }{disp}{osition}{, good}{ my Lord}{

Ham. I }
{would }{not }h{aue you}r Enem{y say}{ so};{
Nor }
{shall }{you do}e{ mine }{eare th}{at v}{iolence,
{To }m{ake it t}ru{ster }{of you}r{ owne }re{port}{
Against }
{your selfe}.{ I know }y{ou are }{no }T{ruant}:{
But what i}
s{ your }{affaire }{in E}l{sen}{our}?
Wee'{l tea}{ch you }{to d}{rinke}{ dee}p{e, e}r{e you }d{epar}{t

Hor. }
M{y Lord, I }{came to }{see you}{r Fathers }{Funerall}{

Ham. I }
{pray }{thee do}e{ not mo}ck{ me }({fell}{ow }Stu{den}{t)
{ thinke }i{t was to }{see }{my Mother}{s We}dd{ing

{Hor. In}{deed }{my Lord, }it{ followed }h{ard }{vpon}{

Ham. }
{Thr}i{ft th}{rift }{Horatio}:{ the }{Funerall}{ Ba}kt-m{eat}s{
Did }
{cold}{ly f}{urni}s{h for}t{h the Ma}{rriage }T{able}s;{
Would }
I{ had }m{et my }d{eares}{t fo}{e in }h{eauen,
E{re I ha}d{ euer }{seene t}{hat d}{ay }{Horatio}.{
My }
f{ather,}{ me t}h{inkes }I{ see my }{father}{

Hor. }
Oh{ where }{my Lord}{?
Ham. }
I{n my }{min}{ds }{eye }({Horatio}){
Hor. }
{I s}aw{ him }{once};{ he }{was a}{ good}{ly }{King

{Ham. }H{e was a }{man},{ take h}{im }{for all }{in all}{:
I }
{shall not }{look }{vpon }{his li}ke{ againe

{Hor. My Lord, I }{thinke I }{saw him }y{ester}{night

{Ham. S}aw?{ Who}{?
Hor. }
{My Lord, }{the King}{ your Father}{

Ham. Th}
{e King }{my Father}{?
Hor. }
{Season }{your a}dm{iration }{for a} {while}{
With }
{an a}t{tent }{eare};{ till }I{ may }d{eliu}{er
{Vpon }{the wi}tn{esse of th}{ese }G{entle}me{n,
This }
{mar}u{ell to }{you}{

Ham. }
{For }{Heauens }l{oue }l{et me }h{eare

{Hor. T}wo{ nights }t{ogether},{ had }{these Gentlemen}
({Marcellus and }{Barnardo}){ on the}i{r Watch
{In the }{dead }w{ast an}{d m}iddl{e of the }{night
B{eene th}{us }{enc}{ountr}{ed. }A{ figure}{ like }{your Father}{,
r{m'd }{at a}{ll po}i{nts }exact{ly,}{ Ca}{p a }P{e,
{ppeare}s{ before}{ them}{, and with }s{olle}{mne }{march}
G{oes s}{low }{and s}{tate}ly{: By }{them t}{hri}ce{ he wa}lk{t,
{By the}{ir }o{ppres}{t and f}{eare}-{surp}{rize}{d eyes,
{Within }{his }{Tru}n{che}{ons }{len}gt{h; }{whil}{st the}{y best}il'd
Al{most }{to I}e{lly }{with the }A{ct of }{feare}{,
{tand }{dumbe }{and speake }{not to }{him.} T{his to} {me
In }
{dread}{full }se{cre}cie{ impart t}{hey }di{d,
And I }
{with the}{m the }{thi}{rd }{Night }kep{t the }{Watch,
{Where}{as the}y{ had }{deliuer}{'d b}o{th in t}i{me,
m{e of the }{thing}; {each }w{ord }{made }{true a}{nd g}{ood}{,
The }
{Apparition come}s{. I kn}ew{ your Father:
{These }{hand}s{ are no}t{ more like}{

Ham. }
{But wh}{ere w}a{s this}{?
Mar. }
{My Lord}{ vpon }{the }p{lat}{forme }w{here we }{watch}{t

Ham. }
{Did }{you no}t{ speake to it}{?
Hor. My Lord, }
I{ did};{
But }
{answer}e{ made }{it no}{ne: }{yet o}{nce }{me th}{ought}{
It }
l{ift}e{d vp }{it he}a{d, and d}{id }add{resse
I{t selfe }{to m}o{tion, }{like a}{s it }{would }{speake:}{
But }
{euen }{then}{, the Morn}{ing }{Cocke crew} {lowd};{
And }
{at the }{sound}{ it sh}{run}{ke in }{hast a}{way,
{And }va{nish}t{ from }{our s}{ight

Ham. }
{Tis v}{ery }{strange

{Hor. As }I{ doe }{liue }{my h}o{nour}{d Lord}{ 'tis }{true};{
And we }
di{d thinke }{it wr}{it downe }{in our }{duty
To{ let you}{ know }{of it}{

Ham. I}
{ndeed},{ indeed S}irs;{ but th}{is tr}ou{bles}{ me.
{Hold}{ you th}e{ watch t}{o Night}{?
{oth}{. We do}e{ my Lord

Ham. }
{Arm'd},{ say }{you?
{Both. }{Arm'd, }{my Lord

Ham. }
{From t}op{ to t}oe{?
Both. }
{My Lord, }{from }{head}{ to }foote{

Ham. The}
n{ saw }{you not }{his }{face}{?
Hor. }
O {yes, }{my Lord, }{he wor}{e his }B{eaue}{r vp}{

Ham. }
{What, }{look}{t he }{frown}{ingly}{?
Hor. A }
{count}en{ance }{more in}{ sorrow th}{en in an}g{er

Ham. }
P{ale, }{or }{red}{?
Hor. }
{Nay }{very }{pale}{

Ham. A}
{nd f}ix{t his }{eyes}{ vpon you}{?
Hor. M}
{ost con}{stan}{tly}{

Ham. I would }
{I had }b{eene the}{re

Hor. }
{It would }{haue m}{uch }amaz{'d you}{

Ham. }
V{ery }{like},{ very }{like: }{sta}i{d it }{long}{?
Hor. }
W{hile}{ one }{with m}oder{ate h}{ast m}{ight }{tell }a {hund}r{ed

All{. Long}{er, }{longer}{

Hor. }
{Not }w{hen I }{saw}'{t

Ham. }
H{is Bea}r{d was} gris{ly?}{ no}{

Hor. It w}
as{, as }{I haue seene }i{t in }{his life}{,
A }
S{able}{ Si}l{uer'd}{

Ham. I}
l{e watch to Night};{ per}{chan}{ce }{'twill }{wake }{againe

Hor. }
I{ warr}{ant }{you }{it will}{

Ham. I}
{f it }assu{me my }n{oble Father}s{ person}{,
Ile }
{speake to it}{, though }H{ell }{it selfe }{should }gape{
And b}
id{ me h}{old my }p{eace}{. I pray }{you a}{ll,
{If you }{haue h}i{ther}{to }c{once}al{d this }{sight};{
Let }
{it be}{e tr}eb{le in }{your s}i{lence}{ still}{:
And what}
so{euer }el{s shall }hap{ to night}{,
{e it }{an vn}{derstanding }{but no }{tongue};
I{ will }r{equi}t{e your }{loue}{s; }{so far}{e ye}{ well:
{Vpon the }P{latforme }{twi}{xt }ele{uen and }{twelue,}{
Ile }
v{isit }{you

{All. }O{ur duty}{ to your }H{onour}{.


Ham. }
Y{our loue}{, as }m{ine to }{you: }{farewell.
{My Fathers }{Spirit }{in }A{rmes}?{ All}{ is not }{well:
I{ doubt }{some }f{oul}e{ play:}{ would }t{he Night }{were }{come};
Ti{ll then }s{it st}i{ll my }s{oule};{ foule }{deed}s{ will r}is{e,
{ough }{all the }{earth}{ or}e{whe}lm{ them to }m{ens }ei{es.

Scena }

Enter }
{Laertes}{ and }{Ophelia}{.

{Laer. }{My }nec{essa}{ries }{are }imb{ark'}{t; }{Farewell}{:
And }
{Sister, }{as the }W{inds }{giue }B{ene}f{it,
{nd Co}nuoy{ is as}si{stant};{ doe not }sl{eepe,}{
But l}
{et me heare}{ from }{you

{Ophel}{. Do}{e you d}{oubt }{that}{?
Laer. }
{For H}{amlet, and }{the t}{rif}l{ing of h}{is fa}{uour}{s,
{ it a}{ fa}sh{ion }{and a }to{y in }B{loud}{e;
{ Viole}{t in the }y{outh}{ of }{Prim}y{ Nature};{
{ward, }{not }{per}{man}e{nt; }{sweet }{not l}{asting}{
The }
{supp}{lian}{ce of }a{ minute}?{ No}{ more}{

Ophel. }
{No more}{ but }s{o

{Laer. }T{hinke it }{no more}{:
n{ature }c{ress}{ant d}{oes }{not }{grow}{ alone},{
In the}
w{es and }Bul{ke: }{but }a{s his }Te{mple}{ wa}x{es,
The }
in{ward }{seru}ic{e of the }{Minde }{and }S{oule}
G{rowes }w{ide }{with}a{ll. }Per{hap}{s he}{ loues}{ you no}w,{
And now }
n{o so}yle{ nor }cau{tell }{doth }{bes}m{erch}{
The }
{ver}tu{e of his }{feare}{: but }{you must }{feare}{
His }
{great}{nesse w}{eigh}{'d, }{his w}i{ll is not }{his o}{wne};{
For }
{hee }{him}{selfe i}{s subiect}{ to hi}{s Bir}th:{
{ may }{not, }a{s vn}{uall}{ued }{person}s{ doe},
C{arue}{ for him}{selfe}{; fo}{r, }{on his }ch{oyce}{ dep}{ends}{
The s}
{anc}ti{ty and }{health }{of the }{whole }{State}.{
And the}
{refore }{must h}{is choyce }{be c}ircumscrib{'d
{Vnto }{the v}{oyce }{and ye}e{lding }{of th}{at }Body{,
{of he}{ is the }{Head}{. Then }i{f he }{sayes }{he loues you}{,
It }
f{its }{your }w{isedome}{ so farre }{to be}{leeue it};{
As }
he{ in his }pecu{lia}r{ Sec}t{ and for}ce
M{ay }{giue hi}{s sa}y{ing d}{eed: }{which is no }{further}{,
Then th}
{e maine }{voyce }{of Denmarke }{goes }{withall.}{
Then }
{weigh}{t what }l{osse }{your Honour}{ may }su{stai}{ne,
f{ with t}oo{ cre}d{ent eare}{ you }li{st his }S{ong}s{;
Or }
l{ose your }H{eart; }{or your }c{hast }{Treasure }op{en
{o his }{vnma}s{tred}{ imp}o{rtu}{nity}.
F{eare }{it }{Ophelia, }f{eare it }{my deare}{ Sister,}{
And }
k{eepe}{ within }{the }r{eare o}{f your }Affe{ction};{
Out of }
{the s}{hot and }d{anger}{ of De}{sire}{.
{ char}{iest}{ Mai}{d is }Prodig{all }{enou}gh{,
If }
{she }{vnmas}k{e her }b{eau}t{y to the}{ Moo}{ne:
V{ertue }{it selfe s}c{ape}{s not }calumn{ious st}r{oake}{s,
The }
C{anke}r G{all}{s, the }Infa{nts of }{the S}p{ring
Too{ oft }{before the}{ but}t{ons }{be dis}c{los}'{d,
And }
{in the }{Morne }{and l}i{qui}d{ dew of }Y{outh,
{Con}tag{ious }{blast}{ments }{are }{most imm}i{nent}.{
Be }
w{ary }{then, }{best }safet{y li}e{s in }{feare};
{Youth}{ to it }{selfe }{reb}e{ls, th}{ough }{none}{ els}{e ne}e{re

{. I shall }{th' }e{ffect}{ of this g}{ood L}{ess}{on }k{eepe,
As{ watch}{men to }{my heart}{: but }{good my }{Brother}
D{oe not }a{s some }vn{gracious }P{ast}or{s doe,
S{hew m}{e the }{stee}p{e and th}{orn}y{ wa}y{ to Heauen}{;
{ilst }{like a }puft{ and re}ck{lesse }Lib{erti}{ne
{imselfe}{, the }{Prim}r{ose }p{ath of }d{all}{iance }{trea}ds{,
And }
{reak}{s not his owne} {reade}{

Laer. }
Oh{, feare }{me not}{.
Enter }

I{ stay }{too }{long}{; but }{here my }{Father }{comes}{:
{ doub}l{e bl}e{ssing }{is a }{double }{grace}{;
cca{sion}{ smil}{es vpon }a{ sec}o{nd le}{aue}{

{Polon}{. Y}et{ heere }{Laertes?} Abo{ord, }a{boord}{ for s}ham{e,
The }
{winde}{ sit}s{ in the s}{hould}{er of your }{saile}{,
And you}
{ are s}{taid }{for th}e{re: }{my b}{lessing }{with you};{
And the}
{se f}{ew }P{rec}ep{ts in th}y{ memory},{
{ thou}{ Char}{acte}r{. Giue }th{y thoughts }{no tongue}{,
Nor }
{any }{vnpro}{portion}'d{ thoughts }{his A}c{t:
{e thou }fa{mili}ar{; but }by{ no m}e{ane}s{ vulgar}{:
{ friend}{s thou }{hast, and }{their }ado{ption t}{ride}{,
{rapp}le{ them to }{thy }{Soule}{, with }hoop{es of }S{tee}l{e:
But }
{doe not }du{ll th}{y pal}m{e, with }e{nter}{tain}{ment}{
Of }
{each }vnh{atch}'{t, }vnfledg{'d Com}{rade}{. Be}w{are
{Of e}{ntra}n{ce to }a qu{arre}{ll:}{ but b}{eing }in
{Bear}{'t that }{th' }o{ppos}{ed m}a{y be}w{are of }{thee}.{
Giue }
{euer}y{ man }{thine e}{are; }{but }{few }{thy v}{oyce}:{
Take }
{each }{man}{s ce}n{sure}{; but }{rese}r{ue thy }iudg{ement}:{
s{tly t}h{y ha}b{it as}{ thy p}{urse }{can }buy;{
But no}
{t e}x{prest }{in fa}nci{e; }r{ich, }{not g}awdi{e:
For }
t{he Appar}e{ll of}{t pr}ocla{imes }{the ma}n{.
And the}
{y in }F{rance of }{the b}{est }{ranc}k{ and stat}{ion,
Ar{e of a m}{ost }{sel}{ect and }g{ene}r{ous }ch{eff}{ in th}a{t.
Ne{ither}{ a }b{orrow}{er, no}{r a }l{ender }b{e;
For }
l{one of}{t los}{es b}{oth i}{t selfe }{and f}{riend}:{
And bo}
r{rowing }{dul}{s the }{edg}{e of H}usb{and}ry.{
This }
{abou}{e all};{ to thi}{ne owne }{selfe }b{e true}{:
And }
{it m}{ust f}{ollow}{, as the }{Night }{the D}{ay,
{ou can}s{t not th}{en be}{ fa}{lse }{to a}ny{ man.
{Farewell:}{ my B}{lessing }s{eason t}{his }{in the}{e

Laer. }
{Most }humbly{ doe }{I take }{my l}{eaue}{, my Lord

{Polon. }T{he time}{ in}{uites }{you, }g{oe, }{your se}{ruant}{s t}e{nd

{Laer. F}{arewell}{ Ophelia, }{and re}{member}{ well}{
What }
{I haue s}{aid }{to you

{Ophe. }T{is in }m{y memory}{ lo}ckt{,
And you }
{your selfe}{ shall }{keepe }{the }key{ of it

{Laer. Farewell}{.

Exit }

{ Polon. }{What is}{t Ophelia}{ he ha}{th s}{aid to you}{?
{Ophe. }So pl{ease }{you, }{som}{thing to}{uching th}{e L}[{ord}].{ Hamlet

{ Polon. }{Marr}y,{ well }be{thought}{:
{is to}ld{ me he }{hath }{very }{oft }{of }{late}{
n{ priu}{ate t}im{e to you};{ and you }{your selfe
{Haue }{of your }{audi}{ence }{beene }{most }{free}{ and b}{ounte}o{us.
{If it be}{ so},{ as so} {tis }p{ut o}n{ me;}{
And th}
{at in }{way }{of }{caut}{ion:}{ I must }{tell }{you,
Y{ou doe }{not }{vnderstand}{ your selfe s}{o c}l{eerely}{,
As i}
t{ beho}{ues m}y{ Da}{ughter}{, and you}{r Honour.
{What is}{ bet}w{eene }{you, g}{iue m}e{ vp }t{he truth}{?
Ophe. }
{He hath my Lord}{ of late},{ made }m{any t}{ender}{s
Of }
{his aff}{ection}{ to me
Polon. }
{Affection},{ pu}h{. You }{speake }{like a g}{reene}{ Gi}r{le,
Vns{ifted }{in s}{uch }{peri}{llo}{us }C{ircums}{tance}.
{Doe you }{beleeue }{his t}{enders}{, as }{you c}{all the}m{?
Ophe. }
{I do }{not }{know, }{my Lord, }w{hat I }{should }{thinke}{

Polon. Marry}
{ Ile }{teach you};{ thinke }{your selfe }{a Ba}by{,
That }
{you haue }{tan}{e his tenders}{ for t}{rue }pa{y,
{ich }{are not }{star}l{ing. T}{ender }{your selfe }{more }{dear}ly{;
Or }
{not to }c{rac}k{ the winde}{ of the }{poore }Phr{ase,}
Ro{ami}{ng i}t{ thus}{, you}{'l te}{nder }{me a}{ foo}l{e

Ophe. }
M{y Lord, he }{hath }{importun}'d{ me with }{loue,}{
In }
{honour}{able }{fashion}{

Polon. }
I,{ fashion }{you m}{ay }{call }{it, }g{o too}{, go too}{

Ophe. }
{And }{hath }g{iuen }{countenance }{to his }{spee}{ch,
{My Lord, }{with all }{the vo}{wes of }{Heauen
Polon. I, }
{Spring}{es to }c{atch }W{ood}c{ock}s.{ I doe }{know
{n the }{Bloud}{ burnes, }how{ Prodigall }{the S}{oule
{iues }{the t}{ongue}{ vowes}:{ these }{bla}z{es, }{Daughter,}{
Giuing }
{more li}{ght the}{n hea}t{e; }ex{tin}c{t in }{both},
Eu{en in }{their }{pro}mis{e, as }{it is a}{ mak}{ing;}{
You }
{must }{not t}a{ke for }f{ire.}{ For this }{time }{Daughter,
Be{ some}{what }{sca}n{ter of your }{Maid}{en pr}e{sence};{
{t your }e{ntreat}{ments a}{t a }{high}{er }r{ate,
{Then }a{ comm}{and t}o{ parle}y{. For }{Lord }{Hamlet,
B{eleeue }s{o much i}{n him,}{ that }{he is }{young}{,
And with }
{a l}{arge}{r t}{ether }{may }{he walk}{e,
Then }
{may be}{ giuen }{you. }{In f}e{w, }{Ophelia,}{
Doe not }
{beleeue his }{vowes};{ for the}{y are }B{roake}{rs,
{Not }{of the }{eye,}{ which the}{ir }In{uest}{ments }{show}{:
But }
m{eere i}mpl{orat}{ors }{of v}nho{ly }S{utes,
B{reath}i{ng li}k{e sancti}{fied a}{nd p}{ious b}{onds}{,
The }
{better }{to be}{guil}e{. This }is{ for all}{:
I }
{would not}{, in }pl{aine t}ea{rmes, }{from th}{is time }{forth}{,
Haue }
{you }{so }sla{nder }{any m}o{ment}{ le}is{ure,
A{s to }{giue }w{ords }{or t}{alke }{with the }{Lord Hamlet}:{
Looke }
{too}{'t, }{I charge }{you; }{come }{your w}a{yes

{Ophe. I shall }o{bey }{my Lord}{.


{Enter H}{amlet, }{Horatio, }{Marcellus.

{am. The }{Ayre}{ bit}{es s}h{rew}d{ly: }{is it }{very }{cold}{?
Hor. }
I{t is a }ni{pping }{and an}{ ea}{ger }ayr{e

Ham. }
{What }h{ower }{now}{?
Hor. I}
{ thinke it }{lack}{s of t}{welue}{

Mar. }
{No, }{it is }{strook}{e

Hor. I}
{ndeed }{I heard}{ it not}:{ then i}{t d}ra{wes }{neere}{ the s}{eason},{
Wherein }
{the Sp}{irit }{hel}{d his }won{t to w}{alke}{.
What }
{does }{this m}{eane}{ my Lord?
Ham. }
{The King }{doth w}{ake to }{night,}{ and t}{akes}{ his }{rous}{e,
K{eepe}{s wa}ss{els }{and the }swag{ger}{ing }vps{pring} {reel}e{s,
And }
a{s he }d{rein}{es his }{dra}{ughts }{of Re}{nish }{downe,
T{he ke}{ttle }Drum{ and }{Trumpet t}{hus }b{ray }out{
The }
{tri}{ump}h{ of his }P{ledg}{e

at{. Is it }{a c}{ustom}{e?
Ham. }
I{ marr}{y is}t{;
And t}
o{ my mind}{, though }{I am }n{atiue }{heere},{
And to }
{the man}n{er bo}rn{e: It }{is a }{Custom}e
M{ore h}{onour}'{d in the }{brea}{ch, the}{n the }{obseruan}ce{.
Enter Ghost}

Hor. }
{Looke }{my Lord, it }{comes
Ham. An}
g{els and }Min{ister}{s of Gr}a{ce de}{fend} vs{:
Be thou }
a{ Spirit }{of hea}l{th, or }Gobl{in d}amn{'d,
Br{ing with }{thee}{ ayre}s{ from }{Heauen,}{ or }{blast}{s from He}{ll,
{e thy }{euen}ts{ wicked }or{ chari}t{able,
{Thou c}om'{st in }{such }{a qu}{estion}{able }{sha}p{e
That }
I{ will speake to }{thee.}{ Ile }{call the}{e Hamlet,
{King, }{Father,} Roy{all }{Dane}:{ Oh, }o{h, an}{swer me},{
Let me not }
{bur}{st in }Ig{nor}a{nce; }{but t}{ell
{y thy }Canon{iz'd }b{ones}{ Hear}s{ed in }{death,
{Haue }{burst }{their }c{erme}n{ts, wh}{y the }Sepulc{her
{Wherein }{we s}aw{ thee }{quiet}{ly }en{urn'd}{,
Hath }
op'{d his }p{onder}o{us and }{Mar}{ble i}{awes}{,
To }
{cast th}e{e vp }{againe}?{ What }m{ay this }{meane}?{
That }
{thou }{dead }{Coarse}{ againe }i{n com}{plea}t{ stee}l{e,
ui{sits }{thus }{the }gl{imp}{ses of th}{e Moone}{,
{aking }{Night }hid{ious}? {And we }{foole}{s of N}{ature,
{So h}orrid{ly to}{ sha}k{e our }{disposition,}{
With th}
{oughts }{bey}o{nd the}{e; r}{each}{es of }{our So}u{les,
{Say, wh}y{ is th}i{s? }w{herefore}?{ what }{should we }d{oe?

{Ghost }be{cke}n{s Hamlet}{.

Hor. }
I{t beck}{ons }{you to }go{e away}{ with it,
As }
{if it }{some }{impart}{ment }d{id de}{sire}{
To }
{you al}{one

Mar. }
{Looke w}{ith wh}{at c}{ourt}{eous }{action}
{It wa}ft{s you to }a{ more }rem{oued }{ground}{:
But doe not }
{goe }{with it}{

Hor. No}
,{ by no meanes}{

Ham. I}
{t will not s}{peake: }{then }w{ill I }{follow}{ it

Hor. }
{Doe not }{my Lord

Ham. }
{Why},{ what should }b{e the }{feare}?
I{ doe not s}{et my }{life}{ at a }{pin}{s fe}{e;
And }
{for }m{y Soule, w}{hat can i}{t doe }{to th}{at?
Be{ing a }{thing }im{mor}{tall }{as it }{selfe}:{
It wa}
u{es me }{forth }{againe};{ Ile }{follow it

Hor. }
W{hat if }{it t}empt{ you to}{ward }{the }F{loud }{my Lord?
Or{ to the d}{readfull }{Sonne}{t of the }C{lif}{fe,
That }
be{etl}{es o're }{his b}as{e into }{the Se}a,{
And there}
{ assume}{s some }{other }{horri}{ble f}{orme}{,
Which }
{might }de{priu}{e your }S{ouer}{aign}{ty of }R{eason,
{And }{draw}{ you i}{nto }madn{esse th}{inke of }{it?
{am. It w}{afts }m{e still:}{ goe }{on, }{Ile follow }{thee

{Mar. }{You s}{hall not }g{oe my Lord

Ham. }
H{old of}f{ your ha}{nd

{Hor. Be} rul{'d, }y{ou shall not goe}{

Ham. }
{My fat}e{ crie}{s ou}{t,
And }
m{akes }{each }{pet}ty{ Arti}{re in th}i{s body}{,
As }
{hard}y{ as the N}emi{an }L{ions }ne{rue:
S{till }{am }{I ca}{l'd}? Vnh{and m}{e Gentlemen}:
{By Heau}'{n, Ile }{make }a{ Ghost }{of him}{ that }le{ts me}{:
I s}
{ay a}{way, }{goe on, Ile follow thee}{.

{ Ghost }&{ Hamlet.

Hor. }
H{e waxes}{ des}p{erate }{with i}magin{ation

Mar. }
{Let}'s{ follow};{ 'tis }{not fi}{t thus }{to o}{bey }{him

{Hor. Ha}{ue a}f{ter, }{to w}{hat is}s{ue w}{ill th}{is com}e{?
Mar. }
S{omething }{is ro}{tten}{ in the }{State }{of Denmarke}{

Hor. H}
{eauen }{will }di{rect }i{t

Mar. }
{Nay, }l{et's follow}{ him.

Enter }
{Ghost a}nd{ Hamlet.

{am. Wh}{ere w}il{t thou }l{ead m}{e? }{speak}{; Ile }{go no}{ further}{

{Gho}.{ Marke }m{e

Ham. }
I{ will

{Gho. M}y{ hower }{is a}l{most co}{me,
{en I to }sulphu{rous and }to{rment}{ing }Fla{mes
{Must }{render }{vp }{my selfe

{am. A}{las}{ poore }{Ghost}{

Gho. }
Pi{tty }{me not}{, but }{lend} {thy se}r{ious }h{earing}{
To }
{what I sh}{all }{vnfold
Ham. S}
{peake, }{I am }{bound}{ to hear}e{

Gho. }
{So }{art thou t}{o re}{uen}g{e, when th}{ou shal}t{ heare

{am. What}{?
{Gho. }{I am t}h{y Fathers Spirit}{,
o{m'd }{for a }c{ertain}{e terme}{ to walke}{ the }n{ight;
{And for }{the d}{ay c}{onfin}{'d to }fa{st in }Fi{ers,
{Till the}{ foule }{cri}{mes }{done}{ in my }d{ayes }{of Nature}{
Are }
{burn}{t and }pur{g'd }{away}?{ But t}{hat I }a{m for}bi{d
To t}
{ell the}{ secre}t{s of my }Pri{son}-H{ouse}{;
I }
c{ould }a T{ale }{vnfold}{, whose }{light}{est }{word}{
Would ha}
{rrow }{vp th}{y soule},{ free}z{e thy }{young }bl{ood,
M{ake thy }{two }{eyes }{like Sta}r{res,}{ start}{ from the}{ir }Sp{here}{s,
y{ kno}t{ty and }{comb}{ine}d{ lock}{es to }p{art,
{And }{each p}{articular }h{aire }{to s}t{and an e}{nd,
{Like }Qu{ill}{es vpon }{the f}{ret}{full }Porp{entine}{:
But t}
{his e}{tern}{all b}l{ason m}{ust not }b{e
To }
{eares }{of f}{lesh}{ and b}{loud};{ list }{Hamlet, }oh{ list},{
If thou }
{did}s{t euer }{thy }{deare }{Father lo}u{e

Ham. }
Oh{ Heauen!}{
Gho. }
R{euenge}{ his f}{oule }{and mo}{st vn}{natur}{all }M{urther

{Ham. M}{urther}{?
{st.}{ Murther}{ most f}{oule, }a{s in the }{best }{it is};{
But this }
{most foule, }{strange}{, and vn}{naturall}{

Ham. H}
{ast, }{hast m}{e to }k{now it}{,
That w}
{ith wi}{ngs }{as s}wift{
As }
{medi}{tation,} {or the }{thoughts }{of Loue,
{May }{swee}pe{ to my }{Reuenge}{

{st. }I{ finde }{thee a}p{t,
And }
{dull}{er s}h{ould'st thou be}{ then the }f{at we}ed{e
That }
{rot}{s it selfe}{ in }{ease, }{on }Le{the W}{har}{fe,
W{ould'st thou }{not st}ir{re in this}{. Now }{Hamlet }{heare}{:
's{ giuen }{out,}{ that }{sleep}{ing in}{ mine }O{rcha}{rd,
{ Ser}{pent}{ stu}{ng m}{e: so }{the whole }{eare of }{Denmarke,}{
Is }
{by a }{forge}d{ proc}{esse of }{my dea}th
Rank{ly }abus'd:{ But }{know }{thou }{Noble }y{outh,
{ Serpent }{that d}{id s}{ting th}{y Fathers }{life,
N{ow wear}{es his }C{rowne
Ham. O}
{ my Pr}o{phe}t{icke }{soule}:{ mine Vn}cle{?
Ghost. }
I{ that in}{cestuous}{, that }a{dul}t{erate }B{east}{
With w}
{itch}craf{t of his }{wit}s{, hath }T{rai}{tor}{ous }gu{ift}s.
{Oh w}{icked }Wi{t, and }G{ifts}{, that h}a{ue the }{power
So{ to se}duc{e? W}{on to th}is{ shame}{full }L{ust}{
The wi}
{ll of }{my m}{ost se}e{ming }{vertu}{ous }{Queene}:{
Oh }
{Hamlet, }w{hat a }fal{ling of}f{ was the}r{e,
From }
{me, w}{hose l}{oue }was{ of that }d{ign}it{y,
That }
{it we}{nt h}a{nd in }{hand}{, euen }{with the }Vow
I{ made t}o {her in }{Marriage};{ and to}{ de}cl{ine
{Vpon a }w{ret}{ch, }{whose }N{aturall }g{ifts}{ were }{poore}{
To th}
o{se of m}{ine. }{But }{Vertue}{, as it }n{euer wi}l{ be m}{oued}{,
Though }
Lew{dnesse }{court}{ it in }a{ shape}{ of Heauen}{:
So }
{Lust}{, though }{to a }rad{iant }{Angel}l{ li}nk'{d,
{ll s}{ate }{it selfe in }a C{eles}{tiall }b{ed, }&{ pre}y{ on }Garb{age}.{
But soft, }
{me thinkes I se}nt {the Morn}{ings }{Ayre};{
{efe }{let me }b{e: S}{leeping }{within }{mine Orchard,
{My }{custome}{ al}{wayes}{ in the }{after}n{oone};{
Vpon }
{my se}cu{re ho}w{er thy }{Vncle }{sto}{le
With }
iu{yce of }cu{rsed }Hebe{non }{in a }{Viol}l{,
And in the }
{Por}{ches of }{mine eare}s{ did }p{oure
{The }{lea}p{erous }Di{stil}m{ent; }{whose }{effect}{
s{ such a}{n en}m{ity }{with }{bloud}{ of }Man{,
That s}
{wift}{ as }{Qui}ck-s{iluer}{, it co}{urse}{s th}{rough}{
The n}
{aturall }Ga{tes and }Al{lies }{of the b}{ody};{
And with a }
sod{aine v}ig{our i}{t doth }p{osse}{t
And c}
{urd, }{like }Ayg{re d}{ropping}s{ into }Mi{lke,
{thin a}{nd who}{lsome}{ blood}{: so }d{id it }{mine}{;
And a}
{ most in}{stant} T{etter }ba{k'd }{about}{,
{ost }Lazar-{like, }{with v}i{le and }lo{ath}{some }c{rust}{,
{ll my s}mo{oth }{Body}.{
Thus }
{was }I,{ sleeping},{ by a }{Brothers }{hand,}{
Of }
L{ife,}{ of }{Crowne}{, and }{Queene}{ at }{once }{dispatch}{t;
C{ut of}f{ euen }i{n the Blo}ss{omes }{of my }Si{nne,
{Vnh}ouzzl{ed, }{dis}ap{point}{ed, }{vnna}ne{ld,
N{o rec}kon{ing ma}d{e, but }{sent t}{o my }{acco}{unt
W{ith all }{my }{imper}{fection}s {on my }{head};{
Oh }
{horrible }{Oh horrible},{ most }{horrible}{:
If thou hast }
{nature }{in thee}{ beare }{it not}{;
Let }
{not the}{ Royall }Bed{ of Denmarke }{be
A{ Cou}{ch for }Luxury{ and da}m{ned }{Incest}{.
But }
{how}{soeuer }{thou }{purs}{uest}{ this }A{ct,
T{aint }{not thy }{mind}{; nor }{let th}{y Soule}{ contr}{iue}{
Against th}
{y Mother }{ought};{ leaue }h{er to }{heauen,
{And to th}{ose }T{horn}es{ that in}{ her b}o{some }lod{ge,
{ prick}{e and s}{ting h}{er. Fare}{ thee }{well a}{t once}{;
G{low}-w{orme }{show}{es the }M{atin}{e to be }n{eere,
And }
g{ins }{to pa}l{e his v}n{effect}{uall }F{ire:
d{ue, a}{due, }{Hamlet:}{ remember }me{.

{ Ham. Oh }{all you }{host of }{Heauen! }Oh{ Earth};{ what }els?{
And }
s{hall I }{cou}{ple }{Hell}{? Oh fie}:{ hold my }{heart;}{
And you }
{my s}{inne}{wes, }{grow }{not }{instant }Ol{d;
But }
b{eare me }{sti}{ffe}{ly vp}:{ Re}{member }{thee}?
I,{ thou p}{oore Ghost},{ while}{ memory }h{olds }{a se}{ate
I{n this }{dis}{tracted }{Glo}{be: }{Remember thee?
Y{ea, }{from the }{Table}{ of my }M{emory,
{Ile w}ip{e away }{all t}{riu}{iall }f{ond }Re{cord}s{,
All }
sa{wes of }B{ookes}{, all }f{ormes, }{all p}{res}u{res }p{ast,}{
That you}
t{h and }{obserua}{tion co}{ppi}e{d there}{;
And th}
{y Co}{mmand}{ment }{all a}{lone }{shall }{liue}{
Within }
{the B}{ooke }{and }Vo{lume }{of my }Br{aine,
V{nmi}x{t with }{base}{r ma}{tter};{ yes}{ yes, }by{ Heauen:
Oh{ most }p{erni}{cious }{woman}!{
Oh }
V{ill}{aine,}{ Villaine, }{smiling }{damned }{Villaine}!{
My }
{Tables}{, my }{Tables;}{ meet }{it is }I{ set }{it downe,}{
That }
{one m}{ay s}{mile}{, and s}m{ile and }{be a}{ Villaine};{
At least }
I'm {sure i}t{ may be }so{ in Denmarke};{
So }
{Vnc}kl{e there}{ you are}:{ now }{to my }{word};{
It is}
; {Adue, }{Adue, }R{emember me}:{ I haue s}{wor}n'{t

Hor. }
&{ Mar. }{within}{. My Lord, }{my Lord.
{Enter Horatio and Marcellus.

{Mar. Lo}{rd Hamlet}{

Hor. Heauen }
{secure h}{im

{Mar. So}{ be }{it

Hor. }
Illo{, ho}{, ho, }{my Lord

Ham. H}
i{llo, ho, ho, }boy{; come }bi{rd, }{come}{

Mar. }
{How is}{t my }{Noble }{Lord?
{or. What }{newes, }{my Lord?
Ham. }
{Oh w}{onder}{full}!{
Hor. }
G{ood my Lord}{ tell }{it

Ham. }
No{ you'l }{reue}{ale }{it

Hor. No}
t{ I, }{my Lord, }{by Heauen}{

Mar. No}
r{ I, my Lord}{

Ham. Ho}
w{ say you} {then, }{would h}e{art of }{man }{once }{think}{ it?
{But you}'{l be }{secret}{?
Both. }
I{, by Heau}{'n, }{my Lord

Ham. }
T{here}'{s ner}{e a }v{illaine} d{well}{ing in }{all D}{enmarke
{But h}e{e's }{an a}{rrant }kn{aue

{Hor. The}r{e nee}d{s no }{Ghost }{my Lord, }{come }{from the}{
u{e, to }{tell }v{s this}{

Ham. Why}
r{ight, }{you are }{i'th' }r{ight;
And }
{so, }w{ithout }{more }c{ircumstance}{ at all}{,
{ hold }i{t fit th}a{t we sha}k{e hands},{ and par}t:{
{, as you}r{ busines}{ and d}{esire}{s shall }{point}{ you:
F{or euer}{y man }ha{'s }{businesse }{and desire}{,
Such }
{as it is}:{ and for }{mine owne }{poore }{part,
{Looke }{you, }{Ile go}{e pray}{

Hor. The}
{se a}{re but }{wil}{d and }hur{ling wo}{rds,}{ my Lord

Ham. I}
{'m s}or{ry the}y {offend}{ you h}{eartily}{:
s{ faith}{, heartily}{

Hor. There}
'{s no o}{ffen}c{e my Lord

Ham. }
Y{es, by }S{aint }Pat{ricke}{, but the}r{e is }{my Lord,
And }
{much }{offence }{too, }{touching th}{is }{Visi}{on h}{eere}{:
It is }
a{n hon}{est }{Ghost, }{that let}{ me t}{ell you}{:
For }
y{our desire}{ to know }{what is }{betweene }{vs,
O'{rema}{ster}'t{ as you }{may}{. And }{now }{good friend}s{,
As }
{you are }F{riends,}{ Scholler}s{ and So}ld{iers,
G{iue me }o{ne poore }{requ}es{t

Hor. What i}
{s't }{my Lord?}{ we wi}{ll

Ham. }
N{euer }{make }{known}{ what }{you haue }{seen}{ to night}{

{Both. My Lord, }{we will}{ not}{

Ham. N}
{ay, }{but s}w{ear't}{

Hor. In}
{faith m}{y Lord, }{not }I{

Mar. Nor I}
{ my Lord:}{ in faith}{

Ham. V}
{pon my s}w{ord

{Marcell}{. We haue }{sworn}{e my Lord}{ al}{read}{y

Ham. I}
{ndeed, }v{pon my sword},{ Indeed}{

Gho. S}

Ghost }
{cries }{vnder}{ the Sta}{ge.
Ham. }
A{h ha}{ boy},{ sayes}{t thou }{so. }A{rt thou t}{here }{true}penny?
{Come }o{ne you}{ here }t{his fe}{llow i}{n the s}{elle}r{edge
C{onsent }{to s}w{eare

Hor. }
{Prop}o{se the} O{ath my Lord}{

Ham. Neuer }
to{ speake of }{this t}{hat you haue seen}{e.
{weare}{ by my }{sword

{Gho. Sweare}{

Ham. Hi}
c{ & }vbi{que}?{ Then }w{ee'l }sh{ift }{for }{grown}d,{
Come }
{hither}{ Gentlemen,
{And }l{ay you}r{ hands a}{gaine }{vpon my sword,}
{Neuer to speake of this that you haue }{heard}:{
Sweare by my }

Gho. Sweare

Ham. }
{Well }{said }{old }Mo{le, }can'{st wor}k{e i'th' }{ground}{ so fa}s{t?
A{ worth}y P{ion}e{r, on}{ce more }{remoue}{ good friends}{

Hor. Oh }
{day }{and }{night}:{ but this }{is won}dr{ous str}{ange

{am. And }t{herefore }{as a }{strange}r{ giue }{it we}l{come}{.
{ are mo}r{e thing}{s in }{Heauen and Earth}{, Horatio,}{
Then a}
r{e dream}'{t of }{in our }P{hil}{oso}phy{. But }{come,
H{ere as}{ before},{ neuer }s{o he}lp{e you }{merc}y,{
How }
{strange }{or o}dd{e so }e{re I }{beare m}{y selfe};
({As I }{perchance }{heere}{after}{ shall th}{inke }{meet}{
To p}
{ut an}{ An}{ticke }{disposition}{ on}:){
That you }
{at s}{uch t}{ime }{see}{ing m}{e, neuer s}{hall}{
With }
{Armes}{ enco}mbr{ed th}{us, }{or th}{us, }{head }{shake}{;
Or }
{by }pr{onou}nc{ing of }{some }{doubt}{full P}{hrase}{;
As }
{well, }{we know}{, or }we{ could a}{nd i}f{ we w}{ould},{
Or }
{if we }{list }{to speake}; {or there} {be and }i{f there }m{ight,
{Or }{such a}mbig{uous }g{iuing }{out to }{note,
{That you }{know o}{ught }{of me};{ this }{not to }do{e:
So }
{grace }{and me}{rcy} a{t your }{most }{need}e{ helpe you}{:

Ghost. }

Ham. }
Re{st, }{rest }p{ertu}rb{ed S}{pirit}{: so }{Gentlemen,
{With all my }{loue }{I doe }{commend }{me to you;}{
And what }
{so p}{oore }{a man }a{s Hamlet}{ is}{,
May }
{doe t}'{ expres}{se his }{loue }{and friend}{ing to you}{,
od{ willing}{ shall not l}{acke}:{ let }vs{ goe }{in t}{ogether,}{
And s}
{till }{your }f{inge}rs {on your }lipp{es I }{pray,}
{The time i}s{ out of }{ioynt}{: Oh}{ cursed }sp{ight,
T{hat euer }I{ was }{borne}{ to se}{t it }{right}.
{Nay, }{come }{let's }g{oe to}{gether}{.



Act{us S}{ecund}{us.

{Enter Polonius}{, and R}eyn{old}o{.

Polon. }
G{iue him }{his mo}ney{, and the}s{e note}s{ Reynoldo}{

{Reynol}{. I will}{ my Lord

Polon. }
{You shall }{doe m}{aruel}s{ wise}{ly: }{good }{Reynoldo}{,
{fore }{you }{visit}{e him }{you ma}{ke in}quiry{
Of his }

Reynol. }
{My Lord, I did}{ inten}d{ it

{Polon. Marry, well }{said};
{Very }{well said}{. Looke }{you }Si{r,
E{nquir}{e me }{first }{what }Dansk{ers a}{re in }Par{is;
{And h}ow{, and who}{; what }{meanes};{ and wh}{ere the}y{ keepe}:{
What }
{comp}an{y, a}{t what }{exp}{ence}{: and f}i{nding}{
By th}
i{s encom}{passe}m{ent and }d{rift }{of }{question},{
That th}
ey{ doe know}{ my so}n{ne: }C{ome you}{ more }{neere}r{
Then }
{your }{particular }d{emand}{s will }{touch}{ it,
{ake you }{as 'twere}{ some d}{istant}{ know}l{edge of }{him,
n{d thus}{ I know }{his fa}{ther }{and h}{is f}{riends,
{nd in }{part }{him. }{Doe you }{marke t}{his }{Reynoldo}{?
{Reynol. I}{, very }{well }{my Lord

Polon. }
{And in part him},{ but you m}a{y say }{not well}{;
But }
if'{t be }{hee }I{ meane}{, he}e{s very }{wild}{e;
ddi{cted }s{o and }so;{ and the}{re p}{ut on }{him
{What }{forge}{ries }{you }{please};{ marry},{ none }{so }{rank}{e,
As }
{may d}is{honour}{ him};{ take h}eed{ of that}{:
But }
{Sir,}{ such }{want}{on, }{wild}{, and v}s{uall }s{lip}{s,
As }
{are }C{ompan}{ions n}ot{ed and }{most }{known}{e
To you}
{th and }l{ibert}y{

Reynol. }
{As }g{aming }{my Lord

Polon. }
I{, or }{drink}{ing, }{fenc}{ing, }{swear}{ing,
Qu{arell}{ing, }drabb{ing. }Y{ou may }{goe }{so farre}{

Reynol. My Lord}
{ that w}{ould }{dishonour him}{

Polon. }
Fa{ith no},{ as you may}{ season }i{t in the }{charge}{;
You must not }
{put an}{other }{scan}d{all o}{n him,
{hat he}{e is o}p{en to }In{cont}{inen}{cie;}{
's{ not my }{mean}{ing}{: but b}{reath}{ his fau}lt{s so }{quaint}ly{,
That they }
{may se}e{me the }{tain}{ts of }{liberty}{;
The }
fla{sh and }{out}-{breake }{of a }f{iery }{mind}{e,
A }
s{auag}en{es in }vnre{claim}'d{ bloud of }{gener}{all as}s{ault}{

Reynol. }
{But m}{y good Lord

{Polon. Wh}{erefore }{should }y{ou doe }{this?
{Reynol. I }{my Lord, I }{would }{know th}a{t

Polon. Marry}
{ Sir, }{heere}'{s my }{drift}{,
And I }
beli{eue it}{ is a }f{etch}{ of w}{arrant}{:
{ lay}{ing the}{se s}{light }s{ulle}{yes o}n{ my Sonne}{,
As }
{'twere }{a thing }a{ little }so{il'd}{ i'th' }{work}{ing:}
{Marke }{you your }{part}y{ in co}nu{erse};{ him you }{would s}{ound}{,
{ing e}{uer seene}{. In th}{e pr}enom{inate }{crimes}{,
The }
{youth }{you b}r{eath of }{guil}{ty, }b{e assu}{r'd
H{e cl}{oses }{with you}{ in this }{conse}{que}{nce:}
{Good }s{ir, }{or so}{, or }{friend,}{ or G}{entlem}{an.
{ccord}{ing to }{the P}{hrase}{ and the }{Addi}{tion,
O{f man }{and }C{ountr}{y

Reynol. }
{Very }{good my Lord

{Polon. And }{then }{Sir }{does }h{e this?
H{e doe}s:{ what w}{as I }{about}{ to s}ay{?
I }
{was a}{bout }{say so}{mthing}:{ where }{did }I{ leaue?
{ Reynol. A}t{ closes }{in the c}{onsequence:
At{ friend, or }s{o, and }{Gentleman}{

Polon. A}
{t closes in the consequence},{ I marry},{
He closes with you }
{thus}{. I know }{the }{Gentleman},
{I saw him yester}{day,}{ or t}{other }{day}{;
Or th}
{en o}r{ then, w}{ith such }{and s}{uch; }a{nd as }{you s}{ay,
{re was }{he g}{aming},{ there }{o're}t{ooke }i{n's}{ Rou}{se,
{ere }{falling o}u{t at }Tenn{is; }or{ perchance}{,
I saw him }
{enter}{ such a }h{ouse}{ of s}{aile}{;
i{deli}c{et, a}{ Brothe}{ll, }{or so}{ forth}{. See}{ you now};{
Your b}
a{it of }{fals}h{ood,}{ takes }{this }C{ape of }{truth};{
And thus }
{doe }w{e of }{wisedome }{and o}f{ reach}{
With wi}
nd{lesse}{s, and w}{ith a}{ssa}{ies of }Bi{as,
B{y in}{direct}{ions }{finde }{directions }{out}{:
So }
{by my }{forme}r L{ectu}{re and }ad{uice}
S{hall you }{my Sonne};{ you haue }{me, }{haue you}{ not}{?
Reynol. }
{My Lord }{I haue}{

Polon. }
{God }buy{ you; }f{are you }{well
Reynol. }
G{ood my Lord

Polon. }
Ob{serue }{his in}{clin}{ation }{in your s}{elfe

{Reynol. I }{shall }{my Lord

Polon. And }
{let h}{im }ply{e his }Mus{icke}{

Reynol. }
W{ell, }{my Lord.

Enter }

{Polon. Fa}{rewell:
H{ow no}w{ Ophelia, }{what's the }{matter}{?
Ophe. }
{Alas }{my Lord, I }{haue }{beene }{so a}ff{righte}{d

Polon. W}
{ith what},{ in the }n{ame of }{Heauen}{?
Ophe. }
{My Lord, }{as I }w{as so}w{ing in m}y{ Cha}{mber}{,
{rd Hamlet}{ with h}{is d}{ouble}{t all }v{nbra}c'{d,
No }
{hat v}{pon his }{head, }{his s}tock{ings }{foul}{'d,
Vng{art}re{d, and d}{owne }{giue}d{ to his }A{nckle}{,
le{ as his }shi{rt, }{his }kn{ees }{kno}c{king ea}{ch o}{ther,
And }
{with a l}{ooke }{so p}{itio}u{s in }{purpo}r{t,
As if }
he{ had been}{ loose}{d out of }{hell,}{
To s}
{peake of }{horr}or{s: }h{e come}{s before }m{e

Polon. Ma}
{d for th}y{ Loue}{?
Ophe. My Lord, }
{I doe not }{know}{: but t}{ruly}{ I do f}{eare it}{

Polon. Wh}
{at sa}i{d he}{?
Ophe. He }
{tooke }m{e by }{the w}ri{st, and }{held }{me h}a{rd;
{Then }g{oes he t}{o the }{length}{ of a}{ll h}{is a}r{me;
And }
{with his }{other h}a{nd thus }{o're his b}r{ow,
H{e fals}{ to su}{ch per}usa{ll of my }{face},{
As he }
{would d}{raw }it{. Long}{ staid }h{e so,}{
At l}
{ast, a}{ little s}h{aking }{of mine }{Arme}:{
And th}
{rice h}{is head}{ thus }w{auing }{vp a}{nd downe};{
He }
rais{'d a}{ sigh},{ so pit}{tious }{and p}rof{ound,
{That it }{did s}{eeme t}{o sha}{tter }{all his }bu{lke,
{And e}{nd his }{being}{. That }{done,}{ he l}{ets me}{ goe,}{
And with his }
{head }{ouer}{ his sh}{oulder}{s t}{urn'd,
{e see}m{'d to f}{inde }{his w}{ay with}{out }{his eyes}{,
For }
{out a}dor{es he }{went }{without }{their }{helpe};{
And to the }
{last, }{bend}e{d their }{light }{on me}{

Polon. Go}
{e with m}{e, I }{will }{goe s}{eeke }t{he King}{,
This }
{is the }{very }extasie{ of Loue,
W{hose }{violen}{t pro}{pert}{y for}e{does }{it selfe}{,
And le}
ad{s the }{will to}{ desperate }{Vnder}t{aking}{s,
As }
o{ft as }{any }{pass}{ion }{vnder }{Heauen,
T{hat does }{aff}{lic}t {our Nature}s{. I am }{sorr}i{e,
a{t haue you}{ giuen }{him }{any }{hard }{words o}{f late}{?
Ophe. }
No{ my good Lord}{: but as }y{ou did}{ command}{,
I }
{did }repe{ll his }L{etter}{s, and }deny'd{e
His }
ac{cesse }{to me

{. That }{hath m}ad{e him }{mad}.
{I am sorrie}{ that w}{ith b}{etter }{speed}{ and i}{udgement}
I{ had not }qu{oted }{him. }I{ feare }h{e did }{but tr}if{le,
And }
{mean}{t to w}r{acke t}{hee}{: but be}{shrew}{ my i}ea{lous}i{e:
It }
{seemes it }{is as}{ proper}{ to o}{ur A}{ge,
To }
{cast }{beyond }{our sel}u{es in }{our }Opi{nions}{,
As it }
i{s common}{ for the }y{onger}{ sor}{t
To }
{lacke}{ disc}{ret}i{on. }{Come}{, go }w{e to the }{King,
This }
{must be }{knowne},{ being }{kept }{close}{ might }{moue}{
More }
{greefe}{ to hi}de{, then }h{ate to }v{tter }{loue}{.


{Scena }{Secund}a{.

Enter }
{King, }{Queene}{, Ro}s{inc}ra{ne, and }Gu{ilde}n{stern}e C{um a}lij{s.

{King. W}{elcome}{ deere}{ Rosincran}{ce and }{Guildensterne}.{
o{uer, }{that we }{much }{did }{long}{ to see you}{,
The }
{neede }w{e haue }{to v}{se you, }{did p}rou{oke
O{ur ha}sti{e se}{nding}{. Something }{haue you }{heard}{
Of }
{Hamlet}{s tr}ans{form}a{tion: }so{ I cal}{l it,}
S{ince}{ not th}{' ex}{teri}or{, nor the }{inward }{man
R{ese}m{bles }t{hat it w}as{. What i}{t should be}{e
More }
{then h}{is }{Fathers }{death,} {that th}{us h}{ath }p{ut hi}m{
So }
{much }{from th}'{ vnderstanding }{of him}{selfe,
I{ cannot }d{eeme }of{. I }i{ntreat}{ you b}o{th,
a{t being }{of so}{ young }{dayes }br{ought }{vp }{with hi}m{:
And }
s{ince }{so }N{eigh}b{our'd }{to his }{youth,}{ and hu}{mour}{,
That you }
v{ouch}{safe}{ your }{rest }h{eere in }{our }{Court}
S{ome l}{ittle }{time}{: so }b{y your }{Compani}es{
To d}
r{aw him on}{ to p}l{easure}{s, and t}o{ ga}{ther
{So much }a{s from }{Occasion}{s you may }gl{eane,}{
That o}
pe{n'd l}i{es with}{in our }{reme}di{e

Qu. }
{Good }{Gentlemen,}{ he hath }{much }{talk}'d{ of you}{,
And s}
u{re I }{am, }{two m}{en the}{re are }{not l}{iuing},{
To wh}
{om he}{ more }ad{heres}{. If it }{will }{please you}{
To s}
{hew }vs{ so much }{Gent}{rie,}{ and good}{ will}{,
As to }
{expen}{d your }{time }{with vs} a-{while}{,
For the}
{ suppl}y{ and prof}i{t of our }Hop{e,
r{ Visi}{tation}{ shall }{rece}{iue }{such t}h{anke}{s
As }
{fits }a{ Kings }{rememb}{rance}{

{osin}.{ Both}{ your Mai}{esti}{es
{ight }{by the }{Soueraign}{e power}{ you haue }{of vs}{,
u{t your }{dread}{ pleasures, }{more in}{to }{Command}{
Then t}
o E{ntreat}{ie

{Guil}{. We }{both }{obey}{,
And }
{here }{giue }{vp }{our selues}{, in the }{full }b{ent,
{To la}y{ our S}{eruice}s{ free}l{y at your }feet{e,
To }
be{ command}{ed

K{ing. Tha}{nkes }{Rosincrance},{ and gen}{tle }{Guildensterne}{

Qu. }
{Thankes }{Guildensterne }{and gentle }{Rosincrance}.{
And I be}
{seech you}{ instant}{ly to }{visit}{
My }
{too }{much }{change}d{ Sonne}.
Go{ some o}{f y}{e,
And }
br{ing the }{Gentlemen}{ where }{Hamlet is}{

Guil. }
{Heauens }m{ake our }{presence}{ and ou}{r pr}{acti}s{es
P{leas}a{nt and }{help}{full }{to him.}{

{Queene}{. A}{men}{.
Enter Polonius.

{ Pol. Th}'{ Am}b{assa}d{ors }{from }Norw{ey, }{my good Lord}{,
Are }
ioy{full}y{ ret}{urn'd}{

King. Th}
{ou s}{till ha}{st b}i{n the fat}h{er of }{good }N{ewes}{

Pol. }
{Haue }{I, my Lord}? As{sure }{you, }{my good L}iege{,
I hold }
{my d}utie{, as I h}{old my }{Soule,}
{Both }{to my }{God, }on{e to my }{gracious }K{ing:
{And I }do{ thinke}{, or e}ls{e this }b{raine}{ of mine}
Hunts{ not the }tr{aile }{of P}o{lic}{ie, }{so s}{ure
{s I haue }vs{'d to }d{o: th}{at I haue }{found}{
The ver}
{y ca}{use of }{Hamlets }Lun{aci}e{

King. }
Oh{ speake of th}a{t, that }{I do }{long to }{heare

{Pol. }{Giue }{first }{admi}tt{ance to }t{h' Ambassadors}{,
My }
{Newes}{ shall b}{e the }{Newes }{to that}{ great }F{east
King. Th}
{y selfe}{ do }{grace }{to the}{m, and }{bring the}m{ in}.{
He }
t{els }{me my }{sweet }{Queene, }{that he }{hath }{found
The }
{head }{and so}{urse of }a{ll your }{Sonne}{s dist}e{mper}{

Qu. }
{I doubt }i{t is no}{ other,}{ but the}{ maine},{
His }
{Fathers death, }{and our }{o're}-{hast}y{ Marriage}{.
Enter Polonius}
,{ Vol}tu{mand,}{ and Co}{rne}l{ius.

{King. Wel}{l, we }{shall }{sift}{ him. }{Welcome }{good }F{rend}s:{
{ Voltumand, }{what }{from our }{Brother}{ Norwey}{?
{Volt}{. Most }{faire }{return}e{ of Gr}{eet}{ings,}{ and }{Desire}{s.
{Vpon }{our fi}r{st, h}e{ sent }{out to s}up{presse}{
His }
Nep{hewes }Leuies{, which t}o{ him a}{ppear}'d{
To be }
a{ pre}pa{ration }'{gainst th}{e Po}{lea}k:{
But be}
{tter lo}ok{'d in}to{, he }{truly }{found
{It was}{ again}{st your }H{igh}{nesse},{ where}{at gre}e{ued,
{at so }{his S}ick{nesse, }A{ge, and }Imp{ote}{nce
W{as f}{alse}{ly }{borne }{in hand, }s{ends }{out }A{rres}ts
On{ For}{tin}{bra}{s, which }{he }({in b}{reefe}){ obey}{es,
R{eceiue}{s re}buke{ from Norwey}{: and }{in f}i{ne,
{es }Vow{ before }{his V}{nkle,}{ neuer }m{ore
To }
g{iue th}'{ assa}{y of }{Armes }{against your }{Maiestie}.{
n{ old }{Norwey, }{ouer}{come }{with i}oy,{
Giues }
{him th}r{ee thou}s{and C}{rowne}{s in }Ann{uall F}e{e,
And }
{his C}{omm}i{ssion }{to i}{mplo}y{ those }{Soldiers}{
So }
l{euie}d{ as before, }a{gainst the Poleak:
{With an }{intreat}y{ heere}{in f}{urther }{shew}{ne,
That }
i{t might }{please you}{ to giue }{quiet}{ pass}{e
{rough}{ your }D{omin}{ions,}{ for hi}s {Enter}{prize},{
On }
{such }rega{rds of }{safety }{and a}{llow}{ance,
A{s there}i{n are }{set }d{owne

{King. }I{t like}s{ vs }{well:
And }
a{t our }{more c}{ons}{ide}{r'd t}{ime w}{ee'l }{read}{,
sw{er, and }{thinke }{vpon th}{is B}{usinesse}{.
{eane }{time we}{ thanke}{ you, }f{or your }{well}-{tooke }L{abou}r{.
Go }
{to your }r{est, }{at n}{ight we}{e'l }F{east t}{ogether.
{Most }{welcome}{ ho}me{.

Exit }

Pol. Th}
i{s businesse }is{ very well }{ended}{.
My }
{Liege,}{ and Ma}d{am, t}{o exp}{ost}u{late
{What }{Maiestie}{ should be}{, what }D{utie}{ is,
{Why }{day }{is d}ay;{ night, }{night;}{ and t}{ime is }{time,
We{re not}h{ing but }{to wa}{ste}{ Night},{ Day,}{ and T}i{me.
{fore, }{since }Br{eui}{tie is}{ the Sou}{le of }W{it,
And }
te{dious}{nesse, }{the l}imb{es and }{out}{ward }fl{our}i{she}s,{
I will }
be{ breefe}{. Your }{Noble }{Sonne}{ is m}ad{:
d{ call }I{ it;}{ for t}{o de}f{ine t}{rue }M{adnesse},
{What is't},{ but to }b{e nothing }{else }{but }{mad.
{But let }{that g}o{

Qu. }
{More }{matter}{, with }{lesse }Art{

Pol. }
{Madam, }I{ sweare}{ I }v{se no}{ Art }{at all}:{
That he}
{ is mad},{ 'tis true}: 'T{is true}{ 'tis }{pitti}{e,
And }
{pittie}{ it is }{true: }A{ fool}{ish f}{igure}{,
But }
{farewell} {it: }{for I }{will }{vse no Art}.{
Mad }
{let vs g}{rant }{him th}en{: and }{now }{rema}{ines}{
That w}
e{ finde }{out the}{ cause of }{this e}{ffect}{,
Or }
r{ather }{say,}{ the cause of this }{defe}ct;
{For this }{effect }{defect}i{ue, }{comes b}{y cause},{
Thus }
{it r}{emaines}{, and the }{remain}{der th}{us. }P{erpen}{d,
I }
{haue }a{ da}{ughter}:{ haue}{, whil}{'st }s{he is m}{ine,
Who{ in her }{Dutie }{and }Obe{dience}, {marke,
H{ath giuen }{me thi}s{: now }g{ather, }{and su}r{mise}{.

{The }{Letter}{.

{o the }{Celestiall}{, and }{my Soule}{s I}d{oll,}{ the m}{ost be}{auti}fe{d Ophelia.
{That's }{an i}{ll Phrase},{ a vil}d{e Phrase,}{ beautif}{ied }{is a }{vilde}
{Phrase}{: but you }{shall h}{eare th}ese{ in her }ex{cell}{ent w}hi{te
{bosome},{ these}{

Qu. }
Cam{e this f}{rom H}{amlet }{to her}{

Pol. G}
{ood }{Madam}{ stay }a{while,} {I will be }{faith}{full}{.
{ubt th}{ou, }{the Sta}{rres}{ are }f{ire,
{Doubt}{, that th}{e S}u{nne }{doth }{moue}:{
Doubt }
Tr{uth to }{be a }{Lie}r{,
But }
{neuer }{Doubt, }I{ loue.
O{ deere }{Ophelia, }{I am }i{ll at }{these }N{umbe}{rs: }{I haue }{not }{Art t}o
{reckon}{ my gr}o{nes; }b{ut that I }{loue }{thee be}s{t, oh }{most }Bes{t beleeue}
{it. }A{die}u{.
n{e euer}{more }{most }d{eere La}dy,{ whilst th}{is
Mac{hine }{is to}{ him, }{Hamlet.
T{his in }{Obedience}{ hath my }{daughter}{ shew}{'d me}{:
And }
{more a}{boue }h{ath his }s{olici}t{ing,
A{s they }f{ell o}{ut by }{Time}{, by }{Meane}{s, and }Pl{ace,
{ll gi}u{en to m}{ine eare}{

King. }
{But how}{ hath s}{he re}{ceiu}{'d his }{Loue?
{Pol. }{What do}{ you th}{inke of }{me?
{King. }{As of}{ a man, }{faithfull}{ and H}{onourable}{

Pol. }
{I wo}{ld }f{aine }{prou}e{ so. }{But wh}a{t might }{you think}?{
When I }
{had }{seene th}{is h}{ot lo}{ue o}{n the wi}{ng,
As }
{I perc}e{iued }i{t, I }{must tell you}{ that
{Before }{my Daughter}{ told me }{what might you}{
Or }
{my de}{ere }{Maiestie }{your }{Queene }{heere,}{ think}{,
If }
{I had }{play}{d the }{Des}k{e or }{Table}-b{ooke}{,
Or }
{giuen m}{y heart}{ a w}{inking, }mut{e and d}{umbe},{
Or lo}
{ok'd }{vpon this }{Loue,}{ with i}{dle }s{ight,
W{hat might you think}{e? No}{, I w}{ent }r{ound to }{worke}{,
And }
(my{ yong} M{istr}is){ thus I }{did b}e{speake}{
Lord Hamlet }
{is a }Pr{ince }o{ut of th}y{ Starre}{,
This must }
{not be}:{ and the}{n, I}{ Precepts }g{aue her}{,
That s}
h{e should }{locke}{ her }{selfe }{from h}{is Re}s{ort,
{dmit}{ no }M{esse}{ngers},{ receiue }{no }To{kens}:{
Which }
{done, }sh{e tooke }{the }Fr{uites }{of my }A{duice}{,
And he}
{ rep}u{lse}{d. A }{sho}{rt }{Tale }{to ma}{ke,
F{ell i}n{to a }S{adnesse,}{ then }{into a }F{ast,
e{nce to a }{Watch,}{ then}ce{ into a }W{eak}{nesse,
{Thence to a }L{ight}{nesse, }{and b}y{ this de}c{len}s{ion
{nto the }{Madnesse}{ where}{on }{now h}{e ra}u{es,
And a}
{ll }{we wa}i{le for}{

King. }
D{o you thinke }{'tis t}{his?
{Qu. I}{t may be }{very like}{ly

{Pol. Ha}{th the}{re be}ne{ such a }{time,} I'd{e fai}n{ know that},{
That I }
{haue }{poss}i{tiue}ly{ said}{, 'tis }{so,
W{hen it }{prou}{'d o}{ther}{wise}{?
King. }
No{t that I }{know
Pol. T}
ak{e this from }{this};{ if th}{is be}{ otherwise}{,
If }
{Circumstance}s{ lead}e{ me, I will }{finde}{
{ truth}{ is }hi{d, though }i{t were }h{id in}d{eede
{Within the }C{enter}{

King. }
{How }{may }{we t}{ry i}t{ further}{?
Pol. }
Y{ou know }{some}{time}s
H{e walke}{s fou}{re ho}{ures }{together,}{ heere}{
In the}
{ Lo}bby{

Qu. }
{So h}e{ ha's }i{ndeed

P{ol. At }{such a time}{ Ile }{loose}{ my Daughter to}{ him,
B{e you a}{nd I be}h{inde an}{ Arr}{as the}n,{
Marke }
{the }{enco}{unte}{r: }If{ he loue}{ her }{not,}{
And b}
{e not }{from his }r{eason }fal{ne there}{on;
L{et me be}{ no A}{ssistant}{ for a }{State}{,
And keepe }
{a Fa}r{me and }C{art}{ers
King. }
W{e will t}{ry it}.{
Enter Hamlet}
{ read}{ing o}{n a }{Booke}{.

{. But }{looke }{where }sa{dly t}h{e poore }{wretch}{
s{ reading}{

Pol. A}
{way }{I do }{beseech you},{ both }{away,
{Ile }{boord }{him p}{resen}tly{.

Exit }
{King }&{ Queen}{.

Oh{ giue me }{leaue}{. How }{does }{my good Lord}{ Hamlet}{?
Ham. }
{Well, }God-a-{mercy}{

Pol. }
{Do you }{know m}e{, my Lord?
Ham. }
E{xcellent},{ excellent w}{ell: }y'a{re a }F{ish}m{onger

{Pol. }{Not I}{ my Lord

Ham. The}
n{ I would }{you we}{re so}{ honest }{a man}{

Pol. H}
{onest}{, my Lord?
Ham. }
I{ sir, }{to be }{honest a}{s this }{wor}{ld g}o{es, i}s{ to be}e
{one ma}n{ pi}c{k'd o}{ut of t}wo{ thousand}{

Pol. That}
'{s very }{true}{, my Lord

Ham. }
{For }if{ the Sun}{ bree}{d Ma}go{ts in }a{ dead }dog{ge,
b{eing a }{good }ki{ssing }C{arri}on-{
Haue you }
{a daughter}{?
Pol. }
{I haue }{my Lord

Ham. }
L{et he}{r not }{walke }{i'th}{Sunne}{: Co}n{cept}{ion i}{s a}
{blessing},{ but no}t{ as your }{daughter }m{ay con}{ceiue}.{ Friend}
l{ooke too't}{

Pol. Ho}
{w say you }{by th}at? S{till ha}rp{ing on }{my daughter}:
y{et he}{ kne}w{ me not }{at f}{irst};{ he sa}{id I }{was a}{ Fishmonger}:
{he is }{farre }g{one, }{farre gone}{: and t}{ruly }{in my }{youth,
{I s}uff{red }{much }ex{trea}{mity }fo{r loue}:{ very }{neere th}{is. }{Ile}
{speake to }{him a}{gaine}{. What do you }{read }{my Lord?
Ham. }
W{ords, }w{ords, words}{

Pol. }
{What is }{the matter}{, my Lord?
Ham. }
B{etweene }who{?
Pol. I }
{meane }{the matter}{ you me}{ane, }{my Lord

Ham. }
S{lander}{s Si}r:{ for the }Satyric{all sl}{aue sai}{es he}{re,
{that }{old me}n{ haue }g{ray }{Bear}ds;{ that the}ir{ face}{s are }w{rink}led;
{their }{eyes }{purg}{ing thi}{cke }A{mber,}{ or }Plum-T{ree}
Gumm{e: and th}{at they }{haue a }p{lent}i{full }{locke }{of Wit,
{together}{ with w}{eake }{Ham}m{es. }{All }{which }{Sir, }{though I}
{most p}{ower}{fully}{, and p}{oten}{tly }{beleeue}{; ye}t{ I hold}{e it
{not }{Honest}i{e to h}a{ue it }{thus }{set downe}: {For you}{ your}
{selfe }{Sir, s}{hould be }{old }{as I a}{m, }if{ like a }C{rab}{ you }{could}
g{o b}ack{ward}{

Pol. Th}
{ough t}{his be }m{adnesse,
Ye{t there is }M{etho}{d in}'t:{ will }{you w}{alke}{
Out of the }
{ayre}{ my Lord?
Ham. I}
n{to my G}ra{ue?
Pol. }
{Indeed }t{hat is }{out o}{'th' }{Ayre}{:
How }
{pre}gn{ant }({sometimes}){ his Re}pl{ies are}{?
A }
{at o}f{ten }{Madnesse }h{its }{on,
{ich }{Reason}{ and S}an{itie }c{ould not}{
So }
{pro}s{perous}{ly be} {deli}u{er'd }of.{
I will }
{leaue h}{im,
And }
{sodaine}ly{ contriue}{ the m}{eanes }{of me}{eting}
{Betweene }{him, }{and my }{daughter}{.
My }
{Honourable}{ Lord, I w}{ill m}{ost humbly}{
Take }
{my leaue}{ of you}{

Ham. Y}
{ou can}{not }{Sir }{take f}{rom me}{ any }{thing}{, that I}
{will mo}{re wil}{ling}ly{ part }{withall}{, exce}p{t my life}{, my}

Polon. Fa}
{re you well}{ my Lord

Ham. The}
{se t}{edious}{ old }{fooles}{

Polon. You }
{goe to}{ seeke }{my Lord }{Hamlet};{ there}
{hee is}{.
Enter }
{Rosincran}{ and Guildensterne.

{ Rosin. }{God }s{aue you }{Sir}{

{d. }M{ine }{honour'd }{Lord?
{Rosin. }My{ most de}{are }{Lord?
Ham. }
My{ excellent }{good friends}?{ How do}{'st thou}
{Guildensterne}?{ Oh, }{Rosincrane};{ good L}ads:{ How doe}{ ye}
Rosin. }
{As the}{ indi}ff{ere}{nt }Ch{ild}r{en o}{f the e}{arth}{

Guild. }
H{app}y,{ in that}{ we }{are not }{ouer}-{happ}y:{ on }F{ortun}{es
Cap,{ we are not }{the very }B{utton}{

Ham. No}
{r the S}oa{les of }{her }Shoo{?
Rosin. }
{Neither }{my Lord

Ham. Then }
y{ou li}ue{ about }{her w}{aste}{, or }{in the }midd{le
{of her }fau{our}{?
{uil. }F{aith, he}r{ priuate}{s, w}{e

Ham. I}
{n the se}{cret}{ part}{s of }{Fortune}{? Oh, }{most }{true:
{she is }{a St}{rumpet}{. What}{'s the }{newes}{?
Rosin. N}
o{ne my Lord}{; but that }{the }W{orld}{'s g}{rowne

Ham. Then }
{is }{Doom}es{day }{neere}{: But }{your }{newes}{ is
{not t}r{ue. }{Let me }{question}{ more in}{ particular}{: what }{haue
{you my }{good friends,}{ des}{erue}d{ at the}{ hands }{of Fortune}{,
that }
s{he sen}d{s you to }{Prison}{ hither}{?
Guil. }
{Prison}{, my Lord?
Ham. }
{Denmark}'{s a Pri}s{on

{Rosin. }{Then is }{the World} o{ne

Ham. }
A{ good}l{y on}e{, in }{which the}{re are m}{any }C{onfin}{es,
War{ds, and }Du{nge}on{s; }{Denmarke be}{ing on}e{ o'th'}

{Rosin. }W{e thinke }{not s}o{ my Lord

Ham. Why}
{ then }{'tis no}n{e to you; }{for there}{ is no}{thing}
{either }{good }{or b}{ad, }{but thi}{nking}{ makes }{it so}:{ to me}{ it is}
{a pr}{ison

Rosin. }
{Why then }{your }{Amb}{ition }{makes it }{one: }{'tis}
{too }n{arrow }{for your }{minde}{

Ham. }
O{ God, }{I could }{be b}{ound}{ed in }a nuts{hell, }{and
{count}{ my selfe}{ a King}{ of in}{fin}{ite }sp{ace;}{ were }i{t not th}at{
I haue }
b{ad d}{ream}e{s

Guil. }
{Which d}{reames}{ indeed}{ are }{Ambition}{: for the}
{very }sub{stance }{of the }{Ambitio}u{s, is }m{eerely}{ the s}ha{dow}
{of a }D{reame}{

Ham. A }
{dreame}{ it selfe i}s{ but a}{ shadow
Rosin. T}
{ruel}{y, and }{I hold }{Ambition }{of so }{ayr}{y and}
{light }{a qua}l{ity,} {that it }{is but a shadow}{es sha}{dow

{Ham. Then }{are o}{ur B}eg{gers }bodi{es; and }{our M}o{nar}ch{s
{nd out-}st{retch}{t H}{ero}{es the }{Beggers }S{hadowes}{:
{all we}{e to th' }{Court}{: for},{ by my f}ey {I cannot }{reason}{?
Both. }
W{ee'l }w{ait }{vpon }{you

Ham. }
N{o such }{matter}{. I will }{not so}r{t you }{with the}
{rest }{of my }{seruants}:{ for to }{speake to }{you li}{ke an}{ honest}
{man}:{ I am }{most d}{readfull}{y at}{tende}{d; but }{in the be}{ate}n
{way of }{friends}hi{p, }{What ma}{ke you a}t El{son}{ower}{?
Rosin. }
T{o visit}{ you my }{Lord, no}{ other }o{ccasion}{

Ham. }
{Begger}{ that I }{am, I }{am }{euen }{poore }{in tha}{nkes};
{but }I{ thanke you}:{ and sur}e{ deare }{friends }my{ thank}{s
{re to}o{ deare }a{ ha}{lfe}peny{; were }y{ou not s}e{nt for}?{ Is it}
{your }{owne }{inclin}{ing}?{ Is it a }{free }v{isitation}?{ Come,}
d{eale i}u{stly }{with me}:{ come,}{ come};{ na}y{ speake}{

Guil. Wh}
{at should we }{say }{my Lord?
Ham. W}
hy{ any thing}{. But }{to the }{purpo}s{e; you }{were}
{sent for}{; and there }{is a }k{inde }{conf}e{ssion }{in your }{looke}{s;
{which }{your mo}d{esties}{ haue not }{craft }en{ough to }c{olo}r{,
I }
{know the }{good }{King & Queen}{e haue s}{ent for}{ you

{Rosin. To }{what e}n{d my Lord?
Ham. }
{That you }{must te}{ach }m{e: but }{let me}{e con}i{ure
{you by th}e{ right}{s of our }{fellow}{ship, }{by the }{cons}o{nanc}{y of}
{our }{youth, }{by the }Ob{lig}a{tion of }{our e}{uer-}{prese}{rued }{loue,
{and by }{what m}{ore dear}{e, a }{better }p{ropose}r{ could }{charge}
{you with}{all; }be{ euen }{and d}{irect }{with me, }wh{ether }{you
{were s}{ent for }o{r no}{

Rosin. Wh}
at{ say you}{?
Ham. }
Na{y then }{I haue a}n{ eye}{ of you}:{ if }{you l}o{ue me}
{hold }{not o}ff{

Guil. }
{My Lord, we w}{ere sent for}{

Ham. I}
{ will t}{ell you }wh{y; }so{ shall my }a{ntic}ip{ation
p{reuen}{t your d}iscou{ery of}{ your se}cr{icie}{ to the King}{ and
{Queene:}{ mou}l{t no }fe{ather, }I{ haue of }{late, }{but w}{herefore}{
I know }
{not, }l{ost a}{ll my }mi{rth, }{forg}{one }{all }{custome }{of }exerci{se;
{and in}{deed, }it{ goes }s{o heauen}{ly with m}y{ disposition};
{that th}is{ goodly }fra{me the }{Earth, }{seemes }{to me }{a st}er{rill}
P{rom}{ont}ory{; this }{most }{excellent }{Cano}p{y the }{Ayre},{
{ you, }{this bra}{ue o}{re-ha}ng{ing, th}{is M}{aiesti}{call }Roo{fe,
{fret}{ted }{with }g{olde}n{ fire}{: wh}y{, it }{appear}e{s no other}{ thing}
{to me}{e, then }a{ foule and }p{esti}{lent }{con}g{rega}{tion of }va{pour}s{.
What }
{a pi}e{ce of }{worke i}{s a ma}n!{ how }{Noble }i{n
{ason?}{ how }{infinite }{in fa}{cul}ty?{ in f}o{rme and }{mou}{ing
{how }{expresse }{and ad}{mir}{able}{? in }A{ction, }{how }{like an }{Angel}?
{in a}{ppre}h{ension}{, how like a}{ God}?{ the bea}u{ty of }{the
{world}{, the }P{arra}g{on of }Animal{s; and }y{et to }m{e, what }{is
{his }Qu{inte}s{sence }{of D}{ust}?{ Man}{ deli}{ghts }{not m}{e; n}o,
{nor }W{oman}{ ne}{ither};{ though }{by your }{smiling }{you s}{eeme}
{to say}{ so}{

Rosin. }
{My Lord, }t{here was }n{o such }stuff{e in my}

Ham. Why }
{did }{you l}{augh}{, when }I{ said, }{Man delights}
{not me}{?
Rosin. To }
{thinke, }{my Lord, }{if you }{delight}{ not in}{ Man,
{what }Le{nton}{ enter}{tain}m{ent the }Play{ers }{shall receiue}
{from }{you: }w{ee co}at{ed the}m{ on the w}{ay, and }{hither }{are
{they }{comm}{ing to }{offe}{r you }{Seruice}{

Ham. H}
{e that }{play}{es the }K{ing shall }be{ welcome}{; hi}{s
{iest}y{ shall h}{aue }Tribut{e of me}{e: the}{ adue}nt{urous}
K{night }{shal}{ vse }{his F}oy{le and }T{arge}{t: the}{ Loue}{r shall
{not s}{igh}{ gra}{tis}{, the }{humo}{rous }{man }{shall }{end his }{part }{in
{pea}c{e: the }Cl{owne }{shall m}{ake th}{ose l}{augh}{ whose l}{ung}{s
are t}
i{ckle}{d a}{'th' }s{ere: }{and the }{Lady}{ shall s}{ay he}{r minde
{freely}{; or the}{ bla}{nke }V{erse}{ shall ha}l{t for}{'t: w}{hat }{Players}
{are the}y{?
Rosin. }
{Euen }{those }{you were }{wont to }{take }{delight }{in
{the }T{rag}e{dian}{s of the }Cit{y

Ham. }
{How }{chance}s{ it th}e{y tr}au{aile}?{ their }{res}{iden}c{e
{ in }{repu}{tation }{and profit }{was b}{etter b}{oth}

{Rosin. }{I thinke }t{heir In}hi{bition }{comes by }{the meanes}
{of the }{late}{ In}{nou}{ation?}{
Ham. D}
o{e they }{hold }{the s}{ame }{esti}{mation}{ they }{did}
{when I }w{as in the }{City}? A{re they }{so fo}{llow}'d{?
Rosin. No}
{ indeed, }t{hey are }{not

Ham. }
{How c}o{mes it}?{ doe th}ey{ grow }{rust}{y?
Rosin. }
N{ay, the}ir{ inde}{auour}{ keepe}{s in the }{wont}ed
{pace; }B{ut there is }{Sir }{an a}yr{ie of }{Children},{ little}
Ya{ses, }{that }cry{e out o}{n the }top{ of question}{; and}
a{re most }tyr{ann}{icall}{y c}lap'{t for't: }t{hese are }{now the}
fa{shi}{on, }{and so}{ be}-{rat}l{ed the}{ common }{Stage}s{ (so}{ they}
{call the}m){ that }{many }{wearing} Rapi{ers, a}{re a}f{fra}i{de o}f{
se-q{uil}{s, and d}{are s}c{arse }{come }t{hither}{

Ham. Wh}
{at a}{re they }{Children}{? Wh}o{ main}{tain}s 'em?{
How }
{are they }e{sco}r{ted}{? W}{ill the}y{ pursue}{ the }Q{uality}{ no
l{onger }t{hen the}y{ can }s{ing? }{Will they }{not s}{ay a}{fter}{ward}s
{if the}y{ should }{grow }{them}{selues }{to co}{mmon }{Players }(a{s
{t is }{most }{like }{if the}ir{ meanes }{are not }{better}){ their }Wri{ters
d{o them} wro{ng, t}o{ make th}{em }{exc}{laim}{ against the}ir
{owne }Su{ccess}i{on

Rosin. }
{Faith }{there }{ha's b}{ene }{much t}{o do}{ on }{both }{side}s:
{and the }N{ation }{holds }{it no }{sinne}{, to t}{arre }{them }{to Co}nt{roue}rsi{e.
There }
{was }{for a }{while, }{no m}o{ny }bi{d for a}rgum{ent,
vnl{esse th}{e Po}et{ and the }{Player}{ went }{to C}{uffe}s{ in
the }

Ham. I}
{s't }{possi}b{le?
{uild. }O{h there ha's be}{ene much t}hr{owing }{about }{of

Ham. }
D{o the }Bo{yes }c{arry i}t{ away?}
{ Rosin. I th}{at they do}{ my Lord.}{ Her}c{ules }&{ his lo}{ad t}oo{

Ham. I}
{t is no}t{ strange}:{ for mine }{Vnckle }is{ King of}
{Denmarke,}{ and th}{ose th}{at would }{make }m{owes }a{t him
{while m}y{ Father l}{iued};{ giue t}{went}y{, for}t{y, an}{ hu}n{dre}d
Duc{ates a}{ pe}e{ce, }{for his }pic{ture in }L{ittle}{. There }i{s some}{thing
{in this }m{ore then }{Naturall}{, if }{Philosoph}{ie could}
{finde }i{t out}.

F{lourish}{ for the }{Players}{.

{Guil. }T{here are }{the Players}{

Ham. }
{Gentlemen, }y{ou are }{welcom}{ to E}{lsonower}:{ your
{hands, }{come}:{ The}{ app}{urte}n{ance of }{Welcome}{, is }F{ashion}{
and }
Ce{remo}ny{. Let me }{compl}y{ with you in th}e{ Garb}{e,
e{st my }{exte}n{t to the }{Players (}{which }I{ tell you }{must }{shew}
{faire}{ly o}{utward}){ should }{more a}{ppeare}{ like }{entertainment}
{then your}s{. You }{are welcom}{e: but }my{ Vnckle }{Father}{,
and }
A{unt }{Mother }{are d}{eceiu'd}{

Guil. }
I{n what }{my deere }{Lord?
Ham. I }
{am b}{ut mad}{ Nor}{th, }{North}-W{est}:{ when th}{e
{nde i}s{ Sou}{ther}{ly, }{I know }a{ Ha}w{ke from }{a Ha}{nds}aw{.
Enter Polonius.

Pol. }
{Well }be{ with you }{Gentlemen}{

Ham. He}
{arke you }{Guildensterne}{, and }{you to}o:{ at }{each
{eare a h}{eare}r{: that }{great }Ba{by you}{ see }{there},{ is not }{yet}
{out of h}{is s}wa{thing }c{lou}t{s

Rosin. }
{Happ}il{y he}{'s the }seco{nd time }{come t}{o them}{: for}{
they }
s{ay, an}{ old m}a{n is t}w{ice }a{ ch}{ilde
Ham. I will }
{Prophe}{sie.}{ He}{e comes }{to tell }m{e of the}
{Players.}{ Mark}{ it, }{you say}{ right}{ Sir: for }a{ Mon}{day }m{orning}
't{was so}{ indeed

Pol. }
M{y Lord, I haue }{Newes to t}{ell you}{

Ham. }
{My Lord, I haue Newes to tell you}.{
When }
R{ossi}{us an}{ Act}{or in }R{ome}-{
Pol. Th}
e{ Actor}{s are }c{ome hither }{my Lord

Ham. }
Buzz{e, bu}{zze}{

Pol. }
{Vpon m}{ine }{Hono}r{

Ham. Then }
{can }{each }{Actor }{on his }A{sse}{-
o{n. The}{ best }{Actors }{in the wo}{rld, }{either }{for }{Tragedi}e{,
{die,} His{tor}{ie, }Pa{stor}{all:
{Trag}{icall-Historicall}: {Tragicall-}{Comicall-Historicall-Pastorall:
{Scen}{e indi}uid{ible:}{ or P}oem{
im{ite}d{. Se}neca{ cannot }b{e too }{heau}y{, nor }{Pla}utu{s
too }
l{ight, }{for the }law{ of W}r{it, and }{the L}{iberty}{. These are}{
the }
o{nely }{men

Ham. }
O Iephta Iu{dge of }Israel{, what a }Tr{easure}{ had}'st{
Pol. What }
{a Treasure had}{ he}{, my Lord?
Ham. }
{Why }{one }{faire }{Daughter},{ and no}{ more}{,
The }
{which he }{loue}d{ passi}{ng w}{ell

{Pol. }{Still }{on my }{Daughter}{

Ham. A}
{m I }{not i}{'th' right}{ old }{Iephta}?{
Polon. }
I{f you }{call }{me I}{ephta }{my Lord, I haue }{a daughter}
{that I loue }{passing well

{Ham. Nay th}{at fo}{llow}{es no}{t

Polon. What }
{followes }t{hen, }{my Lord?
{. Why},{ As }b{y lo}t{, God}{ wo}t{: and then}{ you know}{, I}t{
{me to }{passe}{, as }{most like i}{t was}{: The }{first }{row}{e of the
{ons }C{han}{son }{will }{shew }y{ou more}{. For }{looke where }my
Abri{dgement}{s com}{e.
Enter }
{foure }{or f}{iue }{Players.

Y'{are welcome}{ Ma}s{ters, }{welcome }all{. I am }gl{ad to}{ see}{
e{ well: }{Welcome good Fr}{iends}{. Oh }{my }{olde }{Friend}?{
Thy }
{face}{ is v}{ali}{ant }{since }{I saw }{thee }{last}{: Com}{'st thou }to
{bear}{d me }{in Denmarke}?{ What}, {my yong }{Lady }{and M}{istris}?
Byrl{ady }{your }{Lad}i{ship}{ is n}{eerer}{ Heauen }{then }{when}{
I saw }
{you la}{st, b}{y the }altitud{e of a }Ch{oppin}e{. Pr}a{y God}{
your }
vo{ice }{like a }{peece}{ of v}ncu{rrant }Gol{d be not }c{rack}{'d
w{ithin the }r{ing. }{Masters, }{you are }{all we}{lcome: }{wee'l }e'n{e
'{t like }{Fren}{ch }Fau{lco}n{ers, }fli{e at a}{ny thing}{ we s}e{e: wee'l}
{haue a }Sp{eech }{stra}{ight.}{ Come }{giue v}{s a }ta{st of }{your }{quality}:
{come, }a{ passion}a{te sp}{eech}{

1.{Play}{. What s}{peech}{, my Lord?
Ham. I }
{heard}{ thee }{speak}{ me a s}{peech }o{nce, }{but i}{t was}
{neuer }A{cted}{: or }if{ it was}{, not }{aboue }{once, }{for the Play} I
{remember }{pleas}'d{ not the }M{illi}{on, }{'twas }Cauiar{ie to the}
G{enerall}:{ but it was}{ (as}{ I }{receiu'd }{it, and }{others}{, whose}
{iudgement}{ in }{such matter}{s, c}rie{d in the }{top of }{mine}){ an}
{excellent }{Play};{ well }dig{este}{d in the }Scoe{nes, }{set downe
{with as}{ much }{modestie}{, as }cunn{ing. I}{ remember }{one s}{aid,}
{there was no }S{all}et{s in the }l{ines, }{to make the}{ matter }sau{ory;}{
nor }
{no m}{atter }{in the }p{hrase, }t{hat might }{indi}t{e the}
A{uth}o{r of }a{ffect}{ation, }{but }{cal}{'d it}{ an honest }m{ethod}{. O}{ne
ch{eefe }{Speech }in{ it, I }{cheefe}l{y lou}'d{, 'twas }A{ene}{as }{Tale}{
to }
Dido,{ and there}{about of}{ it }{espe}c{iall}y{, where}{ he s}{peak}{s
of }
Priams{ slau}{ghter.}{ If it }{liue }{in your }{memory}{, be}g{in a}t{
this }
L{ine, }{let me }se{e, let me see}{: The }rug{ged }Pyrr{hus }{like}{
'Hyr{can}{ian}{ Beast}{. It is not s}{o: }it{ begin}{s with }{Pyrrhus}
{The rugged Pyrrhus}{, he }{whose }S{able }{Armes}
B{lacke }{as his }{purpose}{, did }{the }{night }r{esemble}{
When }
{he la}{y co}{uch}{ed in the }O{min}{ous }H{ors}{e,
Hath }
{now th}{is d}r{ead and }b{lacke }{Comp}lex{ion s}m{ear'd
{With }H{eral}dry{ more d}ism{all: }He{ad to }foote{
Now }
i{s he to t}{ake }Ge{ulle}{s, h}{orri}{dly }Tr{ick'd}{
With }
{blood}{ of F}a{thers, }M{others, }{Daughter}{s, S}{onnes},
B{ak'd a}{nd i}{mpas}{ted with }{the p}{arch}{ing s}t{reet}s{,
That }
l{end }a{ tyrann}ou{s, and da}{mned }{light}{
To the}
ir{ vilde }M{urther}{s, r}oa{sted in }w{rath}{ and fi}{re,
And }
{thus o're}-siz{ed with }coag{ulate}{ go}{re,
{With }{eyes }{like }C{arb}u{ncle}{s, the h}{elli}s{h Pyrrhus
O{lde }Gr{ands}{ire }{Priam}{ seeke}{s

Pol. }
F{ore G}od{, my Lord, }{well s}p{oken},{ with go}{od }{acce}{nt,
{and good }{discretion}{

{er. }An{on he}{ finde}s{ him,
S{tri}k{ing to}o{ short }{at }{Gree}k{es. }{His a}{nticke }S{word,
Reb{elli}{ous }{to his A}r{me, }l{yes }{where }{it f}{alle}s{
pu{gnant }{to comm}{and}:{ vne}qu{all ma}{tch,}
{Pyrrhus }{at P}{riam }d{riue}{s, in }R{age}{ str}{ikes }wide{:
But }
{with the }{whi}{ffe }a{nd wi}nde{ of his }{fell }{Sword,
T{h' vn}n{erued }{Father }{fals}{. Then }s{ens}e{lesse }I{lli}u{m,
ee{ming to }fee{le his }{blo}w{, with }fla{ming to}p{
oope{s to his }Ba{ce, and }{with a }{hide}{ous }{cra}sh{
s{ Prison}{er P}{yrrhus }{eare.}{ For lo}e{, his }{Sword
{Which }{was }{decl}{ining}{ on the }{Milk}i{e head}{
Of }
R{euer}{end }{Priam},{ seem'd }i{'th' Ayre}{ to s}{ticke}{:
So }
{as a }pa{inted} Ty{rant }{Pyrrhus }{sto}o{d,
And }
{like a }{New}t{rall }{to his }{will }{and m}{atter, }{did }{nothing}{.
But }
as{ we of}t{en se}e{ against }{some }{stor}m{e,
A s}
{ilen}c{e in the}{ Heauens}{, the }R{acke }{stand}{ still}{,
The }
b{old }w{indes }{speech}l{esse, and }{the O}r{be b}e{low}{
As h}
us{h as }{death}:{ Anon }{the }{dreadfull}{ Th}{unde}r
D{oth }{rend }{the R}{egi}{on. }{So a}{fter }{Pyrrhus }p{ause,
A{ row}{sed }V{enge}{ance }s{ets }{him }{new }a-{worke,
And }
{neuer }{did the }Cyclop{s ha}mm{ers }{fall}{
On }
Mars{ his Arm}{ours}{, forg}'{d for }pr{oofe} E{terne,}{
With }
{lesse }{remo}rs{e then }{Pyrrhus }{ble}e{ding }{sword
{Now }{falles}{ on }{Priam}.{
{, ou}t{, thou }{Strumpet}-{Fortune,}{ all you }{God}{s,
n{ generall }Syn{od }{take }{away }{her p}{ower:}
B{reake }{all the}{ Sp}{okes}{ and }F{alli}e{s from }{her w}h{eele}{,
And b}
{oule }{the r}{ound }N{aue }{downe }{the h}i{ll of }{Heauen,
A{s lo}w{ as t}{o the }F{iends

{Pol. This }{is to}{o long}{

Ham. It }
{shall t}{o'th}{ Ba}rba{rs, w}i{th your }{beard}{. Pr}y{thee}
{say o}n{: He}'{s for a }Ii{gge,} {or a }ta{le of }Baudr{y, or }{hee
l{eepes}{. S}{ay on};{ come to }Hecuba{

1.Play. }
{But wh}{o, }O{ who, }{had seen}{ the }{ino}b{led }{Queen}{

Ham. The}
{ inobled Queen}{e?
Pol. }
{That's }{good}: I{nobled Queene} {is good}{

1.Play. }
R{un b}{are}-{foot}{ vp and downe}{,
{reat}n{ing the }{flam}{e
Bis{son }Rheum{e: A }{clout}{ about t}{hat he}{ad,
{Where }{late }{the }Diadem{ stood,}{ and f}{or a }Rob{e
{bout her }{lanke }{and all}{ ore-}t{eame}{d Lo}{ines,
A{ blanke}{t in th}'{ Ala}{rum}{ of f}{eare }ca{ught vp}.{
Who }
{this h}{ad seene}{, with }t{ong}{ue in }V{enom}{e st}{eep}{'d,
'G{ainst }{Fortunes}{ State,}{ would }T{reason }{haue p}{ronounc}{'d?
{But if}{ the G}o{ds the}{mselues }{did see} h{er then}{,
When }
{she s}{aw }{Pyrrhus }{make m}al{icious }s{port}{
In }
{min}{cing }{with his }{Sword}{ her }Husb{ands }{limbes}{,
The }
{instant }Bur{st of }C{lam}{our t}{hat she }{made}
(V{nlesse th}{ings }{mor}t{all m}{oue the}m{ not at }{all})
W{ould h}{aue m}{ade m}ilch{e the }{Bur}{ning }{eyes o}{f Heauen,
nd{ passion }{in the G}o{ds

Pol. }
L{ooke where }{he ha's }{not t}{urn'd} {his co}{lour}{, and
{ha's }t{eares }{in's }{eyes}{. Pray }{you no}{ more
Ham. }
{'Tis }{well, }{Ile }{haue t}{hee speak}{e out the }{rest,}
soo{ne. }{Good my Lord},{ will you }{see the}{ Players }{wel}{ best}{ow'd}{.
y{e hear}{e, let }{them }{be wel}l{ vs'd}{: for the}y{ are
the }
Ab{stra}cts{ and br}{eefe }Ch{ron}ic{les of }{the t}{ime.} A{fter}{
your }
{death, }{you were }{better }{haue a }{bad }Epitap{h, then}{
their }
i{ll re}{port}{ while}{ you liue}{d

Pol. My Lord, I }
{will vse }{them }a{ccording to the}i{r des}ar{t

Ham. }
{Gods }bodyki{ns ma}{n, b}{etter.} Vs{e euer}i{e man}
{after }{his de}{sart}{, and who}{ should }sc{ape }{whi}{ppin}g:{ vse}
{them a}f{ter you}{r own}{ Honor}{ and D}igni{ty. The} {lesse the}y
{deserue}{, the mo}{re me}r{it is }{in your }{boun}{tie.}{ Take th}em

Pol. }
{Come }{sir}s{.

Exit }
Ham. }
F{ollow}{ him }{Friends}{: wee'l }h{eare a }{play}{ to m}{orro}w{.
{st thou }{heare }m{e old }F{riend, }{can }y{ou pl}{ay the}
m{urther }{of G}onzag{o?
{lay. }{I my Lord

Ham. }
{Wee'l }{ha'}t{ to morrow}{ night}{. You c}{ould }{for a}
{need}{ stu}{dy a}{ speech o}{f some do}s{en or }sixt{eene }{lines, }{which}
{I would }{set downe},{ and in}{ser}t{ in't}{? Co}{uld y}e{ not?
{Play. I my Lord

Ham. }
{Very well}{. Follow }{that }{Lord, a}{nd l}{ooke you}
mock{ him n}ot{. My }{good Friends}{, Ile }{leaue }{you t}il{ night
{you are welcom}e{ to Elsonower}{?
Rosin. }
{Good my Lord}{.


Man{et }{Hamlet.
Ham. I s}
o,{ God buy}'y{e: }{Now }{I am }al{one.}{
Oh }
{what a }Rog{ue and }Pe{sant }{slaue }{am }I?
Is{ it not }mo{nst}{rous }{that this }{Player }{heere,}{
But i}
n{ a Fi}x{ion, }{in a d}{reame }{of P}{assion}{,
{uld for}{ce his }s{oule }so{ to his w}hole{ concei}{t,
That }
{from her w}{orking},{ all his }vis{age }war{m'd};
T{eares in}{ his eyes,}{ dist}{racti}{on in}'{s As}p{ect,
A{ bro}{ken} voy{ce, and }{his whole }F{unc}{tion s}u{iting}{
With }
F{orme}{s, to }{his Co}{nceit}? {And all }f{or no}{thing}?{
For }
{What's }{Hecuba}{ to him, }{or he}{ to Hecuba}{,
That he}
{ should we}{epe }{for h}{er?}{ What }{would }h{e doe}{,
d {he the }Motiu{e and the }Cu{e for }{passion}{
That I haue}
?{ He }{would dr}{owne the }{Stage}{ with t}{eares}{,
And }
c{leaue }{the }{generall }{eare }{with h}{orrid}{ speech}:{
{ mad }{the g}{uilty, }{and a}pa{le the }{free}{,
nf{ound t}{he i}g{nor}an{t, and }amaze{ indeed,}{
The very }
{faculty}{ of }Ey{es and }Ea{res. }{Yet }I{,
A }
d{ull and }muddy-me{tled }Rasc{all, }{peake
{ike }Ioh{n a}-{dreames},{ vn}{pregnant }{of my }{cause,
{And c}{an s}{ay not}{hing: }{No, }{not f}{or a }{King,
{Vpon }{whose }{property}{, and m}{ost deere }{life,}{
A d}
am{n'd }{defe}{ate }{was }{made}{. Am I }a{ Co}{ward}?{
Who }
c{alles }{me }V{ill}{aine}? {breake}{s my }p{ate }a-cros{se?
Pluck{es of}{f my }{Beard}{, and b}{lowes }{it in }{my face}?
Tw{eakes m}{e by}{'th' }N{ose}?{ giue}s {me the }Ly{e i'th' }{Thro}{ate,
{s de}{epe a}{s to the }L{ungs}{? Who }{does m}{e this?
a?{ Why }I{ should }{take }{it: for }it{ cannot be}{,
But }
{I am }Pi{geon}-L{iuer'd}{, and l}{acke }G{all
T{o make }O{ppress}{ion }bi{tter, }{or e}{re this}{,
I s}
h{ould haue }fa{tted }{all the }{Region}{ Ki}tes{
With }
{this }S{laue}s Off{all, }{bloud}{y: a}{ Ba}w{dy }v{illaine}{,
{morse}{lesse, }T{reach}{erous},{ Let}{cherous, }k{indles}{ villaine}!{
Oh }
{? What }{an A}{sse a}{m I?}{ I s}u{re, thi}s{ is most }{braue}{,
That I}
{, the S}{onne }{of the }D{eere }{murther}{ed,
{Prom}pt{ed to }{my }{Reue}{nge }by{ Heauen,}{ and H}{ell,
M{ust }({like a }{Who}re){ vnp}{acke }{my heart }{with w}{ords,}{
And }
f{all a}{ Cu}r{sing }{like a }{very }Drab.{
A }
S{cul}l{ion? }Fy{e vpon}{'t: }Foh{. A}{bout }{my B}{raine}.{
I haue }
h{eard, }{that g}{uilty} C{reat}{ures }s{itti}{ng a}{t a }{Play},{
Haue }
{by the }{very c}{unning}{ of the }{Scoene}{,
n{e str}{ooke so }{to the }{soule}{, that }{presently}{
y{ haue pro}{claim'd }{their }M{ale}f{action}{s.
{For }{Murther}{, though it }{haue no}{ tongue}{, will }{speake
{With }{most }myr{acul}{ous }Organ.{ Ile haue the}s{e Players},{
{ something}{ like }{the m}urd{er of }{my Father}{,
Before }
{mine Vn}k{le. }{Ile }o{bserue his }{lookes}{,
Ile }
{rent }{him t}{o the }qu{icke:}{ If he }{but b}{lenc}h{
I know }
m{y cou}{rse}{. The }{Spirit} {that I haue }{seene}{
May }
b{e the Di}u{ell, and}{ the Diuel}{ hath p}{ower}
T{' ass}um{e a ple}as{ing sha}p{e, }yea{ and pe}r{hap}s{
Out of }
{my }{Weaknesse,}{ and my }Me{lan}c{hol}{ly,
{As he }{is very }{potent}{ with such }{Spirit}{s,
bus{es me t}o{ damne} me{. Ile haue }g{round}s{
More }
R{ela}t{iue the}{n this}{: The }{Play}{'s the }{thing,}{
{in }{Ile }c{atch}{ the C}{ons}cie{nce of the }{King.}{


Enter King, Queene, }
{Polonius, }{Ophelia, }{Rosincrance,}{
{, and

King. }
{And can }{you by }no{ drift of }c{ircumstance}
Ge{t from hi}m{ why}{ he }pu{ts on}{ this }{Conf}u{sion}:
G{rati}{ng s}{o ha}rsh{ly a}{ll his }{dayes }{of qu}iet{
With t}
urbul{ent and d}{ange}{rous }{Lunac}y{

Rosin. H}
{e does}{ confess}{e he }{feele}s{ himselfe}{ distract}{ed,
{But f}{rom }{what }{cause }h{e will }{by no }{meanes }{speake

Guil. }
{Nor }do{ we finde }{him }{for}{ward }{to be }s{ounded},{
But with }
a{ craft}y{ Madnesse }{keepes }{alo}of{e:
{en w}{e would }{bring }{him on to }{some }C{onfession}{
Of his }
{true }s{tate}{

Qu. }
Di{d he re}{ceiue }{you well}{?
Rosin. M}
{ost like }a{ Gentleman

{Guild. }{But with }{much f}{orc}{ing of hi}s{ disposition}{

Rosin. }
Nig{gard}{ of question,}{ but }{of our }{demands}{
Most }
{free }{in his }{rep}ly{

Qu. Did }
{you a}{ssay }{him to }{any pas}{time}{?
Rosin. M}
{adam, }{it so}{ fell out}{, that c}{ertain}{e Players
W{e ore-}w{rought }{on the way}:{ of the}s{e we t}{old }{him,
And th}
{ere did }{seeme }i{n him a}{ kinde }{of i}oy{
To }
{heare }{of it}{: The}{y are }{about th}e{ Court}{,
And (}
{as I }{thinke}){ they }{haue a}l{read}{y o}{rder}{
This }
{night }{to pl}{ay be}{fore hi}m{

Pol. }
{'Tis }{most true:
{And he }{beseech}{'d me}{ to i}{ntreat}e{ your Maiesties
{To heare}{, and s}e{e the matter}{

King. W}
{ith a}{ll my }{heart}{, and i}t{ doth m}{uch c}{onte}{nt m}e{
To heare }
{him }{so in}{clin}'d{. Good Gentlemen,}{
{ him a }{further }ed{ge, and }{driue}{ his purpose} {on
o{ these }{delights
Rosin. We }
{shall my Lord}{.


{ King. }S{weet }G{ert}r{ude }{leaue }v{s too}{,
For }
{we haue }{close}{ly s}{ent for }{Hamlet }{hither}{,
That he}
{, as }{'twere }{by }acc{iden}{t, m}{ay the}{re
f{fro}{nt }{Ophelia.}{ Her}{ Father,}{ and my }{selfe }(lawful{ esp}ials)
{Will }{so be}{stow}{ our selues, }{that s}e{eing }vn{seene
We{ may }o{f their }{encounter}{ fra}n{kely}{ iudge}{,
And }
{gather}{ by }{him, a}{s he is }be{haue}{d,
f'{t be t}{h' a}{fflict}{ion of }{his lo}u{e, or }no.{
That th}
u{s he }{suff}{ers f}o{r

Qu. I }
{shall }{obey}{ you,
And }
{for your }{part }{Ophelia, I }{do w}i{sh
h{at your }{good }B{eauti}{es be}{ the h}{appy}{ cause}{
Of Hamlets }
w{ilden}{esse}:{ so shall }{I ho}p{e your }V{ert}u{es
{ll b}{ring him }{to his w}{onted}{ way }{againe}{,
To b}
{oth your }{Honor}{s

{Ophe. M}{adam, I }{wish}{ it m}a{y

Pol. }
{Ophelia, w}{alke }{you h}{eere}.{ Gra}{cious s}o{ please y}{e
We }
{will be}{stow our selues}:{ Rea}de{ on this }{booke,
{That she}{w of }{such an}{ exercise}{ may co}{lour}{
Your }
{lone}l{inesse.}{ We }{are of}t{ too }blame{ in this},
{'Tis t}{oo much }{prou'd}{, that w}{ith }Deuo{tions }{visage}{,
And pi}
{ous }{Action, }w{e do }{sur}g{e o're}{
The }
d{iuell}{ himselfe}{

King. Oh }
{'tis true:}{
How }
sm{art a }lash{ that s}{peech }{doth }{giue m}y{ Conscience}?{
The }
Harl{ots }Ch{eeke }{beauti}{ed with }{pla}{ist}'{ring }{Art
I{s not m}{ore }vg{ly to }{the thing}{ that he}l{pes i}{t,
{ is m}{y dee}d{e, to }m{y most }{painted }w{ord.
Oh{ heau}i{e bu}{rthe}n!{
Pol. I }
{heare him }{comming}{, let}'{s with}{draw }{my Lord.


{Enter Hamlet}{.

Ham. }
{To be}{, or no}{t to be}{, that i}{s the }{Question}{:
{ther }{'tis }{Noble}{r in the mi}{nde }{to su}{ffer}{
The }
Sl{ings }{and A}{rrow}e{s of ou}t{ragi}{ous }{Fortune,
Or{ to take }{Armes against }{a Se}a{ of tr}{ouble}{s,
And }
{by }op{posi}{ng e}{nd the}m{: to }dy{e, to }{sleepe}{
No }
{more};{ and by }a{ sleepe}{, to s}{ay we }e{nd
The }
{Hear}t-ak{e, and the }{thousand }{Naturall}{ sho}{ckes}{
That }
F{les}{h is h}e{yre to}{o? }{'Tis }a{ cons}um{mation}
{Deuo}u{tly to }{be wi}sh{'d. }T{o dye}{ to sleepe}{,
To s}
{leepe, }{perchance}{ to }{Dreame};{ I, the}r{e's the }rub{,
For }
{in that }{sleepe}{ of }{death, }{what }{dreames }{may co}{me,
{hen we }{haue s}h{uffe}l{'d of}{f this }{mortall }co{ile,
{Must }{giue vs }paws{e. There}{'s the r}{espec}t{
That }
{makes }Cal{amity }{of so }{long }{life}:{
For w}
ho{ would b}{eare the}{ Whi}p{s and }{Sco}r{nes of }{time,
{The }{Oppress}{ors }{wrong, t}h{e poore }m{ans }{Cont}{ume}{ly,
T{he pa}{ngs }{of d}{isp}riz{'d Lo}{ue, the }La{wes }{del}ay{,
The ins}
ol{ence of }Offic{e, and the }Sp{urne}{s
That }
{pati}{ent me}ri{t of the }vnw{orth}y{ take}s,{
When he }
{himselfe }{might }{his Qui}et{us make}{
With a}
{ bare} Bod{kin}{? Who }{would }{these }F{ard}l{es be}a{re
To g}
ru{nt and }{swea}t{ vnder }a{ wear}{y life,}
B{ut that the }{dread }{of some}{thing }{after }{death,}{
The v}
n{discouer}e{d Co}u{ntre}{y, f}{rom wh}{ose }B{orne}{
No }
T{raue}l{ler }{returne}{s, }Puz{els }t{he will}{,
And m}
a{kes vs }{rather }{beare th}{ose }i{lles }{we haue}{,
Then }
fl{ye to }{others} {that we }{know not}{ of.
{Thus }{Conscience }{does m}a{ke Co}w{ards of }{vs a}{ll,
And }
{thus }{the }N{atiue }{hew of }{Reso}lu{tion
I{s si}ckl{ied }{o're},{ with the pa}{le ca}{st of }{Though}t{,
And en}
{terprize}{s of }{great }pi{th and }mo{ment,
{With this }{regard}{ their }C{urrant}{s turn}e{ away,
A{nd loo}{se the }n{ame of }{Action}{. So}ft{ you no}w{,
The }
{faire }{Ophelia}?{ Ni}m{ph, }{in th}y O{riz}{ons}{
Be }
{all my }{sinne}{s remembr}{ed

{Ophe. }{Good my Lord,}
{How does }{your Honor}{ for th}is{ many }{a da}y{?
Ham. I h}
{umbly} {thanke you: }w{ell, we}{ll, well}{

Ophe. M}
{y Lord, I haue }R{emembrance}s{ of your}s{,
That I haue }
{longe}{d long to }{re-}{deliuer}{.
I }
p{ray you no}w{, receiue }{them
Ham. No}
{, no}{, I }{neuer }g{aue you }{ought}{

Ophe. My }
{hono}{r'd Lord}{, I know }r{ight we}{ll you }did{,
And with }
{them }{words of }{so s}{weet }{brea}{th co}m{pos}{'d,
A{s made}{ the thing}{s more }ri{ch, then}{ per}fu{me le}ft:
{Take the}se{ againe,}{ for to }{the N}{oble }{minde
R{ich }gif{ts w}ax{ poore}{, when }{giue}rs{ proue }vn{kinde}{.
There }
{my Lord

Ham. }
Ha{, ha}:{ Are }{you h}{onest}{?
Ophe. }
M{y Lord

Ham. }
{Are you }{faire}{?
Ophe. }
{What m}{eanes }{your L}{ords}{hip}{?
Ham. That }
{if you }{be honest a}{nd fa}{ire,}{ your Hon}{esty}
{should }a{dmit no }{discou}rs{e to you}r{ Beautie}{

Ophe. }
{Could }{Beautie}{ my Lord, }{haue b}{etter }{Come}rce{
then your}
{ Honestie}{?
Ham. I }
{trul}ie{: for the }{power }{of B}{eautie}{, will s}{oone}r
{transform}e{ Honestie }{from what }i{s, to }{a Bawd},{ then th}e
{force }{of H}{onestie }{can }{trans}{late }{Beautie }{into }{his l}ike{nesse.
{This }{was so}{metime}{ a P}aradox{, but no}w{ the time}{ giues }it
{proofe}.{ I did }{loue }{you o}{nce

{Ophe. }{Indeed }{my Lord, }{you m}{ade me}{ beleeue}{ so

{Ham. You }{should }{not }{haue be}{leeue}d{ me. }{For }v{ertue}
{cannot }{so in}nocc{ulate }{our o}{ld s}t{ocke}{, but w}e{ shall re}{llish}
{of it}.{ I loue}d{ you not}{

Ophe. I}
{ was }{the more }{deceiu}e{d

Ham. }
G{et the}{e to a }N{unne}rie{. Why }{would}{'st thou
{be a }{breed}{er of }S{inne}rs?{ I am m}{y selfe }{indifferent }{honest},{
but }
{yet I }{could }{acc}{use }{me of }{such th}{ings, }{that it w}{ere better}
{my M}{other }{had }{not b}{orne }{me. I}{ am }{very p}{row}d{, re}{uenge}{full}{,
{mbitious, }{with m}o{re of}fe{nces }{at my }be{cke,}{
then }
I{ haue th}{oughts}{ to p}u{t them }{in i}m{agi}n{ation, }{to giue}{
them }
{shape, }o{r time }{to a}cte{ them in}{. What should }{such}{
{owes a}{s I d}o{, cr}aw{ling }b{etweene }{Heauen }{and Ear}th.
{We are }a{rrant }Kn{aues }{all, b}{eleeue }{none }{of vs}{. Go}{e th}y{
{ to a Nunner}{y. Wh}{ere's }{your }{Father}{?
Ophe. }
At{ home}{, my Lord

Ham. }
Le{t the d}{oore}{s be }{shu}{t vpon }{him, }{that he }{may
{play the}{ Fo}{ole }no{ way, }{but in}{'s }{owne }{hous}e{. Fare}{well

Ophe. }
O{ helpe}{ him, }{you s}{weet }{Heauens}{

Ham. I}
f{ thou }{does}t{ Marr}y{, Ile }{giue th}ee{ this Pla}gu{e
{ thy }Dow{rie. }B{e thou}{ as c}{hast }{as I}c{e, as }p{ure }{as }S{now,
{thou }s{halt }{not }e{scape }{Cal}um{ny. }{Get thee to a Nunner}y{.
,{ Farewell}{. O}{r if th}{ou wi}{lt n}{eed}s{ Marry, }m{arry }a{ fool}:{
for }
W{ise m}e{n know }{well en}o{ugh, wh}a{t monst}{ers }{you
{ake of th}e{m. To }{a Nunnery} g{o, and }{quick}{ly to}o{. Far}{well

Ophe. O he}
{auenly }P{ower}{s, re}{stor}{e him

{Ham. I h}{aue heard}{ of your }p{ratl}{ings }{too }{wel }{enough}{.
{d ha}s{ giuen }{you on}{e pa}{ce, and }{you ma}ke{ your se}{lfe a}n{other}:{
you }
gi{dge, }{you a}{mble}{, and you }{lis}p{e, and }n{ickn}{ame
{Gods }c{reatures}{, and m}{ake your }Wa{nton}{nesse, }{your }I{gnoran}ce{.
Go to}
o{, Ile }{no more} {on't},{ it ha}{th m}{ade me }{mad.
I{ say, }w{e will }{haue no }{more }{Marriage}{s. Th}{ose that }{are
{marr}{ied a}{lready}{, all }{but o}{ne shall }li{ue, the }{rest }{shall }{keep}
a{s they }{are. }{To a Nunnery},{ go}{.

Exit }

{Ophe. O }{what a }{Noble minde}{ is he}{ere }{o're-}{throw}n{e?
The }
{Court}i{ers, So}{ldiers}{, S}{choll}{ers: }E{ye, to}{ngue, }s{word,
Th' }
ex{pect}{ans}{ie and }Ros{e of the }{faire }{State,
{The }gl{asse}{ of Fa}{shion, and }{the mo}{uld }{of For}{me,
'{ obseru}{'d of}{ all }O{bserue}{rs, }q{uite}{, quite}{ downe}.{
Haue }
I{ of }{Ladi}es{ most de}i{ect }{and w}{retch}{ed,
That s}
u{ck'd }{the }{Hon}i{e of his }{Mus}{icke }V{owes:
{Now }{see th}{at }{Noble}{, and most }S{ouer}aigne{ Reason},{
Like }
{sweet }B{els }i{ang}{led }{out of t}u{ne, and }{harsh}{,
That }
vn{match}{'d }F{orme and }F{eature}{ of }b{lowne }{youth,
Bl{asted with }exta{sie. }{Oh w}o{e is m}{e,
'{haue seene}{ what }{I haue seene}:{ see }{what I }{see}.{
Enter King, }
{and P}{olonius.

{King. }{Loue?}{ His a}{ffect}{ions }do{ not that}{ way }t{end,
N{or wh}{at he s}p{ake, }{though it }l{ack'd}{ Forme a}{ little},{
Was }
{not }{like }{Madnesse}{. There's }{something }{in his }{soule}?
O'r{e which h}{is Me}{lancholly}{ sit}{s on }br{ood,
And }
{I do }d{oubt th}{e hat}ch{, and the }{disc}{lose}{
Will b}
e{ some d}{anger}{, which to }{preuent}{
I haue }
{in }{quicke}{ de}{ter}m{ination}{
Thus }
{set }i{t downe}{. He }{shall w}{ith s}pe{ed to }E{ngl}{and
F{or the }{demand}{ of our }ne{gle}c{ted T}{ribute}:{
p{ly the }S{eas }{and C}{ountr}i{es di}{fferent}{
With }
va{ria}{ble }Ob{iect}{s, s}{hall e}{xpe}{ll
h{is something}{ set}{led }{matter in }{his h}{eart}:{
Whereon }
{his B}{raines}{ still}{ beat}{ing, }{puts }{him th}us
F{rom }{fashion}{ of hi}{mselfe}{. What }{thinke }{you on}'t{?
Pol. I}
{t shall }{do we}{ll. }B{ut yet }{do }I{ beleeue
{The O}{rig}in{ and Co}mm{ence}{ment }{of this }g{reefe}
Spru{ng }{from }{neglected }{loue.}{ How }{now }{Ophelia?}{
{ need}{e not t}{ell vs}{, what }{Lord Hamlet }{said}{e,
{ heard }it{ all. }{My Lord, }do{ as you}{ please},{
But if }
{you ho}l{d it }{fit }{after }t{he Play},{
Let }
{his Qu}{eene }{Mother a}{ll a}{lone}{ intreat}{ him
{To s}{hew }{his }G{reefe}{s: }l{et her }b{e round }{with hi}{m,
And }
{Ile b}e{ pla}c'd{ so, }{please you }{in the }{eare
Of{ all the}{ir C}{onfe}{renc}e{. If }sh{e finde him }{not,
T{o England}{ send}{ him}:{ Or }c{onfine}{ him wh}{ere
{Your }{wise}dom{e best }{shall t}{hinke}{

King. }
{It shall }{be so}{:
{nesse i}n{ great }O{nes, }{must not }vnw{atch'd }{go.


Enter Hamlet}
{, and t}wo{ or th}{ree }{of the }{Players.

{Ham. S}{peake t}h{e Speech }{I pray you},{ as I }{pronounc'd}{
it }
{to you }{tri}{pping}{ly on}{ the }T{ongue}{: But }{if you }mo{uth i}{t,
{s many }{of your }{Players }do,{ I had }as{ liue }{the To}wn-Cr{yer}
{had s}{poke}{ my L}{ines}:{ Nor do }{not sa}{w the }{Ayre to}{o much}{
your }
ha{nd thus}{, but }{vse }{all }g{ently}{; for }{in the }v{erie }Torr{ent,
Temp{est, a}{nd (as I }{say}){ the Whi}rle-{winde of}
{Passion,}{ you must }ac{qui}r{e and }bege{t a T}{empe}r{ance t}{hat
{may }{giue }{it }Smo{oth}{nesse. }O{ it o}{ffen}d{s mee}{ to the }{Soule},
{to see}{ a }robus{tious}{ Per}y{-wi}g-p{ated }{Fellow},{ teare}{ a Pa}{ssion
{to ta}{tters, }{to }{verie }ragg{es, to }spl{it the} {eares }{of the
G{round}{lings}:{ who }({for the }{most pa}rt){ are c}{ape}{able }{of
{nothing}{, but in}{exp}lic{able }{dumbe}{ shew}{es, }&{ no}i{se: }{I could}{
haue }
{such a }{Fellow}{ whip}{t for o}{'re-}do{ing }T{erm}ag{ant}{: it}{
{Hero}d{'s He}rod{. Pray you }auo{id i}{t

{layer. }{I wa}{rrant }{your Honor}{

Ham. Be}
{ not to}{o ta}{me n}ey{ther:}{ but let }{your owne}
D{iscretion}{ be }{your }Tu{tor}{. S}u{te the }{Action}{ to the }W{ord,
{the Word}{ to the }{Action, w}{ith this }{speciall}{ obseru}{ance}:{
That you}
{ ore-}s{top }{not the }{modestie}{ of }{Natur}e{; for }{any}
{thing s}o{ ouer-}{done, }{is fro}[m]{ the p}{urpose o}f{ Play}{ing, }{whose
e{nd bo}{th a}{t the }{first }{and no}{w, w}{as and }{is, to }h{old as }{'twer}{
the }
Mirr{our v}p{ to }{Nature; }t{o shew }{Vertue}{ her }{owne
{Feature},{ Scorne}{ her owne} Imag{e, and the }{verie }Ag{e and}
B{odie}{ of the }{Time, }{his f}{orme and }{press}u{re. }N{ow, t}{his
{ouer-done, }or{ come t}{ard}{ie of}f{, though it }{make the }vnskil{full}
{laugh, }{cannot b}u{t make the }Iud{icious }{gree}{ue; }{The}
c{ens}{ure of }{the w}{hich }O{ne, m}{ust }{in your }a{llow}{ance o}{'re}{way}
a{ whole }{The}at{er of }O{thers}.{ Oh, }t{here be}{e Players
{that I haue seene}{ Play,}{ and h}{eard o}{thers }{pra}i{se, and th}{at
hig{hly }({not to }{speake }{it pro}p{han}ely{) that }{neyther}{ hau}{ing
{he }{accent}{ of Ch}ri{stia}ns{, nor }{the }gate{ of Christian}{, Pa}g{an,
{or }{Nor}{man, }{haue s}{o st}ru{tted a}{nd be}{llowe}{d, that }{I haue}{
{ some }{of Nature}{s I}{ouer}{ney}-{men ha}d{ made me}n{,
and }
{not m}{ade the}m{ well, }{they }{imit}{ated }Hum{anit}{y so }abho{mina}b{ly

{lay. I }{hope }{we haue }{refor}{m'd th}at{ indifferent}{ly with}
{vs, }{Sir

{Ham. O }{reform}e{ it al}{together}{. And }{let th}{ose that}{
play }
{your }{Clowne}{s, s}{peake }{no more }t{hen is }{set downe}{ for
{m. For }{there be}{ of them}{, that wi}{ll them}{selues }{laugh,}{
to se}
{t on }{some }q{uant}i{tie of }b{arre}n{ Spe}{ctat}{ors }{to }{laugh}
{too, }{though i}{n the m}{eane t}{ime, }{some }ne{cess}{ary }{Question
{of the Play}{ be the}n{ to be }{cons}{ide}r{ed: }t{hat's }{Villa}{nous, }&
{shewes}{ a m}{ost p}{itti}{full }{Ambition }{in the }{Foole }{that }{vse}s{
it. }
Go{ make you }{readi}e{.

Exit P}

{Enter Polonius}{, Rosincrance,}{ and Guildensterne.

{How now }{my Lord,
{Will the}{ King }h{eare th}{is p}{eece of }W{orke}{?
Pol. }
{And the}{ Queene }{too, }{and that}{ presently
Ham. B}
i{d the Player}{s make }{hast}{.

Exit Polon}

W{ill you }{two }{helpe }{to ha}st{en the}m{?
Both. We}
{ will m}{y Lord.


Enter H}

Ham. }
{What }hoa,{ Horatio}{?
{ora}{. Hee}r{e sweet }{Lord, a}{t your }{Seruice

Ham. H}
{oratio}{, thou }{art }{eene }{as i}u{st a man
As {ere my }{Con}{uers}a{tion co}ap'd{ withall}{

{ora. }O{ my deere Lord}{

Ham. Nay}
,{ do not th}{inke }I{ fla}t{ter:
F{or what }ad{uance}{ment }m{ay I }{hope }{from th}e{e,
That }
{no }{Reuen}{new }h{ast, b}{ut th}{y good }s{pirits}{
To }
f{eed }&{ clo}{ath the}{e. Why }s{hold the }{poor}{ be }{flatter}{'d?
{No, }{let the}{ Can}di{ed to}{ngue, }{like a}b{sur}{d po}mp{e,
And c}
r{ooke the }{pregnant }H{ind}g{es of the }knee{,
Where }
{thr}{ift }{may }{follow}{ fain}{ing? }{Dost thou heare},
S{ince }{my deere }{Soule}{ was }{Mistris}{ of my c}hoy{se,
And c}
{ould of }{men }{dist}{ing}uis{h, her }el{ection}{
Hath }
se{al'd }{thee }{for her} {selfe. }{For th}{ou h}{ast }{bene}{
As }
{one in}{ suffer}{ing a}{ll, th}{at su}{ffers }{nothing.
A{ man }{that }{Fortunes }b{uffe}t{s, and }Re{wards
{Hath }'t{ane }{with e}{quall }T{hankes}{. And }b{lest }{are those}{,
{ose B}{lood }{and }I{udgement }{are s}{o well}{ co}-{ming}l{ed,
That }
t{hey are not}{ a P}i{pe for }{Fortunes }{fin}g{er.
{To s}{ound w}{hat s}{top }{she }{please}{. G}{iue me }{that man}{,
That }
{is not }{Passion}{s Slaue}{, and I }{will }w{eare him}{
In m}
{y heart}{s Co}{re. }I,{ in my }{Heart}{ of h}{eart,}{
As }
{I do }{thee. }S{omething }{too much }{of this}{.
There }
{is a }P{lay to }{night to }{before }{the King}.
On{e Scoene}{ of it }{comes }{neere th}e{ Circumstance}{
Which }
{I haue t}{old the}{e, o}{f my Father}{s death}{.
I pr}
y{thee, }{when th}{ou see}{'st th}a{t Act}{e a-}{foot},
{Euen }{with the }{verie }{Commen}{t of my }{Soule}
{Obserue}{ mine Vnkle}{: If h}{is o}{ccul}{ted }{guilt},{
Do }
{not i}{t selfe }v{nke}{nne}{ll }{in }{one s}{peech,}
{It is }a{ damned }Gho{st that }{we haue s}{eene:}{
And m}
y{ Imag}{ination}{s are }{as fo}{ule
{As }Vulc{ans }St{ythe}{. Giue }{him ne}e{dfull }{not}e{,
For }
I{ mine }{eyes }{will }{riue}t{ to his }F{ace:}{
And }
{after }{we will }{both }{our }{iudgement}s{ ioy}{ne,
To }
{censure of }{his s}{eeming}{

Hora. }
We{ll my Lord.
{If he }{ste}{ale o}{ught }{the whi}l{'st th}{is Play} {is Play}{ing,
{And }{scape }{dete}c{ting, }{I will }p{ay the }{The}ft.{
Enter King, Queene, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosincrance,
{e, and}
{other }{Lords}{ attend}a{nt with }{his G}u{ard }{carry}{ing T}orch{es. }D{ani}sh
M{arch}{. So}u{nd

Ham. T}
{hey are }{comming to }{the Play}{: I }{must }{be }idl{e.
{et you}{ a pla}c{e

King. }
H{ow fa}{res o}{ur C}{osin}{ Hamlet?
Ham. }
{Excellent}{ If}{aith, }{of the C}{ame}l{ions d}{ish}{: I }{eate}
{the Ayre }{pro}m{ise}-{cra}mm'{d, you }{cannot }{feed }Cap{ons }{so

{King. I}{ haue not}h{ing with }{this }{ans}w{er Hamlet, }{these}
{words }{are not }{mine}{

Ham. No, no}
{r mine}{. Now}{ my Lord, you }{plai}d{ once
{i'th' }Vn{iuers}{ity, }{you say}{?
Polon. }
{That I }{did }{my Lord, }{and w}{as a}c{counte}d{ a good}

Ham. A}
{nd what }{did you }enac{t?
Pol. I}
{ did }{enact}{ Iu}l{ius }Ca{esar},{ I was }{kil}l{'d i'th' }{Cap}it{ol:
Br{utus}{ kill'd }{me

Ham. }
It{ was a }br{uite }p{art of h}{im, t}o{ kill}{ so }{Capit}{all a}
C{alfe}{ there}{. Be th}{e Players }{ready}{?
Rosin. I }
m{y Lord, the}y{ sta}y{ vpon you}r{ patien}c{e

Qu. }
C{ome hither my }{good }{Hamlet, }{sit }{by m}{e

{. No }{good }{Mother}{, her}{e's }Me{ttle}{ more a}t{tracti}u{e

Pol. }
{Oh h}o,{ do you }{marke }{that?}{
Ham. }
{Ladie},{ shall I }{lye }{in your }Lap{?
Ophe. }
N{o my Lord

Ham. }
I{ meane, my }{Head }{vpon your }{Lap?
Ophe. }
{I my Lord

Ham. }
D{o you t}{hinke I }{mean}t{ Countr}y{ matters}{?
Ophe. I }
{thinke not}{hing, }{my Lord

Ham. Th}
{at's }a{ faire }{thought }{to l}y{ betweene }M{aid}{s l}egs{
Ophe. What }
{is my }{Lord?
Ham. }
Ophe. }
{You are }m{erri}{e, my Lord?
Ham. Wh}
o{ I?
{ Ophe. I my Lord

Ham. }
{Oh }{God, }{your o}{nely }{Iigge}-{make}{r: what }{should}
{a man}{ do, }{but b}{e merrie}{. For looke }{you ho}w{ chee}r{efull}y{
my Mother }
{lookes,}{ and my }{Father }dy{ed with}{in's }{two}{

Ophe. }
{Nay, }{'tis t}{wice }{two }m{one}ths{, my Lord

Ham. }
S{o long}?{ Nay then }{let the }{Diuel }{weare }{blacke},{
for }
{Ile haue }a{ suit}{e of }{Sable}{s. Oh }{Heauens}!{ dye t}{wo moneths}
a{go, and }{not for}go{tten}{ yet}?{ Then }t{here's }{hope}{, a}
{great }{mans }M{emor}{ie, m}a{y out}-l{iue his }{life}{ halfe}{ a }y{eare}{:
But }
b{yrlady }{he mu}{st b}{uilde} Chu{rches}{ then}{: or }el{se shall}
{he suffer}{ not think}{ing on}{, with the }Hoby-hor{sse, }{whose
{Epitaph}{ is, }{For }o{, For o, }{the Hoby-hors}{e is }{forgot}{.

b{oyes }p{lay. }{The }{dumbe shew}{ enter}{s.

Enter }
a{ King and}{ Queene, }{very }l{ouing}l{y; th}{e Queene }{embra}c{ing
i{m. S}he
{knee}l{es, and make}s{ shew of }Pr{ote}s{tation }v{nto hi}{m. He t}{akes }{her
vp{, and
{declin}es{ his hea}{d vpon }{her }neck{. La}y{es him}{ downe }{vpon }{a Ba}{nke
{of F}l{owers}.
She{ seeing }{him a}-{sleepe, }{leaue}s{ him. }{Anon }{comes i}n{ a Fellow},
{takes }{off }{his
Cr{owne, }kiss{es it,}{ and p}ow{res }p{oys}{on in the }K{ings }{eares,}{ and
{Exit}{s. The}{
{ returnes, }{findes }{the King }d{ead,}{ and makes }{passionate}
{Action. }T{he
y{soner}{, with }{some }{two or three }Mutes{ comes in a}{gaine, }{seeming
{to la}{ment
{with h}{er. }{The d}{ead }{body}{ is }c{arried a}{way: }{The }{Poysoner} Wo{oes the}{
Queene }
G{ifts},{ she se}{emes }{loath }{and }vn{will}{ing a}{while, }{but in the }{end,
{acce}p{ts hi}s


{Ophe. What meanes }{this,}{ my Lord?
Ham. }
{Marry} {this is }Mi{ching }M{alic}ho{, that m}{eanes

Ophe. }
Be{like th}i{s shew }im{port}{s the }A{rgument}{ of the
Ham. W}
{e shall }{know }{by the}{se F}{ellowes}:{ the Players}{
cannot }
{keepe}{ cou}{nsel}{l, they}'{l tell }a{ll

Ophe. }
{Will they }{tell vs}{ what }{this shew }{meant}{?
Ham. I}
{, or a}ny{ shew }t{hat you}'l{ shew hi}{m. Be}{e not
{you as}ha{m'd t}{o shew}{, he}{e'l }{not s}h{ame to }{tell you wh}{at it}
Ophe. You are }
n{aught}{, you are }{naught, }{Ile }{marke th}{e
Enter P}

{For v}s{, and for }{our T}{ragedie,
{Heere s}{toop}{ing to }{your Cl}{emen}ci{e:
{e be}{gge}{ your }h{earing }P{atient}li{e

Ham. I}
s{ this a}{ Prologue},{ or the }Po{esie}{ of a }R{ing?
{ Ophe. }{'Tis }b{rie}f{e my Lord

Ham. }
{As }{Woman}{s loue}{.
Enter King}
{ and his }{Queene}{.

King. }
Fu{ll thi}{rtie}{ time}s{ hath }Phoeb{us Ca}r{t go}n{ round},
N{ept}{unes }s{alt }Was{h, and }T{ell}{us Or}bed{ ground}:{
And th}
{irtie }doz{en }M{oone}{s with }b{orrow}{ed s}h{eene,}{
About }
{the Wor}{ld haue }{times }{twe}l{ue th}{irtie}{s beene}{,
Since }
{loue }{our hear}{ts, and }Hy{men di}{d our }{hands}
V{nite }{com}{utu}{all, i}n{ most }sac{red }Ba{nds

Bap{. So }{many }io{urni}{es may }{the S}{unne}{ and M}{oone}{
Make }
v{s again}{e coun}t{ o're, }{ere l}o{ue be} d{one.
{But w}{oe is me,}{ you are }{so s}{icke }{of late,}{
So }
f{arre }{from }{cheere}{, and f}{rom you}r{ forme}r{ state}{,
That I }
{distr}{ust }{you: }y{et tho}{ugh }{I distrust},{
omf{ort you }({my Lord}){ it not}{hing }{must}{:
For w}
{omen}s{ Fea}{re and }{Loue, }{holds }{quantitie}{,
In }
{neither}{ ought}{, or }i{n ex}trem{ity:
N{ow wh}{at my }{loue }{is, }{proofe }{hath made }{you know,}{
And a}
{s my Lo}u{e is s}{iz'd}{, my }{Feare }i{s so

King. }
{Faith }{I must }{leaue the}e{ Loue, }{and s}{hort}{ly too}:
M{y op}e{rant P}{owers}{ my F}{unction}s{ leaue t}{o do}{:
And th}
{ou shalt }{liue in }{this }{faire }{world}{ beh}{inde}{,
n{our}{'d, }{belo}u{'d, and }h{aply},{ one }{as ki}{nde.
{For H}{usband}{ shalt }{thou}{-
{Bap. }O{h con}{found the }{rest}:
S{uch }{Loue, }{must n}{eeds }be{ Treason }{in my }b{rest:
In{ second }{Husband}{, let me }b{e acc}{urst}{,
{ne w}{ed the }{second}{, but wh}o{ kill'd }{the first}{

Ham. W}
{orm}w{ood, }{Wormwood}{

t{. The in}{stance}{s that }{second }{Marriage}{ moue}{,
{re b}as{e respect}s{ of Th}{rift}{, but no}{ne of }L{oue.
A{ second time}{, I k}{ill my }{Husband }d{ead,
{n second Husband}{ kisses }{me in }B{ed

{King. I }do{ beleeue }{you.}{ Thi}nk{ what }{now }{you s}{peak}{:
But w}
{hat we }{do d}{etermin}{e, of}{t we }{breake}:
P{urpose }{is b}{ut the }{slaue }{to }{Memorie,}{
Of }
vio{lent }B{irth, }{but }{poore }{vali}d{itie}:{
Which }
n{ow like }F{ruite }vnr{ipe }{sticke}s{ on the T}{ree,
{But f}{all }vn{sha}{ken, w}{hen they }m{ellow }b{ee.
{Most }{necessary }'{tis, th}{at we }{forg}e{t
To }
p{ay ou}{r selues, }{what t}o{ our selues} {is de}b{t:
{at to our selues i}n{ passion }we{ propose}{,
The pa}
{ssion }{end}{ing, }{doth }{the purpose }{lose}.{
The v}
i{olence of }{other }{Greefe}{ or }Io{y,
i{r owne }en{nact}{ors w}{ith them}{selues d}e{stro}y{:
{ Ioy}{ most }{Reue}{ls, }{Greefe }{doth m}{ost l}{ament};
{Greefe }io{yes, }{Ioy }{greeue}{s on }s{lend}{er a}{ccident}{.
This w}
{orld }{is not }{for a}ye{, nor }{'tis }{not strange}{
That }
{euen }{our Lo}u{es sh}{ould w}i{th our }{Fortunes }{chan}g{e.
For }
{'tis }a{ question}{ left}{ vs }{yet to }{proue},{
Whether }
{Loue }l{ead }{Fortune, }{or else }{Fortune}{ Loue.
{The }{great man}{ downe, }{you marke }{his fa}{uour}{ites}{ flie}{s,
The }
{poore }{aduanc}{'d, m}{akes }{Friends}{ of E}n{emi}{es:
{And h}{ither}{to do}t{h Loue}{ on }{Fortune }{tend,
{For who }{not }{needs}{, shall }{neuer }{lacke a}{ Fren}{d:
And }
{who }{in w}{ant }a{ hol}{low }{Friend}{ doth t}ry{,
r{ect}{ly se}{ason}{s him }{his }{Enemie}{.
But }
{order}{ly to }{end, }{where }{I be}gun{,
{ur W}{illes }{and F}{ates }{do s}o{ cont}r{ary }ru{n,
That }
{our }De{uice}{s still }{are o}{uer}{throwne}{,
Our }
{thoughts }{are ou}rs{, their }{ends }{none of }{our owne}.{
So }
{thinke th}{ou wilt n}o{ second Husband }{wed}{.
But }
{die }{thy t}{houghts}{, when th}y{ first }{Lord }{is de}ad{

Bap. }
{Nor }{Earth}{ to giue}{ me }f{ood, }no{r Heauen }{light,}
S{port }{and }{repo}{se lo}c{ke from }{me da}y{ and ni}{ght}:
E{ach }{opposi}t{e that }{blanke}{s the }{face }{of ioy},
M{eet }{what I }w{ould haue }w{ell, and }{it d}{estroy:
{Both} {heere, and }he{nce, }{pursue }m{e last}{ing str}{ife,
If{ once}{ a W}idd{ow, }{euer }{I be}{ Wi}f{e

Ham. I}
{f she }{should }{breake}{ it no}w{

King. }
{'Tis }{deepe}{ly s}w{orne}{:
{weet}{, leaue}{ me }{heere }{a while,}{
My }
{spirits}{ grow }{dull},{ and fai}{ne I}{ would be}{guil}{e
The }
t{edi}{ous }{day }{with s}{leepe
Qu. }
S{leepe }r{ocke }{thy }{Braine},


{And }{neuer }{come }m{isch}{ance }{betweene }{vs t}w{aine.

{ Ham. Ma}{dam, }h{ow like }{you thi}{s Play}{?
Qu{. The }{Lady }p{rotest}{s to }{much m}e{ thinke}s{

Ham. Oh }
{but }s{hee'l }{keepe }{her wor}{d

King. }
H{aue you }{heard the}{ Argument},{ is the}{re no}{ Off}{ence
{Ham. No, no, }t{hey do }{but i}{est, }{poyson in }{iest, }{no Offence
{'th' }{world}{

King. W}
{hat d}o{ you call }{the Play}{?
Ham. Th}
{e Mo}use-{tra}p:{ Marry }{how}?{ Tr}{opi}{cally}:{
This }
{Play is }{the I}{mage}{ of a }{murder }d{one in }Vi{enna}:{ Gonzago}
{is the }Du{kes }{name},{ his wi}{fe }{Bapt}{ist}a:{ you s}{hall s}ee
an{on: }{'tis a }k{nau}{ish }{peece of }{worke}: {But what }{o'th}{at?
Y{our Maiestie}{, and w}{ee that }{haue f}{ree }{soule}s{, it }t{ouche}s
v{s not}:{ let the }ga{ll'd i}{ade }w{inc}h: {our wi}{thers }{are }{vnr}u{ng.
{Enter }Lucian{us.

{This is }{one }{Lucianus}{ ne}p{hew t}o{ the King}{

Ophe. You are }
{a good}{ Cho}ru{s, my Lord

Ham. }
{I could }i{nterpr}et{ betweene }{you a}{nd you}r{ loue}:{
if }
{I could }{see the P}upp{ets }d{ally}{ing

Ophe. You are }
k{eene m}{y Lord, you }{are keene}{

Ham. It w}
{ould }cos{t you a }{gro}ani{ng, to }t{ake of}{f my}

Ophe. }
S{till be}{tter }{and w}{orse}{

Ham. So }
{you m}{ista}{ke }{Husbands}{.
{egin }M{urder}{er. }P{ox, }{leaue th}y{ damn}{able }{Face}{s, and
{begin}{. Come}{, the }c{roa}k{ing Ra}{uen }{doth }{bellow}{ for }{Reuenge}{

{Lucian}.{ Thought}s{ blacke,}{ hands} {apt}{,
{rugge}{s fi}{t, and }T{ime a}{gree}{ing:}{
{eder}{ate s}{eason,}{ else}{, no }{Creature}{ seeing}{:
{ou mi}x{ture }{ranke}{, of }Mid{night }W{eeds }c{olle}{cted,
{With He}cat{s Ba}{n, t}{hri}c{e bla}{sted}{, thrice }inf{ected,
{Thy }n{aturall }M{agic}{ke, and }dir{e propert}{ie,
{n who}l{some }{life,}{ vs}{urp}{e i}m{medi}{ate}ly{.

P{owres }{the po}{yson in }{his e}{ares.}{

Ham. }
H{e poyson}{s him }{i'th' }G{ard}{en f}or{'s e}{state}:{ His}
{name}{'s }{Gonzago}{: the }S{tor}{y is }{exta}n{t and wr}{it in }{choy}{ce
It{alian}{. You sh}{all see}{ ano}n{ how }{the M}{urthere}r ge{ts the}
{loue o}{f Gonzago}'{s wife}{

Ophe. }
T{he King }ris{es

Ham. }
{What, }f{right}{ed with }{fals}{e fir}{e

Qu. }
{How fares }{my Lord?
{Pol. }{Giue }{o're}{ the Play}{

King. }
{Giue me }{some }L{ight. }Aw{ay

A{ll. }{Light}{s, L}{ights, Lights}{.


Manet Hamlet}
&{ Horatio.

Ham. Wh}
y{ let the }{stru}c{ken }{Deere }go{ weepe},{
The Har}
{t vn}{gall}{ed p}{lay:}{
For }
{some }{must }w{atch, }{while }{some must }{sleepe};{
So }
runn{es the }{world }{away}.{
Would }
{not thi}s{ Sir}{, and a}{ For}{rest }{of F}e{athers, }{if the }{rest of}{
my }
{Fortunes }{turne }Tu{rke }{with m}e;{ with t}wo{ Pro}u{inci}{all
{Rose}s{ on my }r{ac'd }Sh{ooes},{ get}{ me a }{Fellow}{ship i}n{ a cr}i{e
of }
{Players }s{ir

{or. }H{alfe a }{sha}{re

Ham. }
A{ whole }{one }I,
{For thou }d{ost }{know}:{ Oh }Dam{on }d{eere,
{This }Realm{e disma}n{tled }{was }{of I}ou{e himselfe}{,
And n}
{ow r}e{igne}{s heere}{.
A }
{verie }{verie }Pai{ocke}{

Hora. }
Y{ou mi}{ght h}{aue R}{im'd}{

Ham. Oh }
{good H}{oratio, }{Ile }t{ake the }{Ghost}{s wor}{d for}
a {thousand }p{ound}{. Did}{'st }{perc}{eiue}{?
Hora. }
V{erie }w{ell my Lord}{

Ham. V}
p{on the }t{alke }{of the }{poyson}{ing?
{Hora. }{I did }v{erie well }{note}{ him.}{
Enter }
{Rosincrance}{ and Guildensterne.

{ Ham. Oh}{, ha}?{ Come s}{ome M}{usick}{. Come }{y Re}c{order}s{:
For }
i{f the King}{ like }{not the }{Comedie,}
Wh{y then }b{elike }h{e like}{s it not }{per}{die.
{Come some Musick}{e

d{. Good my Lord, }v{ouch}safe{ me a }{word }{with you}{

Ham. S}
{ir, a}{ whole }{Histor}y{

Guild. }
{The King},{ sir

{am. I s}ir{, what }{of him}{?
{Guild. }I{s in his }{ret}yrem{ent, ma}r{uell}{ous d}{ist}{emper}{'d

Ham. }
{With }dr{inke }{Sir}{?
Guild. }
{No my Lord},{ rather }{with c}{holler}{

Ham. You}
{r wisedome }{should s}{hew i}{t selfe }{more rich}{er,
{to s}{igni}fi{e this }{to his }Do{ctor}{: for }{for }{me to p}u{t him
{to his }Purg{ation, }{would }{perhaps}{ pl}u{ndge}{ him i}{nto }{farre}
{more }C{holler

{Guild. Good my Lord}{ put }{your d}{iscourse }{into }{some}
fr{ame, }{and s}t{art }{not so }{wilde}{ly }{from m}y{ aff}ayr{e

Ham. I }
am{ tame }{Sir, }{pronounc}e{

Guild. The }
{Queene }{your M}{other, }{in most }{great }{affliction}{
of }
{spirit},{ hath }s{ent me}{ to you}{

Ham. You }
{are welcome}{

Guild. }
{Nay, }g{ood my Lord, }t{his co}{urt}{esie }{is not }{of
{the r}{ight }{breed}{. If it }{shall }{please you }{to make }{me a w}{holsome}
{answer}{, I will }do{e your Mother}s{ command}'{ment}{:
if }
{not,}{ your par}d{on, and }{my r}{eturne}{ shall be}e{ the end}{ of
my }

Ham. Sir, }
I{ cannot}{

Guild. }
{What, my }{Lord?
Ham. Ma}
{ke you }{a wholsome}{ answer}{e: }m{y wit}{s dis}{eas'd}{.
But }
{sir, }{such an}s{wers }{as I }{can }m{ake, }{you shal}{ command:}{
or }
{rather }{you say}{, my }{Mother}{: the}r{fore }{no more
{but t}{o the }{matter}{. My }{Mother }{you say}{

Rosin. }
{Then th}us{ she sa}y{es: }{your b}{ehau}i{or h}{ath s}t{roke}
h{er in}{to a}{maze}{ment, }{and a}dmira{tion

{Ham. Oh }wo{nder}{full }{Sonne}{, that c}{an s}{o as}to{nish} a
{Mother}{. But }{is there no }seq{uell }{at the }h{eeles }{of this }{Mothers}
Rosin. }
S{he de}{sire}s{ to speake }{with you}{ in h}e{r Clo}{sse}{t,
e{re you }go{ to be}{d

Ham. We}
{ shall obey},{ were }s{he te}n{ times }{our Mother}{.
Haue }
{you an}y{ further }Tr{ade wi}{th v}s{?
Rosin. M}
{y Lord, you }{once }{did loue }m{e

Ham. So }
{I do }{still,}{ by these }p{icke}rs{ and st}{eale}r{s

Rosin. }
{Good my Lord, w}{hat is }{your }{cause }{of dis}{temper}{?
You }
{do }{free}{ly b}{arre }{the }{doore}{ of your }{owne }Lib{ertie,
{if you }{den}{y your }{greefe}s{ to your }{Friend}{

Ham. Sir}
{ I l}{acke }A{duancement}{

Rosin. H}
{ow c}{an that }b{e, when }{you h}{aue the }{voyce}{ of
the }
K{ing him}{selfe,}{ for your }Succe{ssion in }{Denmarke?}{
Ham. I, }
{but wh}i{le the }gr{asse }g{rowes}{, the }{Prou}e{rbe }{is
{something }{must}{y.
Enter }
o{ne with }a{ Recorder}{.

O{ the }{Recorder.}{ Let }{me see, }to{ withdraw }{with you}{, wh}y
{do you }go{ about t}{o re}{couer}{ the w}{inde of }me{e, as }{if you}
{would dr}{iue me }{into a}{ to}yle{?
Guild. }
O{ my Lord, }i{f my }D{utie }b{e too }{bold},{ my loue}
{is too }{vnma}{nner}{ly

Ham. }
I{ do not }{well v}{nder}{stand }{that}{. Will }{you pla}y
vp{on this }{Pipe}{?
Guild. }
{My Lord, I }{cannot

{Ham. I }{pray you}{

Guild. B}
{eleeue }{me, I }{cannot

Ham. I }
{do be}{seech}{ you

Guild. }
I{ know no}{ touch}{ of it}{, my Lord

Ham. }
{'Tis a}{s ea}{sie a}s {lying}:{ go}{uerne}{ these }V{ent}{iges}
{with your }{finger}{ and th}{umbe},{ giue it }{breath }{with your}
{mouth}{, and it }{will d}{iscourse }{most }{excellent }{Musicke}.
L{ooke you}{, these} {are the }{stop}p{es

{Guild. But }{these }{cannot }I{ command}{ to any }v{tter}{ance
{of he}r{mon}y{, I haue }{not the }{skil}l{

Ham. Wh}
y{ looke you }{now, }{how }{vnworthy }a {thing
{you make }{of me}{: you }{would p}l{ay vpon }{mee};{ you would}
{seeme }{to k}{now my }{stop}s{: you would pl}{uck}{ out the }{heart}
{of my }My{ster}i{e; you would}{ sound }{mee }{from my }{lowes}t
N{ote,}{ to the t}{op of m}y{ Comp}a{sse: }{and the}{re is }{much }{Musicke},{
excellent }
Vo{ice, }{in this }{little}{ Organ}{e, ye}{t cannot}{
you make }
{it. }{Why }d{o you thinke}{, that I }{am }{easie}r{ to be}e
{plaid on}{, then }{a Pipe}?{ Cal}l{ me }{what I}{nstr}{ument }y{ou wil}l,{
{ you can}{ fre}t{ me, you }{cannot }{play vpon me}{. God}
b{lesse }{you }{Sir}.{
Enter Polonius}

{Polon. }{My Lord}{; the Queene }{would s}{peak}{ with you,}
{and pres}{ently

Ham. }
{Do you }{see that }{Clow}d? {that's }{alm}o{st in }{shape}
{like a }{Camel}l{

{on. }B{y'th' }Ma{sse, and }i{t's }{like a Camell}{ indeed}{

Ham. }
M{e thinkes} {it is }{like a W}e{aze}{ll

Polon. }
{It is }b{ack'd }{like a Weazell

{Ham. O}r{ like a W}{hal}e{?
Polon. }
{Verie }{like a Whale}{

Ham. Th}
{en wi}{ll I }{come to }{my Mother}{, by }{and by}:{
They }
f{oole }me{ to the top of my }b{ent.
{I will }{come }{by and by}{

Polon. I}
{ will s}{ay so}{.

Ham. }
B{y and by}{, is }{easi}{ly s}{aid}{. Le}{aue me }{Friends:}{
'Tis }
{now the }{verie w}it{ching }{time }{of }n{ight,
{When }{Church}y{ards }ya{wne, and }H{ell i}{t selfe }{breath}{s ou}t{
tag{ion to th}{is world}{. Now }{could }I{ drink}{ ho}{t bl}{ood,
And }
{do su}{ch }{bitter}{ bu}{sinesse} {as the }d{ay
{Would }qu{ake t}o{ looke }{on. Soft }{now, }{to my Mother}:
{Oh Hea}{rt, }{loose }{not th}y{ Nature; }{let }{not e}u{er
The S}
{oule }{of N}ero,{ enter}{ this f}i{rme }bo{some}:
L{et me be }cr{uell, }{not vn}{naturall},{
I will }
{speake }D{agge}{rs to }{her, b}{ut vse }{none}{:
My }
{Tongue}{ and S}{oule }{in this }{be }Hypoc{rites}.{
How }
{in my }{words }{some}{uer }{she }{be she}n{t,
To }
{giue the}m{ Sea}{les, }{neuer }{my Soule}{ cons}{ent.
{Enter King, }{Rosincrance, and Guildensterne.

{ King. I }{like h}{im not,}{ nor }{stand}{s it }{safe }{with vs}{,
To }
l{et his }m{adnesse }{range}{. There}{fore }{pre}pa{re you}{,
I }
{your C}{ommi}{ssion w}i{ll for}th{with }{disp}{atch,}{
And he }
t{o England s}h{all alon}g{ with you}:{
The te}
{rmes }{of our }{estate}{, may }{not e}nd{ure}{
z{ard }so{ dangerous }{as d}{oth h}{oure}ly{ grow}{
Out of }
{his }{Lunac}i{es

Guild. }
{We will }{our selues }{prou}id{e:
{ost }{hol}{ie and R}{elig}{ious }{feare }{it is}{
To }
{keepe }{those }{many }{many }bo{dies }{safe}{
That }
l{iue and }f{eede }{vpon your }{Maiestie}{

Rosin. The}
{ sin}g{le
{nd p}eculiar{ life }{is bo}{und
{With all }{the str}eng{th and }{Armour}{ of the }m{inde,
{To keepe }{it selfe }{from n}oy{ance:}{ but m}{uch m}or{e,
That }
S{pirit, }v{pon whose }{spirit}{ de}p{ends }{and re}s{ts
{he li}u{es of }{many}{, the c}{ease }{of M}{aiestie
D{ies }{not a}{lone};{ but l}{ike a G}ul{fe doth }{draw}{
What's }
{neere }{it, }{with }{it. I}{t is a }m{assi}e{ wheele}
Fix{t on the }Som{net }{of the }{high}{est M}o{unt.
{To }{whose }hug{e Spo}{akes,}{ ten t}{housand }{lesse}r{ thing}s{
Are }
{mort}{iz'd }{and ad}{ioyn}{'d: }{which }{when }it{ falles},{
Each }
sm{all a}{nne}x{ment, }pet{tie c}{onse}{que}{nce
A{ttend}{s the }boy{strous }Ru{ine. N}{euer }{alone}
D{id the }{King }s{ighe}{, but w}{ith a }{generall }{gro}n{e

King. }
{Arme}{ you, }{I pray you }{to this }{speed}i{e Vo}yage;{
For we }
{will }F{etter}s{ put }{vpon this }f{eare,
{Which now }g{oes t}o{o free}{-foot}{ed

{Both. We will }{haste}{ vs.}{

{ Gent}{.

Enter Polonius}

{. My Lord, }he{'s go}{ing to }{his Mothers}{ Closset}:
B{ehinde}{ the Ar}r{as I}{le con}u{ey m}{y selfe}{
To heare }
{the Pro}c{esse. }I{le wa}{rrant }{shee'l }tax{ him h}{ome,
{And as }{you sa}i{d, and w}i{sely }{was }i{t said}{,
'Tis }
{mee}{te that }{some m}{ore a}ud{ience }{then a }{Mother,}{
Since }
{Nature}{ makes }{them }{part}i{all, }{should }{o're-}h{eare
he{ speech of }va{ntag}{e. Fare}{ you w}{ell my L}ie{ge,
{Ile ca}{ll v}{pon you} {ere you go to bed}{,
And t}
{ell you what }{I know}{

King. }
{Thankes}{ deere }{my Lord.
{Oh }my{ offence}{ is }{ranke, }{it s}m{els t}o{ heauen}{,
It }
ha{th the p}ri{mall }el{dest} c{urse }{vpon't}{,
A }
Br{others }{murther}{. Pray }{can }I{ not,
{hough in}{clin}a{tion be }{as s}har{pe as }{will}{:
My }
{stro}{nger }{guilt,}{ defeat}s{ my st}{rong}{ inte}n{t,
And }
{like a }{man t}{o doub}{le b}{usinesse }b{ound,
I{ stand}{ in pa}{use }{where I }{shall }{first }{begin}{,
And b}
{oth }{neglect};{ what i}{f this }{curse}d{ hand}
W{ere thi}{cker}{ then }{it selfe }{with }{Brothers }{blood,
I{s there no}t R{aine }{enough}{ in the }{sweet Heauens
{To w}a{sh it }{whi}t{e as Snow}?{ Where}{to se}r{ues me}rcy{,
But t}
{o con}{front }{the v}{isage }{of Off}{ence?
{And what}'{s in }{Pray}{er, but }{this t}wo{-fo}{ld force}{,
To b}
{e for}{e-st}{alled }e{re we}{ come to }{fall,}{
Or }
{pardon}'{d be}{ing d}{owne?}{ Then }{Ile l}{ooke }vp{,
My }
faul{t is }{past}{. But }o{h, what }{forme }{of Pr}{ayer}
C{an s}{erue m}y{ turne}?{ For}{giue me }{my f}{oule }{Murther}{:
That }
{cannot be,}{ sin}ce{ I am }{still }p{osse}{st
Of{ those }e{ffect}{s for}{ which }{I did }{the Murther}.{
My }
{Crowne, }{mine }{owne }{Ambition}{, and my }{Queene}:{
May }
{one }be{ pardon'd},{ and re}{taine }{th' }o{ffence?
I{n the }corru{pted }c{urrants }{of this }{world}{,
{fences }g{ilde}{d hand}{ may }{shou}{e by }I{usti}c{e,
And }
{oft }{'tis }s{eene, }{the wi}{cke}{d pr}iz{e it selfe}{
{yes o}{ut the }Law{; but }{'tis not s}{o abou}{e,
r{e is no}{ shuff}li{ng, the}r{e the Action }l{yes}{
In }
{his true }N{ature, }{and we}{ our selues }{comp}e{ll'd}{
Euen }
{to the t}{eet}h{ and for}eh{ead of }{our f}{ault}s{,
To giue }
{in e}{uide}{nce. }{What th}en{? What }{rests}?
T{ry w}{hat }R{epen}{tance}{ can}{. What }{can }{it not}?
Y{et what }{can it}{, when }{one }{cannot }r{epent}?{
Oh w}
{retched}{ state}!{ Oh b}{osome},{ blacke}{ as d}{eath}{!
Oh }
l{ime}d{ soule, that }{stru}gl{ing to }b{e free,
Ar{t more }{ing}ag{'d: }H{elpe }A{nge}{ls, }{make }{assay}{:
w{ st}ub{borne }{knee}s{, and hear}{t with s}tri{ngs of }St{eele}{,
{ so}f{t as }{sine}w{es of the }{new}-{borne }Ba{be,
A{ll m}{ay be }{well.}{
Enter Hamlet.

Ham. }
{Now m}{ight }{I do }i{t pat},{ now }h{e is }{pray}{ing,
And }
{now }{Ile }doo'{t, and }{so h}e{ goes to}{ Heauen,}{
And s}
o{ am I}{ reueng}'{d: that}{ would be}{ sca}nn{'d,
{ Villaine}{ kill}{es my }{Father, and }{for th}a{t
I h}
i{s foule}{ Sonne, }d{o this s}a{me Villaine}{ send}{
To hea}
{uen}{. Oh }{this is }hy{re and }S{alle}{ry, }{not R}{euenge}{.
{e too}{ke my }{Father }g{rosse}{ly, }{full }{of b}r{ead,
{ith all }{his C}r{imes }broad{ blowne}{, as }{fre}{sh a}{s Ma}{y,
And }
{how }{his }A{udi}t{ stands},{ who k}n{owes, }s{aue }{Heauen}{:
But }
i{n our }{circumstance}{ and }{course }of{ thought}{
'Tis }
{heauie }{with him}{: and }{am I }{then }{reueng'd}{,
To }
{take }{him in}{ the p}u{rgi}{ng of his }{Soule,
{When he }{is fi}{t and s}{eason}'{d for }h{is pas}{sage}?{ No}.
Vp Sw{ord, and }k{now th}{ou a }{more }{horrid }h{ent
{hen he is }drun{ke as}{leepe}:{ or in }{his R}{age,
O{r in th}'{ inc}{est}u{ous }{pleas}{ure of his }{bed,
t ga{ming, }{swea}r{ing, }{or a}{bout }{some a}ct{e
That }
ha'{s no }{rellish}{ of Sa}lua{tion in}'{t,
Then }
{trip}{ him, that h}{is hee}l{es may }k{icke }at{ Heauen,
And }
{that his }{Soule }{may be }{as d}{amn'd }{and b}{lacke}{
As }
H{ell, w}{hereto }it{ goes}{. My Mother }{stay}{es,
{is P}hy{sicke }{but p}{rolo}{ngs t}{hy s}{ickly }{dayes}{.

{King. }M{y words }{flye }{vp, }m{y thoughts}{ rem}{ain}{ belo}w{,
{ords }{with}{out th}{oughts, }{neuer }{to Heauen}{ go.

{Enter }{Queene }{and }{Polonius.

Pol. }
He{ will come }{stra}{ight:
{Looke you} {lay }h{ome to }{him,
T{ell him}{ his p}r{ankes }{haue be}{en to}o{ broad }{to be}{are w}{ith,}{
And that }
{your }{Grac}{e hath }{scre}e{n'd, and }{stoo}d{e betweene}
M{uch }{heate}{, and h}{im. }{Ile }si{lence }{me }e'en{e heere}:
{Pray you }{be round with him}{

Ham. }
{within}.{ Mother, }m{other, mother}{

Qu. }
{Ile warrant }{you, }{feare }m{e not}.{
{draw},{ I heare him com}i{ng.
Enter }

Ham. Now }
{Mother, }{what's }{the matter}{?
Qu. }
{Hamlet, th}{ou hast }{thy }{Father }{much of}{fend}{ed

Ham. M}
{other, }{you haue }m{y Father much offended

{ Qu. Come},{ come,}{ you an}{swer }{with a}n{ idle}{ tongue}{

Ham. G}
o,{ go, }{you }{question }{with an idle tongue

{Qu. }{Why }h{ow now }{Hamlet?
Ham. }
{What}{s the matter}{ now}{?
Qu. Ha}
{ue you }{forgot} me{?
Ham. No}
{ by the} R{ood, no}t{ so:
{You are }{the Queene}{, your H}{usbands}{ Brothers }w{ife,
But }
{would }{you we}{re not }so{. You are m}{y Mother}{

Qu. }
{Nay, }t{hen Ile }s{et those t}{o you th}{at can s}{peake

{Ham. }{Come, come, }{and s}i{t you }{downe, you }{shall n}ot
You }
g{o not t}{ill I }s{et you }vp{ a g}{lasse}{,
Where }
{you ma}y{ see the }in{most part}{ of you}{?
Qu. }
W{hat wil}t{ thou do}? {thou wilt no}t{ murther}{ me?
{Helpe},{ helpe}{, ho}a{

Pol. }
{What hoa, }h{elpe, helpe, h}{elpe}{

Ham. Ho}
w{ now, }a{ Ra}t?{ dead }{for a} Duc{ate, }{dead

{Pol. Oh }{I am s}l{aine.

K{illes }{Polonius}{

Qu. }
{Oh m}e{, what }{hast th}{ou do}n{e?
Ham. N}
{ay I }{know not}{, is }{it the }K{ing?
{Qu. Oh }{what a }r{ash, and }{blood}{y deed}{ is th}is{?
Ham. }
A{ bloody deed},{ almost }a{s ba}d{ good Mother,}{
As }
{kill }a{ King, and }{marrie}{ with his }{Brother}{

Qu. }
{As kill a King}{?
Ham. I }
L{ady, }'tw{as my }{word.
{Thou }{wretched,}{ rash, }{intr}u{ding}{ foole }f{arewell}{,
I }
t{ooke the}e {for thy }Be{tters, t}a{ke thy }{Fortune,
{Thou }{find}{'st t}o{ be too b}usi{e, is }{some danger}.
{Leaue }w{ring}{ing of }y{our hands}{, pe}{ace, }{sit you downe,}{
And l}
{et me }{wring}{ your hear}t{, for }so{ I shall}
{If it }be{ made }{of }{pen}e{tra}{ble }{stu}{ffe};{
If }
{damned }C{ust}{ome h}{aue not }bra{z'd }{it so}{,
That i}
{t is p}{roofe }{and b}ulw{arke }{against }Sens{e

Qu. Wh}
{at haue }I {done, }{that th}{ou d}ar'{st wa}g{ thy }{tong}{,
In n}
{oise}{ so }{rude }{against }{me?
Ham. }
S{uch an }A{ct
That }
blur{res the }g{race }{and bl}u{sh of }M{odestie},{
s{ Vertue }{Hypocrite}, {takes off }{the Ro}{se
F{rom the}{ faire }{forehead of }{an i}{nnoc}{ent }l{oue,
{nd makes }a{ bl}{iste}{r there}{. Make}s{ marri}{age }v{owes}{
As }
{false }{as }D{ice}{rs }O{athe}{s. Oh }{such a }{deed,}{
As f}
{rom the }{body }{of C}{ontra}{ction }{pluck}e{s
The }
{very }{soule, }{and s}w{eete }{Religio}{n make}{s
{ ra}psi{die of }{words}.{ Heauens}{ face }{doth g}{low,
Yea{ this s}o{lidit}y{ and co}mp{ound m}{asse,
{ith t}{rist}{full }{visage }a{s against }{the doo}{me,
{Is th}{ought}-s{icke at }{the }{act}{

Qu. A}
ye{ me; w}{hat a}ct{, that }{roa}{res }{so lo}{wd, }&{ thu}{nders}
{in the }{Inde}x{

Ham. }
{Looke }{heere }{vpon this Pi}c{ture, and }o{n this,
Th{e count}erfe{t present}{ment of t}wo{ Brothers}:
S{ee what }a{ grace }{was s}e{ated }o{n his Br}{ow,
{Hyp}er{ions }curl{es, the }{front }{of Ioue himselfe,
{ eye}{ like Ma}{rs, to }{thre}a{ten }{or com}{mand}{
A }
St{ation, }{like th}{e He}ra{ld }Me{rcu}{rie
New{ light}{ed on }a{ heauen}-{kiss}{ing hi}{ll:
A{ Com}b{ination, }{and a }{forme i}n{deed,
{Where }{euer}y{ God}{ did }{seeme to }s{et his }{Seale}{,
To giue the}
{ world a}{ssur}a{nce of }{a man}{.
This was }
{your Husband}{. Looke }{you now}{ what fo}{llowes}.{
Heere }
i{s your Husband}{, like a} M{ilde}w{'d }{eare
B{lasting }{his w}{holsom}{ breath}{. Haue you }{eyes}?
C{ould you }o{n this faire }{Mount}{aine }{leaue to }fe{ed,
And }
b{atten}{ on this }M{oore}?{ Ha}?{ Haue you eyes?
Y{ou cannot }{call }it{ Loue}:{ For }{at your }{age,
T{he he}y-{day }{in the }{blood}{ is t}{ame, }{it's }{humbl}{e,
And }
wa{ites }v{pon the }{Iudgement}{: and }{what I}{udgement}{
Would }
{ste}p{ from th}i{s, to th}{is?}{ What d}{iuell }{was}{'t,
{at th}u{s hath }c{ouse}{nd you} {at ho}od{man}-{bli}{nde}?
O S{hame}!{ where }i{s thy }B{lush}?{ Re}{bell}{ious }H{ell,
{f thou }{cans}{t mu}ti{ne in }{a M}a{tron}{s bo}ne{s,
To }
fl{aming}{ you}{th, }{let }{Vertue }{be as }wax{e.
{nd me}lt{ in her }{owne f}i{re. }{Proc}{lai}m{e no s}{hame}{,
When }
{the co}mpuls{iue }Ar{dure}{ giues }{the c}harg{e,
Since }
{Fro}s{t it selfe}{, as }{actiue}{ly d}{oth b}{urne}{,
As }
{Reason}{ pan}{ders}{ Will}{

Qu. O}
{ Hamlet, s}{peake no more}{.
Thou }
{turn}{'st }{mine eyes }{into }{my }{very soule,}{
And th}
{ere I s}e{e such }{blacke a}n{d gr}{aine}{d spo}{ts,
A{s will }{not l}{eaue the}ir T{inc}{t

Ham. }
N{ay, but }{to l}{iue
{In the }{ranke}{ sweat }{of an }{ense}a{med }{bed,
St{ew'd }{in }C{orrupt}{ion};{ hon}y{ing and }m{aking }{loue
O{uer the }n{ast}y{ Sty}e{

Qu. Oh }
{speake }{to m}{e, no }{more,
{ese }{words }{like }{Daggers }{enter }{in m}{ine e}{ares.
{No more}{ sweet H}{amlet}{

Ham. A }
{Murderer}{, and a }{Villaine}{:
A }
{Slaue, }t{hat is not }{twe}n{tie}{th }{part }{the t}{ythe}{
Of }
{your p}{rece}{dent}{ Lord.}{ A }vi{ce of }{Kings}{,
A }
Cutp{urse of th}e Emp{ire and }{the R}ul{e.
{at f}{rom }{a sh}{elfe, }{the pr}e{cious }D{iade}{m st}o{le,
And }
{put }{it in }{his P}{ocke}{t

Qu. }
N{o more.
{Enter }{Ghost}{.

Ham. }
A{ King }{of s}{hre}{ds and }{patch}{es.
S{aue me};{ and h}{ouer }{o're }m{e with you}{r wi}{ngs
Y{ou hea}{uenly }{Guard}s{. What w}{ould you}r{ grac}{ious f}igu{re?
{Qu. A}{las}{ he's }ma{d

Ham. Do you }
{not c}om{e your }{tard}y{ Sonne}{ to c}h{ide,
{That l}{aps}'{t in }{Time a}{nd P}{assion, }l{ets }g{o by}{
Th' }
{import}{ant a}{cting}{ of your }{dread }{command}?{ Oh s}{ay

{Ghost.} {Do not }{forget}:{ this }Visi{tation}{
Is }
{but to }{whe}{t thy }{almost }{blu}{nted }{purpose}{.
But }
{looke}, A{mazement}{ on th}{y Mother s}its;{
O }
{step }{betweene }{her, and }{her }f{ight}{ing }{Soule,
C{once}{it in }w{eake}{st b}{odies},{ stronge}{st w}{orke}{s.
{peake to }h{er Hamlet}{

Ham. How }
{is it }{with you }L{ady?
{Qu. Alas}{, how }i{s't }{with you}?{
That you }
be{nd your }{eye }{on v}a{can}ci{e,
And w}
{ith the}i{r co}{rpo}{rall }{ayre}{ do }{hold }{discourse}{.
{th at }{your eye}s{, your }{spirits }{wildely }p{eepe,
{And as }{the s}{leep}{ing So}l{diou}rs{ in th' }{Ala}{rme,
Y{our be}d{ded ha}{ire, }{like }{life i}{n ex}c{rement}s{,
{art v}p{, and sta}{nd a}{n end}{. Oh g}{entl}{e Sonne,}
{Vpon the }{heate}{ and f}l{ame of }{thy d}{istemper}{
i{nkle}{ co}{ole }{patience}{. Where}{on d}{o you }{looke}{?
Ham. }
O{n him, }{on hi}m:{ look}{ you how }p{ale }h{e gla}{res,}
Hi{s forme and }{cause }con{ioyn'd}{, pr}{eac}{hing to}{ sto}{nes,
{Would }{make the}m{ capeable}{. Do not }{looke vp}{on me}{,
{ast }{with this }{pitt}e{ous a}{ction }{you c}{onuer}t{
My st}
{erne }{effects}:{ then }{what I haue }{to do}{,
Will }
{want }{true }co{lour};{ teare}s{ perc}{hance }{for }{blood}{

Qu. }
{To who}{ do you }{speake t}{his?
Ham. }
{Do you see }{nothing }{there}{?
Qu. }
{Nothing}{ at }{all, }{yet }{all th}{at is }{I see}{

Ham. No}
r{ did you }{nothing }{heare}{?
Qu. No}
,{ nothing }{but o}{ur selues}{

Ham. Why look}
{ you th}{ere: }{looke }{how i}t{ steal}s{ away:}{
My }
{Father }{in his h}ab{ite, }{as he}{ liue}{d,
{Looke }{where }{he goes }{euen }{now }{out }{at the }P{orta}{ll.

{Qu. Th}{is is }t{he very }c{oyn}{age of }{your }{Braine,
{This }{bodi}{lesse }{Creat}{ion e}{xtasie}{ is }{very c}unn{ing in}{

Ham. }
My }
Pu{lse as }y{ours }{doth t}{empera}{tely}{ keepe t}im{e,
And makes a}
{s hea}lth{full }{Musicke.}{ It is }{not mad}{nesse
T{hat I haue }{vtter}ed;{ bri}{ng m}{e to the }T{est
{And }I{ the matter }{will r}e-{word}{: which }{madnesse
{Would }gambo{ll f}{rom}{. Mother, }for {loue of G}{race}{,
{ay not }a{ flatter}{ing }Vn{ction to }{your s}{oule,
{That no}{t your }t{resp}{asse, }{but m}y{ madnesse }{speake}{s:
I{t will }{but s}k{in and }film{e the }Vlc{erous }{place}{,
{l'st }{ranke }{Corruption}{ min}{ing all}{ within}{,
{fects }vn{seene}.{ Confe}{sse you}{r selfe }{to Heauen,
{Repent}{ what's }p{ast, }auoyd{ what is }{to co}{me,
And }
{do not s}pr{ed the }{Comp}{ost }{on the }{Weed}{es,
To }
{make them }{ranke}.{ Forgiue me }{this }{my }{Vertue}{,
For }
{in the }fat{nesse }{of this }{purs}{ie times}{,
{ertue }{it selfe, }{of }V{ice }{must }{pardon}{ begge}{,
Yea }
{cour}b{, and w}o{e, for }{leaue to do}{ him }g{ood

Qu. }
{Oh H}{amlet,}{
Thou }
{hast }c{left }{my heart}{ in t}{waine}{

Ham. O}
{throw}{ away}{ the wor}{ser }{part of }i{t,
And li}
{ue the }{pure}r{ with the }{other ha}{lfe.}
{Good }{night,}{ but }{go not t}o{ mine Vnkle}{s bed,
{ssu}{me a }{Vertue,}{ if you h}au{e it no}t{, re}fr{aine t}o{ night,
{And that }{shall l}e{nd a }k{inde of }{easi}{nesse
o{ the ne}xt{ abs}{tine}{nce. }O{nce m}o{re go}od{night,
And }
{when you }{are }{desir}{ous }{to be }{blest}{,
Ile }
{bless}{ing be}g{ge of you}{. For th}{is same }{Lord,
{I do }{repent}{: but }{heauen}{ hath }{pleas}{'d it so,
{o pu}{nish }{me with }{this, }{and th}is{ with me}{,
That I }
{must be }{their }S{cour}g{e and M}{ini}s{ter.
{I will }{best}{ow hi}m{, and wi}{ll an}{swer w}{ell
e{ death}{ I }ga{ue him}:{ so a}{gaine, }g{ood night}{.
I }
{must be }{cruell, }{onely }{to be }{kinde};{
Thus }
{bad }{begin}s{ and worse}{ remain}{es be}{hinde}{

Qu. What }
{shall I }do{?
Ham. Not}
{ this }by{ no m}{eanes th}{at I }b{id you }{do:
L{et the }{blunt}{ King }{temp}{t you a}g{aine to }{bed,
P{inch}{ Wanton} {on your }{chee}{ke, }{call }{you h}{is Mo}us{e,
And let }
{him }{for a }p{aire }{of }r{eech}ie{ kisses}{,
Or pa}
{dling}{ in your }{neck}{e with his }{damn'd }F{inger}{s,
{Make you }{to r}au{ell all}{ this m}{atter }{out}{,
That I }
{esse}n{tiall}y{ am }{not i}n{ madnesse}{,
But }
{made }{in c}raft{. 'T}we{re good}{ you l}{et him }{know,
{For who }{that's }{but }a{ Queene, }f{aire, }sob{er, wi}{se,
{ould }{from a }Paddo{cke, }{from a }B{at, }a Gib{be,
{Such }{deere }c{once}rn{ings }{hide,}{ Who }{would d}o{ so,
N{o in }{des}p{ight }{of S}{ense}{ and S}ec{reci}{e,
np{egge }{the }Baske{t on the }{hous}{es to}p{:
Let the }
Bi{rds flye}{, and }{like the }fam{ous }Ap{e
To t}
r{y Con}clu{sions }{in the }{Basket}{, c}r{eepe
{And b}{reake }{your owne }{necke }{downe}{

Qu. }
B{e thou }{assur}'{d, if }{words }{be made of }{breath},{
And brea}
t{h of }{life}:{ I haue no}{ life }{to b}{reath}{
What t}
{hou hast }{saide}{ to me}{

Ham. I }
{must }{to England}{, you }{know th}{at?
{Qu. Ala}c{ke I }h{ad for}g{ot: }{'Tis }{so con}{clu}d{ed on}{

Ham. Th}
{is ma}n{ shall se}{t me }p{ack}{ing:
{Ile l}u{gge the }G{uts }{into }{the }Ne{igh}b{or r}{oome,
{Mother }{goodnight}.{ Inde}ed{e this }C{ounsell}or{
Is }
{now m}{ost s}{till, }{most s}{ecre}t{, and most }g{raue}{,
{ was i}n{ life, }a{ fool}{ish p}r{ating} Knau{e.
Come s}
{ir, }{to d}{raw }{tow}{ard }{an end}{ with you}{.
Good night}
{ Mother.
{Exit }{Hamlet }t{ugg}{ing in }{Polonius.

{Enter King}{.

King. }
T{here's }{matters}{ in the}{se s}{ighes}.{
These }
pro{found }{heaue}{s
You }
{must t}{ran}s{late}; T{is fit }we{ vnderstand th}em.{
Where }
{is your }{Sonne}{?
Qu. A}
h{ my good }{Lord, what }{haue I }s{eene to}{ night}?
{ King. What }G{ert}{rude}?{ How }d{o's }{Hamlet?
{Qu. }Ma{d as the }{Seas}{, and wi}{nde,}{ when }{both }{cont}{end
{Which }{is the }M{ighti}{er, in }{his l}aw{lesse }{fit}{
Behinde the Arras}
,{ hearing }{something s}tirr{e,
{ whip}s{ his Ra}pi{er out,}{ and c}{ries }{a Rat}{, a Rat}{,
And }
{in his }b{rain}{ish a}pp{rehe}n{sion }{killes}{
The v}
{nseene}{ good }o{ld ma}n{

King. }
O{h hea}u{y deed}:{
It ha}
{d b}in{ so wi}{th vs}{ had }w{e been}{e there}:{
His }
{Libert}{y is }{full of }{threat}{s to }{all,
T{o you }{your selfe}{, to v}{s, to }{euery }{one.
{Alas, how }{shall thi}s{ bloody deed}{e be a}{nswere}d?{
It will b}
{e la}{ide to }{vs, wh}o{se pro}{uidence}
Sh{ould haue }kept{ short},{ rest}{rain}{'d, and }o{ut of h}au{nt,
{his mad}{ yo}{ng m}{an. }{But s}{o much }{was o}{ur loue}{,
We }
w{ould not }{vnderstand }{what w}{as m}{ost }{fit,}{
But l}
{ike the }Own{er of }a{ foule }{diseas}{e,
To keepe it }
{from }divulg{ing, }{let}'{s it }{feede}{
Euen }
{on the }pi{th of life}{. Where}{ is h}{e go}{ne?
Qu. }
T{o draw }a{part the }{body }h{e hath }{kil}{d,
{'re }{who}{m his }{very }{madnesse }{like }{some }O{are
Am{ong }{a Mi}{nerall }{of M}{ette}ls{ base}{
w{es it }{selfe }p{ure. }{He w}{eepes}{ for wh}{at is }d{one

King. }
{Oh G}{ertrude}{, come}{ away:
{The }Sun{ no s}o{oner }{shall th}{e Mountaine}s{ touch}{,
But w}
{e will }{ship }{him h}e{nce, and }{this }v{ilde }{deed,
{e must w}{ith all }{our Maiest}{y and }S{kill
B{oth co}{unte}n{ance, and }excuse{.
Enter Ros}
. &{ Guild.}{

{ Guildenstern}:
{Friends }{both }{go }{ioyne}{ you wi}{th some }{further }ay{de:
{Hamlet }{in madnesse}{ hath P}{olonius}{ slaine}{,
And }
{from }{his Mother}{ Closset}{s hath }{he d}r{ag'd}{ him.
G{o see}{ke him }{out, }{speake }{faire, }{and b}r{ing the}{ body}{
{to the }Ch{app}{ell.}{ I pray you }{hast }{in this}{.
Exit }

{Come }{Gertrude, }w{ee'l }{call vp} {our wise}{st f}{riends}{,
To let }
{them }{know b}{oth }{what we }{meane t}{o do,
{And what's }vn{time}{ly do}{ne. }{Oh co}{me away}{,
My s}
{oule i}{s full of }{disco}rd{ and di}sm{ay.

Enter H}

Ham. }
Saf{ely s}t{owed}{

{entle}m{en with}{in. H}{amlet, }{Lord }{Hamlet

Ham. }
W{hat no}{ise}?{ Who }c{als }o{n Hamlet?
O{h heere}{ the}y{ come}{.
Enter Ros. }
{and Guildensterne.

Ro{. What haue }y{ou done}{ my Lord }{with the }{dead body}{?
Ham. }
C{ompound}ed{ it with }d{ust,}{ whereto }{'tis }{Kin}n{e

Rosin. T}
{ell vs wh}{ere }{'tis, that we }{may t}{ake it }t{hence,}{
And b}
{eare it }{to the Chappell}{

Ham. Do }
{not be}{leeue }i{t

Rosin. }
{Beleeue }w{hat?
Ham. }
{That I }{can }{keepe }{your c}{ounsell, }and{ not mine
{owne.}{ Be}{side}{s, to }{be d}e{mand}e{d of a} Sp{undge}{, what }{rep}lic{ation
{should b}{e made }{by the }{Sonne }{of a }{King

{Rosin. T}{ake you }me{ for a }{Spundge, }{my Lord?
Ham. }
{I sir, }{that so}k{es vp}{ the King}{s Coun}{tenance, }{his
{Rewards},{ his Au}{tho}ri{ties }({but s}{uch }Off{icers }d{o the King
{best}{ seru}{ice in}{ the }{end. }He{ keepe}{s them }{like a}n{ Ape}{ in
{the co}r{ner of }{his i}{aw, }{first }{mouth}'{d to be}{ last} swa{llowed,}
w{hen he }n{eedes}{ what }{you haue }gl{ean}{'d, i}t{ is but }sq{uee}z{ing
{, and }{Spundge}{ you shall }{be d}{ry }{againe}{

Rosin. }
I{ vnderstand }{you not }{my Lord

Ham. I }
{am }{gla}d{ of it}:{ a knauish }{speech }{sleepe}{s in a}
{foolish }e{are

{Rosin. My Lord, you }{must t}{ell vs where }{the body }{is,
{and g}{o with vs }{to the King

{Ham. The }{body is }{with the }{King, }{but the }{King }{is not}
{with the }{body}{. The King, }{is a }{thing}-{
Guild. }
A {thing m}{y Lord?
Ham. }
Of{ nothing}:{ bring me to }{him, }{hide} F{ox, }{and a}{ll


Enter }

King. }
I{ haue se}nt{ to se}{eke him}{, and t}o{ find}{ the bod}{ie:
{How d}{angerous }{is it th}{at this }{man }{goes }{loose}:{
Yet }
{must n}{ot we}{ put }t{he str}{ong }L{aw }{on him:}{
'{s loue}d{ of the }{distr}{acte}{d m}ultit{ude,}{
Who }
{like not }{in the}i{r iudgement}{, but the}i{r eyes}{:
And wh}
{ere 'tis}{ so,}{ th' }O{ffende}{rs s}{courge }{is w}{eigh}'d{
But }
{neere}{r the }{offence}:{ to beare }{all s}moo{th, and }e{uen,
T{his so}d{aine send}{ing him a}w{ay, m}{ust s}{eeme}
Del{iber}a{te pa}{use,}{ disease}{s des}{perate}{ grow}{ne,
By{ desperate }{app}{lian}c{e are }r{eleeue}d{,
Or }
{not a}{t all}{.
Enter Rosincran}

How now}
?{ What ha}{th be}fal{ne?
{Rosin. }W{here the }{dead body is }{bestow}'{d my Lord,}{
We }
{cannot }{get }{from hi}m{

King. }
{But wh}{ere is he}{?
Rosin. W}
{ithout }{my Lord, }g{uard}{ed to}{ know }{your

King. B}
r{ing him }{before }v{s

Rosin. }
H{oa, }{Guildensterne}?{ Bring }{in my }{Lord.
{Enter Hamlet}{ and Guildensterne.

King. }
N{ow Hamlet}{, where}'{s Polonius}{?
Ham. A}
t{ Su}pp{er

{King. A}{t Supper}{? Where}{?
Ham. Not }
{where he }{eats}{, but wh}{ere he }{is ea}t{en, }a {cer}{taine}
{conu}o{cation}{ of wor}{mes }{are }e'n{e at }{him. }{Your }{worm}
{is your }{onely }E{mper}{or for }{die}t{. We }f{at all}{ cre}{ature}s{ else}
{to fa}t{ vs, and }w{e fat }{our selfe }{for }Mago{ts. }Y{our fa}{t King}{,
and }
{your }l{eane }B{egge}r{ is but }v{ari}{able s}{eruice }{to d}{ish}{es,
{but to }{one }T{able }t{hat's the }{end

{King. What do}{st thou }{meane }by{ this?
Ham. }
N{othing but }t{o shew}{ you how }{a King }{may }go
{a Pro}gr{esse }{thro}{ugh }{the g}u{ts of }a{ Begger}{

King. Wh}
{ere is }{Polonius

{Ham. I}n{ heauen,}{ send}{ thi}{ther }{to see}{. If }{your M}{essen}{ger
{finde}{ him not}{ there},{ seeke him }{i'th}{ other }{place}{ your
{selfe}:{ but in}{deed, }{if you }{finde him not th}{is m}{oneth}{, you}
{shall no}s{e him }{as you }{go }{vp the }{sta}{ires }{into the }Lobb{y

King. G}
{o seeke him }{there}{

Ham. H}
{e will s}{tay }{till }y{e come}{

{. Hamlet, th}is{ deed }{of thi}n{e, for }{thine} {espec}ial{ safe}ty{
Which }
{we do }t{ender}{, as }we{ deere}l{y greeue}{
For th}
at{ which }{thou hast }{done, }{must se}{nd the}e{ hence}{
With }
fi{erie }Q{uic}kn{esse. }T{herefore prepare }{thy s}{elfe,
T{he Ba}{rke }i{s read}i{e, and th}{e winde }{at h}{elpe,}{
Th' }
Associ{ates }{tend,}{ and eue}{ry thi}{ng at }{bent}{
For }

Ham. }
{For England}?{
King. I }

Ham. }

{King. }So{ is it}{, if th}{ou kn}ew{'st }{our p}{urpose}{s

Ham. I}
{ see a}{ Ch}{eru}b{e that s}{ee's }{him: }{but }{come, }{for
{England}{. Fare}{well }{deere }{Mother

{King. Th}{y louing}{ Father }{Hamlet

{let.}{ My Mother}:{ Father }{and M}{other }{is man }{and
w{ife: }{man }&{ wife }i{s one }fle{sh, and }s{o my }m{other. }{Come,}{
for }


{King. F}{ollow }{him a}{t fo}{ote,
T{empt }{him }{with s}{peed}{ abo}{ord:}{
{ay i}{t not, }{Ile haue }{him hence}{ to night}.
A{way, }{for }{euery thing }{is Seal}{'d and }{done
{That e}{lse }l{eanes }o{n th' A}f{faire, }{pray you }{make }{hast}{.
And }
{England, }{if my }{loue }{thou h}{olds}{t at }{ought,}{
As }
my{ great }p{ower}{ there}{of ma}y{ giue the}{e sen}s{e,
Since }
y{et thy }C{icat}{rice }{lookes} {raw a}{nd re}d
Af{ter the}{ Danish}{ Sword, and }{thy f}{ree }awe
P{ayes h}o{mage }{to vs};{ thou m}ai{st not }c{old}{ly se}t{
Our }
S{ouer}a{igne}{ Processe},{ which }{imports }{at f}u{ll
y{ Let}t{ers co}{niu}ri{ng to th}{at e}{ffect}{
The p}
{resent}{ death }{of }{Hamlet. }D{o it }{England,}{
For }
{like the He}c{ticke}{ in my b}{lood }{he ra}g{es,
{And th}{ou must }c{ure m}{e: }T{ill I }{know }{'tis }{done,}{
How }
{ere my }{happe}{s, my }{ioyes}{ were n}e{'re }{begun}{.


{Enter }{Fort}inbras{ with an }Ar{mie.
F{or. }G{o Cap}t{aine, }{from me }{gree}t{ the Danish }{King,
{Tell him }{that b}y{ his li}c{ense,}{ Fortinbras}
C{laime}{s the c}{onuey}{ance of a }p{rom}i{s'd }March{
Ouer }
h{is Kin}g{dome}{. You }k{now the }R{ende}{uous}:{
If th}
{at his }{Maiesty }{would }{ought }{with vs,
{We shall }exp{resse }{our d}{utie }{in his e}y{e,
And let him }
{know }{so

C{ap. }{I will do}{o't, }{my Lord

{For. Go }s{afely }on{.

Enter Queene and }

{Qu. I}{ will not }{speake with }{her

{Hor. }S{he is }{import}un{ate, }{indeed}{ distract}{, her}{ mo}ode
{will n}{eeds be }{pitt}i{ed

Qu. }
{What would }sh{e haue}{?
{. She }{speakes}{ much of}{ her }{Father};{ sai}{es she}{ heare}s
{There's }{tric}{kes i}{'th' world}{, and he}m{s, and }b{eats }{her h}{eart,}
{Spu}{rnes}{ en}u{ious}{ly a}{t S}{tra}{wes, s}{peakes }{things}{ in d}oub{t,
That }
c{arry }{but h}{alfe }{sense}{: He}r{ speech }{is not}{hing,}{
Yet }
t{he vns}{hape}d{ vse }{of it}{ doth mo}ue{
The he}
{are}{rs to }C{ollect}{ion; }{they }aym{e at }{it,
And }
botch{ the wor}d{s vp }f{it to the}{ir owne }{thoughts,}{
Which }
a{s her }w{inkes}{, and no}d{s, and }{gest}{ures }yeel{d them}{,
{deed }w{ould make }on{e thinke}{ there}{ would be }{thought}{,
Though }
{nothing }s{ure, }ye{t much }vn{happ}i{ly

{Qu. }{'Twere good }{she }{were s}pok{en with}{,
For }
sh{e may }{stre}{w dangerous }{coni}e{cture}{s
In }
{ill b}{reed}{ing m}i{nds.}{ Let }h{er come }in{.
To }
my{ sicke }{soule }({as sin}{nes t}{rue Nature}{ is}){
Each }
toy{ seemes }{Prologue, }{to some}{ great a}{miss}{e,
So f}
{ull of }Art{lesse }i{eal}ou{sie is }{guilt,}{
It }
sp{ill'}s{ it selfe, }{in }f{earing }{to be }{spil}{t.
Enter }
{Ophe}{lia}{ distracted}{.

Ophe. Wh}
{ere is th}{e be}au{teous }{Maiesty }{of }{Denmark}{

Qu. }
{How now}{ Ophelia}{?
Ophe. }
H{ow sh}{ould I }{your tr}u{e loue }{know }{from a}n{other }{one?
B{y his }Cock{le ha}t{ and sta}ff{e, and hi}{s S}{and}{al s}hoo{ne

Qu. }
{Alas }{sweet }{Lady}:{ what i}{mports th}{is So}{ng?
Ophe. }
S{ay you}?{ Nay }{pray you ma}rk{e.
He }
i{s dead}{ and g}{one L}{ady, }h{e is dead and gone}{,
At }
{his head }a{ grasse}-{gree}{ne Tur}{fe, a}{t his heeles }a{ stone}.{
Enter King.

{Qu. Nay}{ but }{Ophelia}{

{Ophe. }P{ray you marke.
W{hite }{his S}{hrow}'{d as the }{Mountaine }S{now

{Qu. Alas, }l{ooke heere }{my Lord

{Ophe. }L{arded }{with s}{weet }Fl{owers}{:
Which }
b{ewe}p{t to the }{graue}{ did }{not g}o{,
With tr}
ue-{loue }{sho}{wres}{

King. }
{How do} y{e, pr}{ett}y{ Lady?
{Ophe. W}{ell, }{God di}{l'd }y{ou. Th}ey{ say }{the Ow}{le wa}s
{a Ba}{kers }d{aught}{er. L}{ord, w}e{e know }{what we }{are,}{ but}
{know not}{ what we m}{ay be}{. God}{ be a}{t your }{Table}{

King. }
{Conceit }{vpon }{her Father}{

Ophe. Pray you }
{let's }{haue no }{words }{of this}:{ but whe}{n
{y a}s{ke you }{what it}{ meanes},{ say }{you thi}{s:
T{o mor}r{ow is }S[{ain}t]. Va{lent}{ines }d{ay, }{all i}{n the }{mor}n{ing be}{time,
And }
I{ a Ma}{id }{at your }W{ind}{ow, to }b{e your }{Valentine}.{
Then }
{vp }{he r}{ose,}{ & }{don'd }{his c}l{othe}s{, & d}up{t the }chamb{er do}r{e,
{t in the}{ Maid}{, that }{out a}{ Maid, }{neuer }d{epar}{ted m}o{re

King. }
P{retty }{Ophelia

Ophe. }
{Indeed }la?{ without }{an }o{ath I}le{ make a}{n end }o{nt.
B{y gi}{s, and b}y{ S[aint]. }Ch{ari}t{y,
{lacke, }{and fi}{e for }{shame}{:
{ng me}{n wil}{ doo't, }{if the}y{ come to}{o't,}{
By }
C{ocke th}{ey a}r{e too b}{lame}.
Qu{oth }{she be}{fore }{you t}{umble}d {me,
{ promis'd }{me to }W{ed:
S{o would }{I ha}{ done }b{y yo}{nder }{Sunne}{,
And thou }
had{st not co}{me to my }b{ed

King. }
{How }{long }{hath s}{he b}i{n thus}{?
Ophe. }
{I h}ope{ all wi}{ll be }{well.} {We must }{bee }{patien}t{,
but }
I{ cannot c}h{oose }{but w}{eepe,}{ to thi}n{ke they }{should}
{lay h}{im i'th' }{cold}{ ground:}{ My }br{other s}{hall }{knowe}{ of it,
{and so }{I th}{anke }{you for}{ your g}{ood }{counsell}{. Come, }my
Coa{ch: }G{oodnight}{ Lad}{ies:}{ Goodnight }{sweet Lad}{ies:
{Goodnight},{ goodnight.}{

King. }
{Follow h}{er c}l{ose,
{Giue }{her good}{ watch}{ I pray you}{:
Oh }
{this is }{the p}{oyson }{of d}{eepe }{greefe}{, it s}pr{ings
{ll from}{ her Father}{s death}{. Oh Gertrude, }{Gertrude,}{
When s}
{orrow}{es com}{es, the}{y come }{not s}{ingle}{ spi}{es,
{But in }Bat{talian}{s. }F{irst},{ her Father}{ slaine,
N{ext }{your Sonne}{ gone,}{ and he}{ most }{violent }{Author}{
Of }
{his }{owne }i{ust }rem{oue: }{the p}eop{le m}ud{die}{d,
i{cke and }vn{wholsome }{in their }{thoughts, }{and wh}i{sper}s{
For }
{good }{Polonius }{death};{ and we }{haue }{done b}u{t gre}{enly}{
In h}
u{gger }m{ugger }{to i}{nter}{re him}{. Po}{ore }{Ophelia
Di{uide}d{ from her }{selfe, a}{nd her f}{aire }{Iudgement}{,
{out the }w{hich we }{are }{Picture}s{, or }m{eere }B{east}s.
L{ast, a}{nd as }{much }{cont}a{ining a}s{ all the}s{e,
r{ Brother}{ is i}n{ secret}{ come }{from }F{rance,}
K{eepes }{on his }{wonder},{ keepes }{himselfe}{ in c}{lou}ds{,
And wa}
{nts }{not }Buzz{ers to }{infect}{ his eare}{
With }
p{esti}{lent }S{peech}{es of }{his }{Fathers death}{,
Where }
{in }{necess}{itie}{ of ma}{tter }{Begg}a{rd,
{ill not}{hing sti}{cke }{our p}{ers}{ons }{to }{Arra}{igne}{
In }
{eare a}n{d eare}{. O my }{deere }{Gertrude, }{this,
Li{ke to }{a murder}{ing }P{eece }{in ma}ny{ place}s{,
{s me }su{per}fl{uous }{death.}

A N{oise }{within.}{

Enter }
a{ Messenger}{.

Qu. }
{Alacke, }{what no}yse{ is this?
{King. Where }{are my }S{wit}{zers}?{
Let the}
m{ guard}{ the d}{oore}{. What }i{s the matter?
M{es. }S{aue you}{r selfe, }{my Lord.
{The }Oc{ean} ({ouer}-{pee}r{ing of his }L{ist}{)
t{es not }{the }Flat{s with m}{ore i}m{pitti}o{us ha}s{te
{en you}{ng La}e{rtes},{ in a }Riot{ous h}{ead,
Ore-b{eares }{your }{Officers}{, the }rabb{le call }{him }{Lord,
{And as the }{world }{were no}w{ but to }{begin,
tiqu{ity }{forgot},{ Custome }{not }{know}n{e,
The }
R{ati}{fier}{s and p}rop{s of }{euery }{word,}{
They }
c{ry c}{hoose }we?{ Laertes}{ shall be }{King,
Caps,{ hands, }{and to}{ngue}{s, a}p{pla}ud{ it to the }{clouds,
{Laertes shall be King,}{ Laertes }{King

{Qu. How }c{heere}{full}y{ on the }{false }T{rai}l{e they c}{ry,
{Oh this is }{Counte}{r you }{false }{Danish }Do{gges}{.

{Noise within.} {Enter L}{aertes}{.

King. The}
{ doore}{s are }b{roke
{Laer}{. Where is the }{King, sir}s?{ Sta}{nd you a}{ll with}{out

{ All. }{No, }{let's }{come in}{

Laer. }
{I pray you }{giue me }{leaue}{

{. We will},{ we will}{

Laer. I }
{thanke you}: K{eepe th}{e doore.}{
Oh th}
{ou v}{ilde }{King, }{giue me my }{Father

{Qu. C}{alme}l{y good L}{aertes}{

Laer. }
{That }dr{op of }{blood,} {that ca}{lme}s
{Proclaime}{s me }Ba{star}{d:
C{ries }Cuck{old }{to my }{Father, }bra{nds the }Har{lot}{
Euen }
{heere }{betweene }{the cha}{ste v}nsmir{ched }b{row
{f my }{true }{Mother

King. }
{What is the }{cause }{Laertes,}{
That th}
y{ Rebellio}n{ lookes }{so }Gy{ant}-{like}{?
Let }
{him go}{ Gertrude}:{ Do not f}{eare }{our person}:{
There's }
{such }{Diui}n{ity }{doth h}{edge}{ a King,}{
That }
Tr{eason }{can }{but p}{eepe t}o{ what it }{would}{,
{cts }{little }{of his }{will}{. Tell }m{e Laertes,
{Why th}{ou ar}{t thus }In{cens}t? {Let him go Gertrude}{.
Speake }

{Laer. Where}'{s my Father}{?
King. }

{Qu. B}u{t not }{by hi}{m

King. }
{Let him }{demand}{ his f}{ill

Laer. }
{How ca}{me he}{ dead}?{ Ile }{not be}{ Iu}{gge}{l'd }{with}.{
To he}
{ll }{All}ege{ance: }V{owes, t}{o the }{blacke}s{t diuell}{.
nsc{ience }{and G}{race,}{ to the }{profound}{est }Pi{t.
I }
d{are }D{amna}{tion}:{ to this }po{int} {I stand}{,
That }
{both }{the world}{s I }{giue t}o{ negl}ig{ence,
L{et come }{what c}{omes}:{ onely }{Ile b}e{ reueng'd}{
Most }
{through}ly{ for m}{y Father

{King. Wh}o{ shall s}t{ay you?}
{ Laer. }{My }Wi{ll, not }{all the }{world,
{And f}{or my }{meanes, }{Ile h}{usband}{ them }{so w}{ell,
{They s}{hall }g{o farre}{ with }{little}{

King. Go}
{od Laertes}{:
If }
{you d}{esire}{ to know }{the c}{ertain}{tie
{Of your }{deere }{Fathers death,}{ if w}{rit in }{your }{reueng}{e,
That S}
oop-{stake }y{ou will}{ draw }{both }{Friend}{ and }Fo{e,
{nner}{ and }L{oose}r{

Laer. }
N{one but }{his }Enemi{es

King. }
{Will you }{know the}{m the}{n

{. To }{his }{good }{Friends},{ thus }w{ide }{Ile }{ope }{my }{Arme}{s:
And }
{like the }{kinde }Life-r{end}'{ring P}o{lit}i{cian}{,
{ast th}e{m with }{my blood}{

King. Wh}
y {now you}{ speake
L{ike a }{good Ch}{ilde}{, and a }{true }{Gentlem}{an.
{at I am }{guilt}l{esse of }{your }{Fathers death,
{And a}m{ most se}nsib{le in }{greefe}{ for }i{t,
It s}
{hall a}{s l}e{uell }{to your }{Iudgement} {pier}c{e
As }
{day }{do's }{to your }eye{.

A }
n{oise within. }{Let her come in.
Enter Ophelia}

{Laer. How }{now? }w{hat noise}{ is th}a{t?
Oh he}
{ate }d{rie v}p{ my }{Braine}{s, te}{ares s}{euen }{times }sal{t,
{rne }{out the }S{ence and }{Vertue }{of m}{ine eye}{.
By }
{Heauen,}{ thy }{madnesse s}{hall be }paye{d by }wa{ight,
T{ill our }Sc{ale }t{urnes }{the bea}m{e. Oh }{Rose}{ of Ma}{y,
{Deere }{Maid, }{kinde }S{ister},{ sweet }{Ophelia}{:
Oh Hea}
{uens},{ is't }{poss}{ible}{, a }{yong }{Maid}{s wit}{s,
{hould be }{as mo}{rtall}{ as a}n{ old man}s{ life}?
{Nature is}{ fin}{e in }{Loue}{, and wh}{ere 'tis }f{ine,
I{t send}{s some }{precious }{inst}{ance of }{it selfe
{After the }{thing i}{t loue}s{

Ophe. }
{They }bo{re him }b{are }f{ac'd }{on the }Be{er,
He{y no}{n no}n{y, no}n{y, he}{y non}y{:
And }
{on his }{graue }{raines}{ many }a{ teare},
{Fare you well my }Dou{e

Laer. }
Ha{d'st t}{hou t}h{y wits},{ and di}{d'st per}sw{ade }R{euenge,
it{ could }{not m}{oue th}u{s

Ophe. }
{You must }{sing }{downe} a-{downe, }{and you }{call}
{him a}{-downe}-a{. Oh, h}{ow the }{wheele}{ be}{comes}{ it}?{ It is}
{the false }{Stew}{ard th}{at st}{ole }{his ma}st{ers daughter}{

Laer. Th}
{is nothing}s{ more }{then}{ matter}{

Ophe. The}
{re's }{Rose}mary,{ that's }{for }R{eme}m{bra}{unce}.{
Pray }
{loue }r{ememb}{er: }an{d there is }Pa{conc}ies{, that's for}{

Laer. }
A{ do}c{ument }{in madnesse,}{ thoughts} &{ rememb}{rance

Ophe. There's }
Fe{nne}{ll for} {you, and }Colu{mbin}e{s: the}r'{s
{ for you, and }{heere}'{s some }{for me}{. We}{e may }{call it}{
be-{Grace }a{ Sun}da{ies: }Oh{ you must }we{are you}{r Re}w
{with a }diff{ere}{nce. }{There's }a{ Da}y{sie, }I{ would }{giue }{you
o{me Vi}o{lets}{, but the}{y wit}{her'}d{ all w}{hen m}{y Father }dy{ed:
{They say}{, he }{made }{a good }{end}{;
For }
bon{ny }{sweet }Ro{bin }i{s all }{my ioy}{

Laer. Th}
{ought,}{ and A}{ffliction},{ Passion, }{Hell it selfe}:{
{ turnes t}o{ Fa}u{our}{, and to }{prett}{inesse

{Ophe. }A{nd will }he{ not come }{againe,}
{And will he not come againe}:
{No, no}{, he is dead},{ go to }{thy }D{eath}-{bed,
He{ neuer }{wil }{come againe}.{
His }
Be{ard a}s{ white as Snow}{,
All }
Flax{en w}as{ his Po}l{e:
{e is g}{one, }h{e is gone, }{and we }c{ast }{away }m{one,
G{rame}rcy{ on his }{Soule}.{
And of}
{ all }Ch{rist}{ian}{ Soule}s{, I pray }God{.
{d bu}{y y}e{.

Exeunt. }

{Laer. }{Do you see th}i{s, you}{ God}{s?
King. }
{Laertes, }{I must }{comm}{on with }y{our greefe}{,
Or }
y{ou deny }m{e right}:{ go b}{ut a}p{art,
{Make }cho{ice of }{whom }y{our wisest }{Friends }{you will}{,
And the}
{y shall }h{eare and }{iudge}{ 'tw}ix{t you a}{nd m}{e;
If }
b{y di}r{ect }{or b}{y Co}{late}{rall }{hand
{They }{finde }v{s touch}'d{, we will}{ our }{Kingdome}{ giue},{
Our }
{Crowne, }{our }Li{fe, and }{all that }w{e call }{Our}s{
To you }
{in s}{ati}sf{action}{. But i}{f not,}{
Be }
{you con}t{ent to }l{end your }{patience}{ to vs,}{
And w}
{e shall }{ioyn}t{ly }l{abou}r{ with your }{soule}{
To giue i}
{t d}{ue co}{ntent}{

Laer. }
{Let th}{is be}{ so:
{His }{meanes }{of de}{ath, }{his o}bs{cure }bur{iall};{
No }
T{rop}h{ee, }{Sword, }{nor }H{atch}{ment o}'r{e his }{bones,
{No }No{ble }{rite, }n{or for}{mall }{ost}{enta}{tion,}
Cr{y to be }{hear}d{, as }{'tw}{ere }{from }{Heauen }{to E}{art}h{,
That I must }
c{all in }{question}{

King. So }
{you shall}{:
And where }
{th' offence}{ is,}{ let the}{ great }Ax{e fal}l{.
I }
{pray you g}o{ with me}{.


Enter H}
{oratio},{ with an A}{ttend}an{t.

{ora}{. What }a{re they }{that would }{speake with }{me?
S{er. }Saylo{rs s}{ir, th}{ey say the}y{ haue }{Letters }{for you}{

Hor. }
{Let them }{come in}{,
I do }
{not know}{ from }{what }{part of }{the world}{
I s}
{hould be }{greet}{ed, if }{not f}{rom }{Lord Hamlet}{.
Enter }

{Say}{. God b}{lesse you Sir}{

Hor. Let }
{him b}l{esse th}e{e too}{

{Say. }He{e shall }Si{r, and}{'t p}l{ease }{him. }{There's a }{Letter}
{for you}{ Sir}:{ It }{comes }{from th}'{ Amb}{assa}d{ours }t{hat was}
{bound} {for England}{, if you}r na{me be }{Horatio, }{as I}{ am }{let
{to know }{it is}{.

R{ead}{s the }{Letter}{.

{ratio, }{When th}{ou shal}{t haue }{ouer}{look}'d{ this, }{giue the}{se
e{llowes}{ some m}{eanes t}{o the King}:{ They }{haue Letters}
{for hi}{m. E}{re we }{were }{two }{dayes}{ old }{at S}ea{, a }Py{rate }{of v}ery
Warl{icke a}p{point}{ment }{gaue }{vs }Cha{ce. }Fi{nding }{our selues }{too
s{low }{of Sa}il{e, we}{ put }{on a }{compell}{ed }V{alou}r{. In }{the }{Gra}pp{le, }I
{boord}{ed the}m:{ On }{the }{instan}{t they }{got }cl{eare o}{f our }Shipp{e, so}{
I }
{alone}{ bec}am{e their }P{ris}{oner}.{ They haue }d{ealt}{ with me}{e, like}{
e{ues of }M{ercy,}{ but they }{knew}{ what }{they }did{. I am }{to do}e
{a good }{turne}{ for th}em{. Let the}{ King h}{aue the }{Letters }{I haue}
s{ent, }{and re}{paire }{thou t}o{ me with }{as much }{hast }a{s thou}{ would}{est
{flye }{death. }{I haue }{words }{to s}{peake }{in your }{eare,}{ will }{make the}e
d{umbe, }{yet a}{re they }{much }{too }{light}{ for the}{ bore }{of the }Ma{tter.
T{hese }{good F}{ellowes }{will b}{ring the}{e where I }{am. }{Rosincrance}
{and Guildensterne},{ hold }t{heir co}{urse }{for England.} {Of th}em
{I haue }{much to}{ tell }t{hee, }{Farewell}{.
He t}
{hat thou }{knowes}{t thi}{ne,
{Come, }{I will }{giue you} {way }{for the}{se your }{Letters}{,
And do}
'{t the s}{peedie}{r, that }y{ou may }{direct }m{e
To h}
{im f}{rom wh}{om you}{ bro}{ught }{them.}{

Enter }
K{ing and }{Laertes.

King. }
{Now m}{ust }{your co}{nscience }{my }ac{quit}{tance }s{eal}{,
And }
{you must }{put }m{e in your }{heart }{for }{Friend}{,
{th you }{haue h}{eard, a}{nd with }a{ know}{ing }{eare,
{That h}{e which }{hath }{your }{Noble }{Father slaine,
P{urs}{ued }{my l}{ife}{

Laer. I}
t{ well }{appe}{ares.}{ But t}{ell me}{,
Why }
y{ou pro}c{eede}{d not }{against the}{se f}{eate}s{,
So }
c{rime}{full}{, and so }Capit{all in }{Nature,}{
As }
{by yo}{ur S}{afety}{, W}{ise}d{ome, a}{ll thi}{ngs }{else}{,
You }
{main}{ly w}{ere s}{tirr}{'d }vp{?
King. }
O{ for t}w{o spe}{cial}l{ Reason}{s,
Which }
{may t}{o you }(perhaps){ seeme }{much vn}{sinn}{owed,
{And y}et{ to me }{they are }{strong}{. The }{Queen}{ his Mother}{,
{ues }{almost b}{y his l}{ookes}:{ and for }m{y selfe,
My{ Vertue o}{r my }Pla{gue, }b{e it }e{ither }{which}{,
{e's so}{ coniu}n{ctiue}{ to my }l{ife, and }{soule};{
That }
{as the S}t{arre }{moue}{s not }{but in}{ his S}p{here,}
I{ could not }{but }{by h}{er. The}{ other }{Mot}iu{e,
Why }
{to a }pub{like }{count}{ I m}{ight }{not go,
I{s the gr}{eat }{loue th}e{ generall g}{ender}{ beare }{him,
{Who }d{ipp}{ing all }{his Fa}{ults}{ in their }a{ffect}{ion,
{Would }{like the }{Sprin}g{ that t}{urne}{th }W{ood t}o{ St}{one,
C{onuert}{ his }Gy{ues to}{ Grace}s{. So }{that }{my Ar}{rowes}{
{o s}{light}{ly t}imb{red }{for so }{loud}{ a W}{inde,
W{ould haue }{reue}{rted }{to my }{Bow }{againe,
And }
n{ot where }{I had }arm'{d them}{

Laer. A}
{nd so }{haue I }a{ Noble Father }los{t,
A }
{Sister}{ dri}{uen }{into }{desperate }{tear}m{es,
{o was }({if }{pra}{ises}{ may go} b{acke a}{gaine})
St{ood Ch}{alle}{nger }{on m}{ount }{of all }{the }Ag{e
For }
{her p}{erfe}{ction}{s. But }{my }{reuenge}{ will come}{

King. Br}
{eake no}{t your }{sleepes }{for that},{
You must }
{not thi}nk{e
That }
{we are }{made of }{stuffe}{, so}{ flat}{, and d}u{ll,
{at we ca}n{ let }{our B}{eard }{be sh}{ooke w}{ith d}{anger}{,
And th}
{inke }{it pa}s{time}{. You }{short}l{y shall heare }{more,
I{ lou}'d{ your Father}{, and we }{loue o}{ur S}{elfe,
{d that }{I hope }{will }t{each}{ you to }imag{ine}-{
Enter a Messenger.

{How now? What }N{ewes}{?
Mes. }
{Letters }{my Lord }{from H}{amlet, }{This }{to your}
{Maiesty}{: this }{to the }{Queene}{

King. }
F{rom Hamlet}{? Who }{brought them}{?
Mes. Sa}
{ylors }{my Lord }t{hey say, }{I s}a{w them }{not}{:
They }
{were g}{iuen }m{e by }C{laud}i{o, he }{rece}iu{'d them

{King. Laertes}{ you shall }{heare the}m:{
Leaue }

{it }{Messenger
gh{ and Mi}{ght}y{, you shall }{know }{I am s}{et }nak{ed on }{your
{Kingdome. }{To morrow }{shall I }{begge }{leaue to }{see }y{our King}ly
E{yes.}{ When }{I shall }({first }as{king }{your }P{ardon }{there}{unt}o){ rec}{ount}
{th' O}cca{sions }o{f my }{sodaine}{, and mo}{re str}{ange}{ ret}u{rne.
{What sh}{ould }{this m}{eane}? A{re all }{the r}es{t come }{backe}?{
Or i}
{s it s}{ome a}bu{se? }{Or no}{ such }{thing}{?
Laer. }
K{now you }t{he ha}{nd?
.{ 'Tis }{Hamlet}{s Cha}{racte}{r, }{naked }a{nd in }{a P}{ost}s{cri}pt
{here he }s{ayes }{alone}: {Can }{you a}du{ise }{me?
{Laer. I}'m{ lost}{ in }i{t my Lord}{; but l}{et him }{come,
{It w}{armes}{ the }{very s}{icknesse}{ in my }{heart,
{That I }{shall l}{iue }{and t}{ell him t}{o his }{teeth}{;
Thus }
{did}de{st thou}{

{. If }{it be }{so }{Laertes, }{as h}{ow should }{it be so}{:
How }
{other}w{ise wi}{ll you }{be r}u{l'd }by{ me?
Laer. I}
f{ so }{you}'{l not }{o're}r{ule m}{e to a }{peace}{

Kin. }
T{o thin}{e owne }{peace}:{ if }{he be}{ now }{return}'{d,
As }
che{cking}{ at his }{Voyage}{, and th}{at he }{meanes}{
No more }
{to v}{nder}{take it};{ I will }{worke}{ him
{To }{an e}xployt{ now r}ip{e in my }Deu{ice,
V{nder }{the which }h{e shall }{not choose but }f{all;
{And for }{his de}{ath }{no w}{inde of }{blame}{ shall b}{reath,
{But }{euen }{his Mother }{shall }vn{charge}{ the pr}{acti}{ce,
And }
{call it }acc{iden}t:{ So}m{e two }Mon{thes}{ hence
H{ere w}{as a}{ Gentleman}{ of }N{orma}ndy{,
'{ue se}e{ne my }{selfe, and }{seru}{'d a}{gainst the }F{renc}h{,
And they }
{ran}{ well }{on H}{orse}{backe};{ but this }G{all}{ant}{
{d wit}ch{craft}{ in't}; {he gre}w{ into }{his Sea}{t,
And t}
{o such }{wond}{rous }d{oing }{brought }{his }{Horse}{,
As }
{had }h{e beene }{enc}or{ps't }{and d}emy-{Natur}'d{
With t}
{he b}{raue }{Beast}{, so f}{arre }{he p}{ast }{my thought}{,
That I }
{in f}{orge}ry{ of sh}a{pes }{and t}{rickes},{
Come s}
{hort}{ of wh}{at he }{did}{

Laer. A }
{Norman}{ was't}{?
Kin. }
{A Norman}{

Laer. }
{Vpon }{my life}{ La}{moun}d{

Kin. T}
{he very s}am{e

Laer. I}
{ know }{him w}{ell, }h{e is the }Broo{ch i}{ndeed,
{And I}em{me of }{all our }Na{tion

{. Hee }m{ad co}{nfess}{ion of }{you,}{
And }
g{aue you }{such a }M{aster}l{y re}{port}{,
For }
{Art }{and e}xercis{e in your }{defe}{nce}{;
And for }
{your R}{apier }{most }{especial}l{,
That he }
cr{yed }{out, }t'{would be }a{ sigh}{t indeed,}{
If }
{one c}{ould ma}t{ch you }Si{r. This }{report}{ of his}
Di{d Hamlet}{ so }envenom{ with his }Enuy{,
That he c}
{ould not}h{ing do}{e but w}{ish a}{nd be}{gge,
{our so}{daine }{comm}{ing o}{re to }p{lay }{with him}{;
w{ out of }{this}{

Laer. Wh}
y{ out of this}{, my Lord?
{Kin. }{Laertes }{was your }{Father d}{eare t}o{ you?
{Or }{are you }{like the }p{ainti}{ng of }a{ sorrow}{,
A }
{face }{without a}{ heart}{?
Laer. }
{Why }{aske you }{this?
{. Not th}{at I }{thinke }{you d}{id not }{loue }{your Father,}{
But }
{that I }{know }{Loue}{ is be}gun{ by }{Time}:{
And that I }
{see }in{ passage}{s of }{proofe}{,
{me }qual{ifie}{s the s}p{arke a}{nd fi}r{e of it}{:
Hamlet }
{comes }{backe}{: what }{would you }{vndertake}{,
To }
{show}{ your selfe}{ your Fathers }s{onne }{indeed,
M{ore then }{in w}{ords}{?
Laer. }
{To }c{ut his }{thro}{at i}{'th' }Chu{rch
Kin. }
No{ place }{indeed }{should }{murder}{ San}{ctur}iz{e;
{Reuenge}{ should }{haue no }{bound}{s: but }{good Laertes
{Will you }{doe }{this, }{keepe }{close}{ within}{ your }C{hamber}{,
{ return'd,}{ shall know }y{ou are }{come }{home}:
W{ee'l }{put on }{those }{shall }{praise}{ your e}xc{elle}{nce,
And }
{set }a{ doub}{le }var{nish }{on the fa}m{e
The }
{French}{man g}{aue you},{ bring }{you in }f{ine to}ge{ther,
{And wa}{ger on }{your hea}{ds, h}{e be}{ing }re{misse,
{Most }{gener}{ous}{, and f}{ree }{from a}{ll co}n{tri}u{ing,
{Will not}{ per}u{se the} Fo{iles}?{ So that }{with }{ease,
O{r with a}{ little }shu{ffli}{ng, }{you may }{choose}{
A S}
{word}{ vn}b{aite}{d, and }{in a }{passe}{ of pr}{actice,
Re{quit}{ him for }{your Father}{

Laer. I }
{will doo't}.{
And for }
{that }{purpose}{ Ile }{anno}{int }{my Sw}{ord:
I{ bou}{ght }{an }{Vnction }{of a }{Mount}{eba}{nke
So{ mortall}{, I }{but }d{ipt}{ a kn}{ife in }{it,
{Where i}t{ draw}es{ blood, }n{o Ca}ta{pla}sm{e so r}{are,
{Collect}{ed from }{all Si}mpl{es that }{haue }{Vertue}{
Vnder the }
Mo{one, }{can s}{aue the }{thing }{from d}{eath,
T{hat is }{but s}{cra}{tch}{t with}{all:}{ Ile }{touch}{ my }{point}{,
With t}
{his c}{onta}g{ion, }{that i}f{ I ga}{ll him }{slightly}{,
It }
{may be }{death}{

Kin. }
L{et's }{further }{thinke }{of this,}{
{igh }{what co}n{uen}{ience }{both }{of t}{ime and }{meanes
M{ay f}{it v}{s to }{our s}{hape}{, if th}{is s}{hould }f{aile};{
And that }
{our dr}if{t looke }{through }{our b}{ad }{perf}{orman}{ce,
{'Twere }be{tter no}{t as}{said};{ there}f{ore th}i{s Pro}{iect}{
Should haue }
a{ backe }{or s}{eco}n{d, that }{might }{hold}{,
If th}
{is should }bl{ast in }{proofe}{: So}ft,{ let me }{see
{Wee'l }{make a}{ sol}emne{ wager on your }{comming}s,{
I ha}
't:{ when }{in your }mo{tion you }{are h}o{t and d}{ry,
{As m}{ake your }bowt{s more }{violent }{to the }{end,
A{nd that he }{cals }{for d}{rink}{e; }{Ile haue }{prepar}{'d him}{
A C}
{hall}ic{e for the}{ non}c{e; wh}{ereon }{but s}{ipping}{,
If }
h{e by }{chance }es{cape}{ your }{venom}'{d st}uck{,
Our }
{purpose }m{ay ho}l{d there};{ how s}{weet }{Queene}.{
Enter Queene}

{een}{. On}{e wo}{e doth }t{read }{vpon }{another}{s heele}{,
So f}
{ast the}y'l{ follow}:{ your S}{ister}{'s }d{rown}'{d Laertes

Laer. }
D{rown'd}! O{ where}?{
Queen. }
T{here is }a{ Will}{ow }g{rowes }asl{ant a}{ Broo}k{e,
That }
s{hewes }{his h}{ore }{leaue}{s in the }{glass}i{e str}e{ame:
{There }{with }f{ant}a{sticke }Garl{ands }{did s}he{ come,
Of{ Crow}-f{lowers}, Ne{ttle}{s, }{Daysie}{s, and }{long }P{urp}l{es,
That }
{libera}{ll S}hep{heard}s{ giue }{a gr}{osse}{r name};{
But }
{our co}{ld M}{aids }{doe }{Dead} M{ens }{Fingers}{ call }{them:
{There }{on the p}{endant}{ bough}es{, her }Cor{onet}{ wee}d{s
mb{ring to }{han}g;{ an en}{uious}{ sli}{uer }{broke}{,
When }
d{owne th}{e wee}dy{ Troph}{ies, and }{her selfe,}{
{ in the }w{eeping }{Brooke,}{ her clo}{athes}{ spred }w{ide,
{And }Me{rma}id{-like}{, a }{whi}{le they }{bore h}{er }vp{,
Which }
{time }s{he cha}{unted }sn{atches}{ of o}{ld t}u{nes,
A{s one }in{cap}{able }{of her }{owne }{distr}{esse,
Or{ like a }{creature}{ Nati}{ue, and }{ind}ued{
{to that }El{ement: }{but l}o{ng it }{could not b}e{,
Till }
{that he}r{ ga}r{ments,}{ heauy }{with her}{ drinke}{,
l{'d the}{ po}{ore }{wretch}{ from her }melod{ious }b{uy,
o{ mudd}y{ death

{Laer. A}l{as the}n{, is s}{he d}{rown'd}{?
Queen. }
{Drown'd},{ drown'd}{

Laer. T}
oo{ much of }w{ater}{ hast thou }p{oore Ophelia}{,
And there}
{fore }I{ for}{bid }{my t}{eares}{: but }yet
{It is }{our tr}i{cke, }{Nature }{her c}{ustome h}{olds}{,
Let }
{shame}{ say }{what it w}{ill};{ when }{these }ar{e gone}{
The }
wo{man w}{ill be }{out}: A{due }{my Lord,
I{ haue a }{speech }{of }f{ire, }{that }f{aine }w{ould bla}ze{,
But that }
{this f}ol{ly do}ub{ts i}{t.

{. Let's f}{ollow}{, Gertrude}{:
How }
{much }{I had }{to doe}{ to c}{alme}{ his }{rage}?{
Now }
{feare }I t{his will}{ giue it }s{tart }{againe};{
f{ore le}{t's follow}{.


Enter }
{two }Cl{owne}{s.

{Clown}{. I}{s she }{to be}{e buri}e{d in C}{hristian }{buriall}{, that}{
{fully }{seeke}s{ her owne }salu{ation}{?
th{er. I t}{ell thee}{ she }{is, and th}{erefore }{make h}{er G}r{aue
{trai}{ght, }{the }{Crowne}r{ hath s}{ate o}n{ her, and }{find}{s it }{Christian}

lo{. How ca}n{ that }{be, }vnl{esse sh}{e drown}e{d her selfe}{ in
{her owne d}{efence}{?
Other. }
{Why }{'tis f}{ound }{so

{lo. }It{ must be }S{e offen}d{end}o{, it }{cannot }{bee }{else}:{ for
{heere }l{ies the }{point};{ If }I{ drowne}{ my selfe}{ wit}t{ingly}{, it }ar{gues}
{an Act}{: and }{an Act}{ hath }{thre}{e bra}n{ches.}{ It is }{an
{Act }{to doe }{and to p}{erform}{e; a}r{gall }{she drown'd}{ her selfe}

{ther. }{Nay but }h{eare you}{ Good}{man }D{elue}r{

{wn. }G{iue me leaue}; {heere lies the }{water};{ good}:{
heere }
{stand}{s the ma}n{; good:} If{ the man}{ goe}{ to this }{water}
{and dr}{owne }{himselfe};{ it is }{will he n}{ill he},{ he goes};
{marke}{ you th}at?{ But if }{the water}{ come to }{him }&{ drowne}{
{; hee}{ drowne}{s not }{himselfe}{. A}{rgall},{ hee }{that is not}
{guilt}y{ of his }{owne de}{ath, }{short}{ens }{not hi}{s owne }{life

{Other. }{But i}{s this }law?
{ Clo. I}{ mar}ry{ is't},{ Crowner}s{ Que}s{t La}w{

Other. }
{Will you }ha{ the t}ru{th o}n{'t: }{if this }{had }{not
{beene }{a Gentle}{woman}{, sh}e{e should haue }{beene }{buried}
{out of }{Christian }B{uriall

Clo. }
{Why th}e{re thou }{say}'{st. }{And the}{ more }{pitt}{y that}
{great }{fol}k{e should haue }{countenance}{ in this}{ world }to
{drowne }{or h}a{ng the}m{selues},{ more then }{their }{euen }{Christian}{.
Come, }
{my S}pade{; there}{ is no} {ancie}nt{ Gentlemen}{,
but }
{Gar}d{iner}{s, D}{itch}{ers and }{Graue}-m{akers}{; they }{hold }vp
Adam{s Pro}{fession}{

Other. W}
{as he }{a Gentleman}{?
Clo. }
H{e was }{the f}{irst }{that e}{uer b}{ore }{Armes}{

Other. W}
h{y he ha}{d no}{ne

{Clo. Wh}{at, a}r{'t a}{ Hea}{then}?{ how }{doth t}h{ou vnder}{stand}{
the }
S{cript}{ure?} {the Scripture}{ sayes }{Adam}{ di}g'd;
{could }{hee d}igg{e without }{Armes}{? Ile }p{ut an}{other }{question
{to the}{e; i}{f thou }{answere}s{t me }{not to }{the p}{urpose},{ confess}e
{thy selfe}-{
Other. }
Go{ too

{Clo. What}{ is he }{that b}{uild}s{ stronge}r{ then }{either }{the}{
s{on, th}e{ Ship}wr{ight, }{or the }Carp{enter}{?
Other. }
{The }Ga{llowes }{maker};{ for that }Fr{ame o}utl{iues a}
{thou}s{and }T{enan}{ts

{Clo. I }{like th}{y wit}{ well }{in g}{ood }{fai}{th, }t{he Gallowes}
do{es we}{ll; }{but h}{ow do}{es it }{well}?{ it do}{es well}{ to th}o{se
{at do}e{ ill}:{ now}{, thou}{ dost }i{ll to }{say the }{Gallowes }is
{buil}t{ stronger then }{the C}{hurch}:{ Argall, }{the Gallowes
{may d}oe{ well to th}e{e. To}{o't }{againe, }C{ome

{Other. Wh}o{ builds stronger then }{a Mas}o{n, a }{Shipwright,}
{or a }{Carpenter?
{Clo. I},{ tell me}{ that},{ and vn}yoak{e

Other. }
M{arry}, {now I }{can t}e{ll

Clo. }

Other. Ma}
{sse, }{I cannot }te{ll.
Enter }
{Hamlet and }{Horatio}{ a f}{arre }{off}{.

. C{udge}{ll th}y{ brain}{es no}{ more }{abou}t{ it; }{for your}
{dull}{ Ass}e{ will not }me{nd his }p{ace with}{ beat}i{ng; an}{d when}
{you are }ask'{t this }{question}{ next}{, say }a{ Graue-maker}{: the}{
{uses t}{hat he m}a{kes, }{last}s{ till }D{oome}sday{: go},{ get }{thee}{
to }
Y{augh}{an, }f{etch }{me a }{sto}up{e of }Liqu{or.


I{n you}{th wh}{en I }{did }{loue,}{ did loue,}
m{e thought}{ it w}a{s very }{sweet}e{:
To }
{contr}a{ct }O{ the t}i{me for a }{my be}h{oue,
O {me thought }{there }{was }{nothing }m{eete}{

Ham. H}
a'{s this }f{ellow}{ no }feel{ing of his }bu{sinesse}{, that
{he s}{ings }{at G}{raue-mak}{ing?
{Hor. }{Custome }{hath }{made i}{t in hi}m{ a pro}p{erty }{of easinesse
Ham. }
{'Tis }ee'{n so}{; the}{ hand}{ of li}{ttle }Im{ploy}{ment }{hath}{
the }
d{aintie}r{ sense}{

{e sings}{. But }Ag{e with his }{steal}{ing st}eps
{hath }c{aught}{ me in }{his cl}u{tch}{:
And }
{hath sh}{ippe}d{ me in}ti{ll the }L{and,
{as i}f{ I had }{neuer }{beene }{such}{

Ham. Th}
{at S}cu{ll ha}{d a t}{ongue}{ in it,}{ and c}{ould s}{ing
o{nce: }{how the }{knau}{e i}o{wles}{ it to th}'{ grown}{d, as }i{f it}
{were }C{aines }Iaw-b{one, }{that d}id{ the first }m{urther}{: It}
{might }{be the} P{ate of }a{ Politi}{tian }{which th}{is }{Asse }{o're }{Office}s:
{one th}a{t could }circumu{ent G}{od, }{might }{it not}{?
Hor. }
I{t might}{, my Lord

{Ham. O}{r of a }C{our}{tier, }{which }{could s}{ay, }{Good }M{orrow}
{sweet L}{ord: }{how do}{st thou},{ good Lord}?{ this
{might be }{my Lord }{such a }{one, that }{prais}{'d my Lord}{ such
{a one}{s Horse,} {when he }{mean}{t to beg}g{e it; }{might it not?
Hor. I}
{, my Lord

Ham. }
{Why }{ee'n so}:{ and no}w{ my L}ady Wo{rmes,
{Chap}l{esse, }{and }knockt{ about }{the M}azar{d with a }S{ext}ons
{Spade; }{heere's }{fine }Reuo{lut}{ion, }{if w}e{e had }{the tr}{icke }{to
{see'}{t. D}{id the}{se b}{ones }co{st no}{ more the}{ breeding}{, but
{to play }a{t Lo}{gge}{ts with }'em?{ mine }ak{e to thi}{nke

Clowne sings. }
A{ Pic}khaxe{ and a }{Spade},{ a Spade,}{
for }
{and a }s{hrow}{ding}-Sh{eete:
O{ a P}i{t of C}l{ay for t}o{ be made}{,
for }
{such a }G{uest }{is me}{ete

Ham. }
T{here's a}n{other: }w{hy m}{ight not }{that be}{e the}
{Scull }{of a }{Law}y{er? }{where }b{e his }Quiddi{ts no}w?{ his
{Qui}l{lets}?{ his C}{ases}{? his }{Ten}{ures, }{and his }T{rick}s{? wh}y{
'{s he }s{uffe}{r this }{rude}{ knaue }{now t}o{ knock}{e him a}{bout}{
the Sc}
{once} {with a di}{rty }{Shou}{ell, and }{will not }{tell him }of
{his A}{ction of }B{atter}y{? h}u{m. This }{fellow }{might be }in's
{time a}{ great }buy{er of }{Land,}{ with his }Statu{tes, }{his R}ecogniz{ance}{s,
{his F}{ines, }{his d}{ouble }V{ouch}{ers, }{his Reco}u{erie}{s:
{s this }{the fi}n{e of his }{Fines, }{and the}{ recou}{ery of }{his Recoueries},
to{ haue hi}{s fine }{Pate }{full of }{fine }D{irt}?{ will h}{is
{Vouchers} v{ouch }{him no}{ more }{of his }P{urch}{ases}{, and d}{ouble}
o{nes to}{o, th}{en the }{leng}t{h and b}{read}{th of }{a paire of}{
n{tures}{? the }{very }C{onueyance}{s of his }L{ands }{will
h{ard}{ly l}y{e in this }Boxe{; and }{must t}{he }In{her}it{or him}{selfe
{haue no }{more}{? h}a{?
Hor. }
N{ot a }i{ot mo}re{, my Lord

Ham. }
I{s not }P{arch}{ment }{made of }{Shee}p-{skin}n{es?
{Hor. I}{ my Lord, }{and of }Ca{lue}{-skinnes}{ too

{Ham. The}{y are }{Sheep}{e and }{Calue}{s that }{seek}{ out a}{ssur}{ance
i{n that}{. I will }{speake }{to this }{fellow}:{ whose }{Graue}{'s
{his S}i{r?
Clo. }
M{ine S}ir{:
O a Pit of Clay for to be made,
for such a Guest is meete

Ham. }
{I thinke }i{t be th}i{ne indeed}:{ for th}{ou li}{est i}{n't

{. You }{lye }{out o}{n't}{ Sir, and}{ therefore }i{t is not}{ your}{s:
{for my }{part,}{ I do}{e not }{lye in}{'t; }a{nd yet }{it is }m{ine

Ham. }
T{hou dost }{lye in't}{, to be }{in't}{ and s}a{y 'tis }{thine}:
{'tis fo}{r the }{dead, }{not f}{or the }qu{icke, }{therefore th}ou

Clo. }
{'Tis }a{ quicke}{ lye }{Sir, }{'twi}{ll a}{way }{againe }{from me}
{to you}{

Ham. Wh}
{at m}an{ dost thou }{digge }i{t for}{?
Clo. }
{For }{no m}{an S}{ir

{am. What }{woman }{then?}{
Clo. For no}
{ne ne}i{ther

{Ham. Wh}{o is }{to be }{buried in}{'t?
{Clo. }O{ne that }{was a }{woman }{Sir}{; but }{rest }{her }{Soule},
{shee}'{s dead}{

Ham. H}
{ow a}bs{olut}e{ the knaue i}{s? w}e{e must }{speake
{by the }C{arde}{, or }{equi}{uocation }{will }vn{doe }v{s: b}{y the}
{Lord H}{oratio, }{these }{three }y{eares }{I haue }{take}{n no}t{e of it,
t{he Age}{ is g}{rowne }s{o p}{icke}{d, that }{the t}o{e of the }Pes{ant
{comes }so{ neere}{ the h}{eeles }{of our }{Courtier, }{hee }{gall}{s his}
Kibe{. How long ha}{st thou }{been}{ a Graue-maker}{?
Clo. O}
{f all the }{dayes }{i'th' }y{eare, }I{ came }{too't}{ that d}ay
{that our }{last }{King }{Hamlet }{o're}{came }{Fortinbras
Ham. How }
{long i}{s that s}i{nce?
{Clo. C}{annot }{you t}e{ll that}?{ euery }{fool}e{ can tell}{ that}:{
It wa}
{s the very }{day, }{that you}{ng Hamlet }{was }bo{rne, h}e{e
that }
{was m}ad{, and se}{nt in}to{ England

Ham. }
{I marry},{ why }w{as he }{sent into England}{?
Clo. }
{Why},{ beca}{use }he{ was mad}{; hee }{shall }{recouer}{ his
{wits} {there; }{or i}{f he }{do not}{, it}'{s no }{great }{matter }{there}{

Ham. Why}
Clo. }
'T{will not }b{e seene }{in him},{ there th}e{ men }{are as}
m{ad as }he{

Ham. How }
{came he }{mad}{?
Clo. }
V{ery s}{trange}l{y they }{say}{

Ham. How }
Clo. F}
a{ith e}'{ene }{with l}oos{ing hi}{s wits}{

Ham. }
{Vpon }{what }{ground}{?
Clo. Why}
{ heere }in{ Denmark}{e: I haue }{bin s}ix{ete}{ene
{heere},{ man and}{ Bo}{y thi}{rty }{yeares}{

Ham. How long }
{will a}{ man }l{ie i}{'th' }{eart}h {ere he }ro{t?
Clo. }
I{faith, }{if he be no}t{ rot}t{en b}{efore }{he di}{e (as }{we haue}
{many p}{ock}{y Co}arse{s now }a{daies}{, that w}{ill s}c{arc}{e hold}{
the }
{lay}{ing in}){ he w}{ill }{last }{you s}{ome }e{ight }{yeare, }{or n}{ine
y{eare. }A Ta{nner }{will last you }{nine}{ yeare}{

Ham. Why }
{he, }{more then }{another}{?
Clo. Why }
{sir, }{his h}{ide }i{s so }t{an'd}{ with his }Trad{e, that
he }
{will }{keepe }{out }{water }{a great }{while}{. And }{your w}{ater},
{is a }s{ore }D{eca}{yer of }{your h}o{rson}{ dead body}{. He}{res a}{ Scull}
n{ow: }{this S}{cul}{, ha}{s la}{ine in }{the e}{arth }{three }& tw{ent}{y year}s{

Ham. Who}
s{e was }i{t?
Clo. }
A{ who}{res}o{n mad}{ Fellowes }{it was};
{Whose }{doe }{you thi}{nke it }{was}{?
Ham. N}
{ay, I }{know not}{

Clo. }
A{ pestilen}ce{ on him}{ for a m}{ad }R{ogue, }{a p}ou{r'd a}
Flagg{on of }Re{nish on }{my hea}{d on}{ce. Th}{is s}{ame }{Scull
S{ir, th}{is same Scull}{ sir, }{was }Yo{ricks}{ Scull}{, the }{Kings }Iest{er

Ham. }
{Clo. }E'e{ne that}{

Ham. }
L{et me see}{. Alas }{poore }{Yorick}{, I kn}e{w him }{Horatio,}
a{ fellow }{of i}nf{init}e{ Iest};{ of m}{ost e}{xcellen}{t fa}nc{y, he}{
hath }
{borne}{ me }{on his }{backe a} {thousand }{times}:{ And }how
ab{hor}r{ed my }I{magin}{ation }{is, my }g{orge} r{ises }{at it}{. Hee}{re
hu{ng th}o{se li}pp{s, that }{I haue }k{ist }{I know not}{ how }of{t.
{ere be }{your I}{ibe}{s now? }{Your }Gambals{? Your}
{Song}{s? Your}{ fla}sh{es of Mer}{rime}n{t that }w{ere wo}{nt to}
s{et the }{Table }{on a }R{ore? }N{o one }{now to }m{ock}{ your }{own}
I{eering}?{ Qui}t{e cho}p{falne?}{ Now }{get }{you to }{my Lad}{ies
{Chamber,}{ and tell h}{er, }l{et her }{paint}{ an }{inc}{h thi}{cke, t}{o this}
f{auour}{ she m}{ust com}e{. Ma}{ke her }l{augh} a{t that}: pry{thee
{Horatio }{tell me }{one thin}g{

Hor. }
W{hat's th}at{ my Lord?
{Ham. Do}{st thou th}{inke }Alexa{nder }{look}{t o'}{this f}{ash}{ion
{i'th' earth}{?
Hor. }
{E'ene }s{o

Ham. }
{And s}me{lt s}o?{ Pu}h{

Hor. }
{E'ene so}{, my Lord

Ham. }
T{o what }{base}{ vse}s{ we may }{returne}{ Horatio.
W{hy ma}y{ not }{Imagination }t{race }{the }{Noble }{dust}{ of A}{lexander}{,
{ill he }{find }{it st}o{pping a}{ bu}ng{hol}e{

Hor. }
{'Twere }t{o con}{side}r{: to }c{uri}{ously }{to consider}{ so

Ham. }
No{ faith, }n{ot a iot}{. But t}o{ follow}{ him the}{ther
{with mo}{dest}i{e en}{ough}{, & }{like}{lie}h{ood to }l{ead }{it; }{as th}us.
{Alexander }{died}:{ Alexander }{was b}{uried}{: Alexander }{returne}th
{into d}u{st; }{the d}u{st is }{earth};{ of ea}{rth }w{e make}{
m{e, and wh}y{ of th}{at Lo}{me }({whereto }{he was }c{onuert}ed){
might }
t{hey no}{t stopp}{ a Be}e{re-b}{arre}ll?
I{mper}{iall }Ca{esa}{r, }{dead and }{turn'd}{ to c}l{ay,
{ight s}{top}{ a h}ol{e to k}{eepe the }{winde a}w{ay.
Oh{, that th}{at e}{arth,}{ which }ke{pt the }{world }{in a}we{,
Should }
p{atch }a W{all, t}'{ exp}e{ll the w}{inter}s{ fla}w.{
But }
s{oft, }b{ut soft, }a{side}{; heere }{comes }{the King}{.
Enter King}
,{ Queene},{ Laertes, a}{nd a }Cof{fin}{, with }L{ords }a{ttendant.

T{he Queene}{, the C}{ourtier}s{. Who is t}{hat they }{follow,}{
And wi}
{th s}{uch m}{aime}d{ rite}{s? }T{his do}{th be}t{oken}{,
The }
{Coarse}{ they follow,}{ did }{with d}i{sperate }ha{nd,
{e do }{it o}{wne life};{ 'tw}a{s some }Est{ate}{.
u{ch we a}{ while}{, and m}{ark

{Laer. Wh}{at }C{eri}mo{ny }{else}{?
Ham. That }
{is La}{ertes, a}{ very }{Noble }{youth}:{ Mar}{ke

Laer. Wh}
{at Cerimony else?
P{ries}{t. He}r Obs{equi}es{ haue bin }as{ farre }inlarg'd.{
As }
{we haue }w{arr}a{ntie}{, her }{death }{was }{doubt}{full,}{
And b}
{ut that }{great }Comm{and, }{o're}-swa{ies the }{orde}r{,
{ should i}n{ ground}{ vns}{anct}{ifie}{d haue }lodg{'d,
T{ill the }{last }Tru{mpe}t{. For }c{harit}{able }{prai}{er,
{arde}{s, }Flin{ts, and }Peeb{les, }{should be }{thro}{wne o}{n her}{:
Yet }
{heere s}{he is }{allowed}{ her }Vir{gin} Ri{tes,
{Her }{Maid}{en s}{trew}{ments, }{and the }{bring}{ing h}{ome
{Of }B{ell a}{nd B}{uriall

{Laer. M}{ust the}r{e no more}{ be d}{one }{?
Priest. }
N{o more be done}:{
We sh}
{ould p}{roph}a{ne the }{seruice }{of the d}{ead,
{To s}{ing s}{age }{Requi}e{m, and }{such }{rest }{to he}r{
As }
{to pe}{ace}-{parted }{Soules}{

Laer. L}
a{y her}{ i'th' earth}{,
And f}
{rom her }{faire }{and vn}p{oll}u{ted f}{lesh,}{
May }
{Violets}{ spring}{. I tell thee }(churl{ish }{Priest})
A{ Min}{istr}{ing }An{gell }{shall }{my S}{ister }b{e,
When }
{thou liest }{how}l{ing?
{am. What}{, the }{faire }{Ophelia?
{Queene.} S{weet}{s, to the }{sweet }f{arewell.
{I hop}'{d thou }{should}{'st }{haue bin }{my }{Hamlets }{wife:}
I{ thought th}{y Br}{ide}{-bed} {to haue }de{ckt }({sweet }{Maid}){
And not }
t'{haue s}{trew}'{d thy }{Graue
Laer. }
{Oh t}{erri}{ble }wo{er,
F{all t}{en times }{tre}b{ble, }o{n that }c{urse}d{ head}{
Whose }
w{icked} {deed, }{thy m}{ost }I{nge}n{ious s}{ence
De{pri}{u'd the}{e of}{. Ho}{ld o}ff{ the earth }{a while,}
{Till I }{haue c}{aught }{her o}{nce m}o{re in }{mine a}{rmes:
p{s in the g}{raue}{.

w pil{e your }{dust},{ vpon }{the quicke, }{and de}a{d,
Till }
{of this}{ flat}{ a Mount}{aine }{you haue }{made,
{To }{o're }{top }{old }Pel{ion, }{or the }sky{ish }{head
O{f bl}{ew }Olympus{

Ham. What }
{is he},{ whose }g{rie}f{es
B{eares s}{uch a}n{ Emp}{has}{is? w}{hose }phra{se of }S{orrow
C{oniur}{e the w}{and}{ring }{Starre}s{, and ma}{kes th}{em s}{tand
{Like }{wonder}-w{ounde}d{ hearers}{? This }{is }I{,
Hamlet }
{the }Dan{e

Laer. }
T{he de}u{ill t}a{ke thy }{soule
Ham. Thou }
{prai}'{st not }{well,
I{ prythee}{ take thy }f{ingers }{from m}y {throat};{
{ though}{ I am }{not }Spl{een}{atiue, and }{ras}h{,
Yet }
{haue I }{some}{thing i}{n me }{dangerous}{,
Which }
l{et thy }{wise}{nesse }f{eare. A}w{ay th}y{ hand
King. }
Plu{ck }{them }as{unde}{r

Qu. }
{Hamlet, }{Hamlet

G{en. }{Good }{my Lord }b{e qui}{et

Ham. }
{Why }{I will }fi{ght with }{him }vp{pon th}{is T}{hem}{e.
V{ntill }{my }ei{eli}{ds will}{ no }l{onger }wa{g

Qu. }
O{h my }{Sonne}{, what }{The}am{e?
Ham. }
{I lou'd }{Ophelia}{; for}{tie }{thousand }{Brother}s{
{ld not }({with a}{ll the}r{e qua}nt{itie of }{Loue}){
Make }
{vp my }summ{e. What }w{ilt }{thou do}{ for h}{er?
King. }
{Oh he}{ is ma}{d Laertes},
{ Qu. }{For l}o{ue of }{God }{forb}{eare him}{

Ham. }
{Come sho}w {me what }{thou}'l{t doe}{.
{oo't }{weepe}? {Woo't }{fight}{? Woo't }te{are thy selfe}?{
Woo't }
{drinke}{ vp }Es{ile, }{eate }a{ Cro}cod{ile}{?
le{ doo't.}{ Dost thou }{come h}e{ere to }wh{ine;
{o ou}t{face }{me with }{lea}p{ing in }{her Graue}?{
Be }
{buried }{quicke }{with her}{, and so }{will }I{.
And }
{if thou }p{rate of }{Mountaine}s;{ let the}m{ throw}{
{llion}{s of }A{kers }{on }{vs; t}{ill our }{ground}{
dg{ing his }p{ate a}{gainst the }{bur}{ning }Z{one,
{Make }Ossa{ like a }{war}t{. Nay, }{and th}{ou'lt }m{outh},{
Ile }
r{ant a}{s well }{as thou}{

Kin. Th}
{is is }m{eere Ma}{dnesse}{:
And th}
{us }a{while the}{ fit }{will worke }{on him}{:
o{n as }{patient}{ as the }fem{ale }Dou{e,
When th}
{at her }Go{lden} Cupl{et are }{dis}{clos}{'d;
{His }s{ilence }{will s}{it dr}oop{ing

{am. H}{eare you }{Sir:
{What is the }{reason }{that you }vs{e me t}{hus?
{I lou'd you}{ euer}{; but }{it is no}{ matter}:{
Let }
{Her}c{ules}{ himselfe }{doe w}{hat he ma}y{,
The C}
{at will }Mew{, and }{Dogge}{ will h}{aue his }d{ay.

Kin. }
{I pray you go}o{d Horatio }{wai}{t vpon h}{im,
S{tre}{ngth}en{ your patience }{in }{our last }{night}s{ speech},{
Wee'l put }
{the m}{atter t}{o the pr}{esent }{pus}h{:
{ Gertrude}{ set }{some }{watch }{ouer }y{our Sonne}{,
s{ Graue}{ shall h}{aue a }l{iuing}{ Mon}{ument}{:
{ ho}u{re of }{quiet}{ shortly shall }w{e see};{
Till the}
n,{ in pa}{tience }{our p}{roceed}{ing be}{.


Enter H}
{amlet and Horatio}{

Ham. }
S{o much }{for th}{is Sir};{ now }{let me see}{ the o}t{her,
Y{ou doe }{remember}{ all the }C{ircum}{stance}{

Hor. }
R{emember }i{t my Lord?
Ham. }
{Sir, }{in my heart} {there was }a{ kinde }{of fi}{ght}{ing,
That }
w{ould not }{let me s}{leepe};{ me thought }I{ lay}{
{rse the}{n the m}u{tines }{in the }Bilbo{es, }{rash}{ly,
({And }{praise }{be r}{ash}{nesse f}{or it}){ let }vs{ know}{,
Our }
{indi}s{cret}{ion }{somet}{imes s}{eru}{es }vs{ well,
{When }{our de}{are }plot{s do}{ pa}u{le, and }t{hat should t}{each }v{s,
{ere's a D}{iuinity }{that sh}{apes }{our e}{nds,}
R{ough}-he{w them }{how }{we will

{Hor. }{That is }{most }{certain}{e

Ham. }
Vp{ from my }Ca{bin}{
My }
sea-g{owne s}carf{t about }{me in the}{ dar}k{e,
{op'd }I{ to f}{inde o}{ut the}{m; h}ad{ my de}{sire}{,
{inger}'{d their }P{acke}t{, and in }{fine,}{ with}d{rew}{
To m}
{ine owne }ro{ome againe,} {making}{ so }b{old,
({My }f{eares }{forge}{tting}{ man}{ners}){ to vn}{seal}{e
i{r gr}{and C}{ommi}{ssion, }{where I }{found }{Horatio,
{Oh }roy{all kn}a{uery}{: An} ex{act }c{ommand,}
{Larded with }{many }{seue}{rall }s{orts }{of }{reason};{
{ortin}g{ Denmark}{s hea}l{th, }{and }{England}{s too,}{
With }
h{oo, }{such }B{ugge}{s and G}ob{lin}s{ in my }{life,}{
That }
{on the }{super}uiz{e no }{leas}{ure b}a{ted,}{
No }
{not to }{stay }{the gr}{inding o}{f the }Ax{e,
My }
{head }{should be }{str}{uck }{off}{

Hor. }
Is{t possible}{?
Ham. }
H{ere's t}{he Co}{mmission, }r{ead it}{ at }m{ore le}y{sure}:{
But }
{wilt thou }{heare m}e{ how }{I did }{proceed}{?
Hor. I }
b{ese}e{ch you}{

Ham. }
Be{ing th}{us b}{ene}{tted} {round }{with }V{ill}{aines,}
E{re I }{could ma}{ke a }{Prologue}{ to my b}{raines,}{
They }
{had }{begun }{the P}l{ay. }I{ sate }{me d}{owne,
{Deui}{s'd }a {new }{Commission, w}r{ote }it{ faire}{,
I }
{once }{did }{hold }i{t as }{our S}{tati}s{ts do}{e,
{ base}{nesse }{to w}{rite}{ faire}{; and }{labour}{ed m}{uch
H{ow to }{forget}{ that }{lear}n{ing: }{but }{Sir }{now,
I{t did }{me }Yeo{mans }{ser}iu{ce: }{wilt thou }{know}{
The }
e{ffect}s{ of what }I{ wrote}{?
Hor. I, }
g{ood my Lord}{

Ham. An}
{ ear}n{est }{Coniur}{ation }{from th}{e King,
As{ England}{ was his }{faith}{full }Tri{but}a{ry,
As }
{loue }{betweene the}m,{ as the }P{alme }{should f}{lour}i{sh,
{As }P{eace}{ should }s{till he}{r wh}{eate}n{ Garland}{ weare}{,
And s}
t{and a Co}{mma}{ 'twe}{ene the}{ir a}m{itie}{s,
And }
{many s}{uch }{like }A{ssi}{s of }{great }{charge}{,
That on the }
vi{ew }{and kno}w{ of the}s{e Co}{ntent}s{,
Without }
de{bate}{ment }{further}{, more }{or l}{esse,
H{e should }{the b}{earers}{ put t}o{ sodaine }{death,
{Not }sh{riuing}{ time a}{llowed}{

Hor. }
{How }{was th}{is s}{eal}'d{?
Ham. Wh}
{y, }e{uen in} {that was }{Heauen }o{rdin}{ate};
I{ had my }f{athers }S{igne}t{ in my }{Purs}e{,
Which }
{was the }Mode{ll of th}{at }{Danish }S{eale}:
F{olde}{d the }Wr{it vp}{ in for}m{e of the }{other,
Sub{scri}b'd{ it, }gau{'t th}'{ imp}re{ssion, }{plac}'{t it }safel{y,
The }
{chan}g{eling }{neuer }{knowne}:{ Now}{, the }{next}{ day
W{as our S}ea Fi{ght, and }{what t}{o this wa}{s se}{ment,
T{hou know}{'st }al{read}y{

Hor. }
{So }{Guildensterne}{ and }{Rosincrance}{, go to}{o't

{Ham. Why }{man, }t{hey did}{ make }{loue t}{o this }i{mployment}
{They are }{not }{neere }m{y Con}{science};{ their }{debate}
D{oth b}y{ their }{owne i}{nsin}{uation}{ grow}:
{'Tis }{dangerous,}{ when the}{ base}{r na}{ture }{comes}{
{tweene the }pa{sse, and }f{ell in}{cens}{ed }{point}s{
Of m}
{ighty} op{pos}i{tes

{Hor. Wh}y{, what }{a King}{ is this?
{Ham. Do}{es it }{not, }{think}{st the}{e, s}t{and me}{ now }{vpon}{
He that }
{hath }kil{'d my }{King, }{and wh}or{'d my }{Mother,
Pop{t in }{betweene th}' el{ection}{ and m}y{ hope}{s,
{rowne o}{ut his }A{ngle }{for my p}{roper}{ life,
{And with such }coozenag{e; i}{s't }{not per}{fect }{conscience}{,
To }
{quit him }w{ith this }{arme}?{ And }{is't not }{to be }dam{n'd
To{ let th}{is Ca}nk{er of }{our na}{ture come}{
In }
{further }{euill}{

Hor. I}
{t must be }{shortly }{knowne}{ to him }{from }{England
{What is the }{iss}u{e of the }{businesse} {there

Ham. }
It{ will be }{short}{,
The }
{inter}im'{s mine}{, and a }{mans life}'{s no more}{
Then }
{to say }{one: }{but I }am{ very s}o{rry }{good Horatio}{,
That t}
{o Laertes}{ I for}{got }{my selfe}{;
For b}
{y the }{imag}e{ of my }C{ause},{ I see}{
The }
P{ort}{rai}tu{re of his}{; Ile }{count }{his fa}u{ours:
{But s}{ure the }{braue}{ry of his }{griefe}{ did p}{ut me}{
{to a }Tow{ring }pa{ssion

{Hor. }{Peace}{, who}{ comes }{heere}?{
Enter }
{young }Os{ricke}{.

{Osr}.{ Your }{Lords}hip{ is }r{ight w}el{come back}{ to }{Denmarke}{

Ham. I }
humb{ly th}{ank}{ you Sir},{ dost }{know th}{is water}fli{e?
Hor. }
No{ my go}{od Lord}{

Ham. Th}
{y st}{ate }{is the }{more }{gra}{cious}{; for }{'tis }a{ vi}{ce to}
{know him}:{ he ha}{th m}{uch }{Land, }{and fe}r{tile}{; let }a{ Beast}
{be }{Lord }{of B}{easts}{, and his }C{rib}{ shall sta}nd a{t the King}s
{Messe};{ 'tis a }C{how}gh{; but }{as I }{saw }spa{cious in}{ the p}{osse}{ssion
{of d}ir{t

{sr. }S{weet Lord}{, if your }f{riends}{hip }{were }{at le}{ysure},{
I should }
{imp}{art a} {thing }{to you }{from h}{is M}{aiesty}{

Ham. I }
{will }{receiu}{e it w}{ith all }di{ligence}{ of s}pir{it; }{put}
{your }B{onet }{to his }{right }v{se, }{'tis for the }h{ead

{Osr. }{I thanke you}{r Lordship}{, 'tis }{very }ho{t

Ham. }
{No, }b{ele}e{ue me}e{ 'tis very }{cold},{ the win}{de is}{

sr{. It is }{indi}{fferen}t{ cold }{my Lord }{indeed}{

Ham. }
M{ee thi}nk{es it }{is very }{soul}tr{y, and }h{ot for }my{

{sr. }Ex{ceeding}{ly, }{my Lord, }{it is very soultry, a}{s 'twere}
{I cannot tell}{ how}{: but }{my Lord, }{his Maiesty}{ bad }{me s}{ign}{ifie}{
to you}
,{ that he}{ ha'}{s lai}d{ a great w}{ager on your head}:{
Sir, this }
{is the m}{atter

{Ham. I }{beseech you}{ remember}{

Osr. }
{Nay, }{in good faith, }{for m}{ine e}a{se in }{good faith}{:
Sir, }
{you are }{not }{ign}o{rant }{of what }{excellence}{ Laertes }{is a}t{
his }

{am. What}'{s his }{weapon}?{
Osr. }
{Rapier }{and d}agg{er

Ham. Th}
{at's t}wo{ of his w}{eapon}s{; but }w{ell

{Osr. }T{he si}r{ King ha}'{s wa}g{'d with hi}m{ six} Barba{ry ho}{rses},
{against the }{which he }{imp}o{n'd }{as I }{take it},{ sixe}{ French}
{Rapier}{s and }P{oni}{ards},{ with th}{eir a}s{sign}{es, as }Girdl{e,
{ngers }{or so}{: th}re{e of the }Carri{ages }in{faith}{ are }{very
{deare to }{fancy, }{very }{res}{pons}i{ue to th}{e hi}lt{s, mo}{st d}{eli}c{ate
c{arriages}{, and of }{very }{liberall }{conce}it{

Ham. What}
{ call }{you the }{Carriages}{?
Osr. }
T{he Carriages }{Sir, a}{re the h}{angers}{

Ham. The}
{ phrase }{would be}{e more }G{ermai}n{e to the}
{matter:}{ If }w{e could }c{arry }{Canno}{n by }{our s}id{es; }{I would}{
it }
{might be }{Hangers }{till the}n{; but }o{n sixe}{ Barbary }{Horse}s{
against }
{sixe French}{ Sword}{s: the}{ir }A{ssignes, a}{nd th}{ree}
{liberall conceit}ed{ Carriages}{, that's }{the }{French }{but a}{gainst}
{the Dan}{ish};{ why }{is this }{impon'd as }{you call}{ it?
{Osr. The }{King }{Sir, }{hath }{laid }{that i}n{ a do}{zen}{ passe}s{ betweene}
{you and }{him, }{hee shall }{not }e{xceed}{ you th}{ree }hits;{
He }
{hath }{one t}w{elue}{ for mine}{, and that }{would }{come to}
{imed}i{ate t}ry{all, }{if your }{Lordship }{would }{vouch}{safe}{ the

Ham. How }
{if I }{answere}{ no}{?
Osr. }
I{ meane}{ my Lord, }{the o}{pposit}{ion of you}{r person}{
in t}

Ham. S}
{ir, }{I will w}alk{e heere }{in the }H{all;}{ if it}{ please}
{his Maiest}i{e, 'tis }{the br}{eath}{ing time }{of d}{ay with }m{e; let}{
the }
Foyl{es be}e{ brought}{, the G}{entleman }{will}{ing, and }{the
{King h}{old }{his p}{urpose}{; I will w}{in for}{ him }{if I }{can}{: if}
{not, }{Ile }{gaine }{nothing }{but my }{shame}{, and the }odd{e hits}{

Osr. S}
{hall I }re{deli}{uer you}{ ee'n so}{?
Ham. T}
{o this }{effect}{ Sir, a}{fter }{what }{flourish}{ your na}{ture}

{Osr. I }{comm}e{nd my }dut{y to you}{r Lordship}{

Ham. }
{Your}{s, you}{rs; }{hee d}{oes well to }{commend }i{t
m{selfe, }{there }{are no}{ tongue}{s else}{ for}{'s to}{ngue}{

Hor. Th}
{is La}p{wing }runs{ away }{with the}{ she}{ll on }{his

Ham. H}
{e did }{Compl}i{e with his }D{ugge}{ before he}e
{suc}k{'t it}:{ thus }{had he }{and m}{ine }{more of }{the s}{ame }{Bea}{uty}
{that I know }{the d}{ross}i{e ag}{e dot}{es o}{n; }o{nly }go{t the t}u{ne of}{
the }
{time}{, and o}ut{ward }habi{te of }{enco}{unte}{r, a}{ kinde of}
y{esty }c{ollect}{ion, wh}{ich c}{arri}{es them }{through }&{ through}
{the mo}s{t fo}nd{ and wi}{nnowed} {opin}i{ons; }{and do}{e but }blow
{them t}o{ their }{tryall}{s: the} Bu{bble}s{ are }{out
Hor. }
Y{ou will }{lose }{this wa}g{er, m}{y Lord

Ham. I}
{ doe not }{thinke }{so, }{since}{ he w}{ent into }F{rance,}{
I haue }
b{eene in }{cont}{inua}{ll pra}{ctice};{ I shall }{winn}e{ at the}
{odde}{s: but }{thou wouldest}{ not thinke }{how }{all he}e{re about}
{my heart}:{ but it is no matter}{

Hor. }
{Nay, }{good my Lord

Ham. }
I{t is but }{foole}ry{; but it is }{such a }{kinde of
{gain}-g{iuing }{as w}{ould p}{erhaps}{ tr}{ouble }{a woman}{

Hor. I}
{f your }m{inde }dis{like a}ny{ thing}, obey{. I will }{fore}s{tall}
{their }{repaire }hit{her, and s}{ay you }{are not }fi{t

Ham. No}
t{ a whi}t{, we }de{fie} Augu{ry; }t{here's a }{speciall}
P{rou}{iden}c{e in the }fa{ll of a }{spar}row{. If it be }{now, }{'tis }{not
{to com}{e: if }i{t bee }{not to }{come,}{ it will}{ bee no}w{: if it}
{be not }{now};{ yet it }{will come};{ the rea}d{inesse }{is all}{, since }no{
{ ha's }{ought }{of what he }{leaues}{. What is}'{t to le}{aue be}{times}?{
Enter King, Queene, Laertes}
{ and L}o{rds, with }{other }{Attendant}{s with}
and G}
{aunt}{lets, }a{ Table }{and }{Flag}{ons of }Wi{ne on }it{.

Kin. }
{Come }{Hamlet, }c{ome, and }{take th}{is ha}{nd from }m{e

Ham. }
{Giue me }{your pa}{rdon }{Sir, I}{'ue }{done }{you w}{rong}{,
But }
{pardon}'t{ as you }{are a}{ Gentleman}.{
This }
{presen}ce{ knowes}{,
And you must }
n{eeds}{ haue heard}{ how I }am{ pu}{nish}t{
With }
{sore }{distr}{action}{? What }{I haue }d{one
{at might }{your nature}{ ho}n{our, and }{exce}p{tion
{Rough}{ly }{awa}k{e, I }{heere }{proc}l{aime}{ was mad}{nesse:
W{as't}{ Hamlet w}{rong}{'d Laertes}? N{euer }{Hamlet.
{If }{Hamlet }{from hi}{mselfe }{be t}{ane }{away}{:
And whe}
{n he}'{s not himselfe}{, do}{'s w}{rong}{ Laertes,
{Then }{Hamlet }d{oes it not, }{Hamlet d}{enie}s{ it:
{Who d}{oes it }t{hen? }H{is Ma}{dnesse}?{ If}'{t be so}{,
Hamlet }
{is of }{the F}{action} {that is }{wrong'd},{
His m}
{adnesse}{ is }{poore }{Hamlets }Enemy.
{Sir, in }{this A}ud{ience,
{Let m}y{ discl}{aim}{ing from }a{ purpos}{'d }{euill},
F{ree }{me so }{farre in}{ your mo}{st generous}{ thought}s{,
That I }
{haue s}{hot }{mine }{Arrow}{ o're t}{he h}{ouse}{,
And }
hurt{ my Mother}{

Laer. I }
{am s}{atisf}{ied in }{Nature,
{Whose }m{otiue}{ in this }cas{e should sti}r{re me }{most}{
To m}
y {Reuenge}{. But i}n{ my te}{rmes }{of }H{ono}r{
I s}
{tand a}l{oofe,}{ and will no}{ reco}ncil{ement,
{ill b}y{ some e}ld{er Ma}s{ters }{of }{knowne }{Honor}{,
I haue a }
voyc{e, and }{pres}{ident}{ of p}{eace
T{o keepe }{my }{name }vn{gorg}'d{. But t}{ill that }{time,}{
I do }
{receiue }{your o}{ffer}'{d loue}{ like }{loue,
{And wi}{l not }{wrong }{it

Ham. }
{I do }emb{race }{it f}{ree}{ly,
A{nd will }{this B}{rothers}{ wager }fr{anke}{ly }{play}.
{Giue }v{s the F}{oyles}:{ Come }o{n

Laer. }
{Come on}{e for m}{e

Ham. I}
l{e be your }f{oile}{ Laertes, }{in mine }{ignoran}c{e,
Your }
Ski{ll shall }{like a }{Starre }{i'th' }{darke}{st night}{,
{icke }{fie}{ry of}f{ indeed}{e

Laer. }
{You m}{ocke }me{ Sir

Ham. }
No{ by th}{is hand}{

King. }
G{iue the}m{ the Foyles}{ yo}{ng Osricke}{,
{use}n{ Hamlet, }y{ou know}{ the w}a{ger

Ham. }
V{erie}{ well }{my Lord,
{Your G}{race }{hath laid}e{ the odde}{s a}{'th' }w{eake}{r side}{

King. }
{I do not }{feare }{it,
{I haue s}{eene }{you b}o{th:
{But s}{ince he }is{ better}{'d, we }{haue the}{refore }{oddes}{

Laer. Th}
{is is t}oo{ heauy}{,
Let m}
{e see }{another}{

Ham. This}
{ like}s{ me w}e{ll,
{ese }{Foyles }{haue a}{ll a }{length}{.

P{repar}{e to play}{.

{icke.}{ I my }{good Lord

{King. S}{et me }{the }Stop{es of }w{ine }{vpon th}{at T}{able}:{
If Hamlet }
{giue the}{ first},{ or second}{ hit}{,
Or }
{quit }{in a}{nswer}{ of the }{thir}{d exc}{hange}{,
Let }
{all the }{Batt}{lement}s{ their }O{rdina}{nce }{fire,}
{The King }{shal}{ drinke }{to }{Hamlets }{better }{breath,
A{nd in }{the C}up{ an }vn{ion s}{hal }h{e throw}
Rich{er then th}{at, }{which }f{oure }{suc}c{essi}u{e Kings
I{n Denmarke}s{ Crowne}{ haue wor}{ne.
{Giue me }{the Cup}{s,
And }
{let the }K{ettle}{ to the }{Trumpet}s{ speake}{,
The }
{Trumpet}{ to the }{Cannon}eer{ without}{,
The Ca}
{nnon}{s to the }{Heauen}s,{ the Heauen}{ to }E{arth,
N{ow the }{King }{drinke}s{ to Hamlet}{. Come}{, be}g{in,
{And you }{the }I{udge}s{ beare }{a war}y ey{e

Ham. }
{Come on}{ sir}{

Laer. Come on}
{ sir}{.

y{ play.

{Ham. O}{ne

Laer. }

Ham. }
Osr. }
A{ hit,}{ a very }pal{pable }h{it

{Laer. W}e{ll: }{againe}{

King. S}
t{ay, g}{iue me }{drinke}{.
{, this }P{ear}l{e is th}{ine,
{ere's t}{o th}y{ health}{. Giue }{him the} cup,{

{rumpets s}{ound}{, and s}h{ot go}{es of}f{.

Ham. }
{Ile p}la{y this }{bout }{first, }{set }{by }a-{while.}{
{: An}{other }h{it; }{what }{say you}{?
Laer. }
A{ touch},{ a to}{uch, }{I do }{confesse
King. }
O{ur Sonne}{ shall win}{

Qu. H}
{e's f}{at, and }sc{ant of }{breath}{.
{ere's a }Napk{in, }rub {thy br}{owes,
T{he Queene}{ Car}owse{s to thy }{fort}u{ne, }{Hamlet

{Ham. G}{ood M}ada{m

King. }
{Gertrude},{ do not }{drinke}{

Qu. }
{I will }{my Lord;}
{I pray you }{pardon }{me

King. }
I{t is the }poys{on'd }{Cup}{, it is }{too l}a{te

Ham. I }
d{are not }{drinke }y{et Ma}{dam}{,
y{ and b}y{

Qu. }
{Come, }{let me }wip{e thy f}{ace

{Laer. M}{y Lord, }I{le hit}{ him no}w{

King. I do not }

Laer. }
A{nd yet }{'tis a}{lmost }'{gainst }my{ conscience}{

Ham. Come }
{for the }{third}.
{Laertes, }{you b}{ut d}{all}y,{
I pray you pa}
s{se with}{ your b}{est }{violen}{ce,
I }
{am }{affe}{ar'd }{you ma}{ke a wa}nt{on of }{me

Laer. }
S{ay you }{so? }{Come on}{.


{. Not}h{ing ne}{ither w}{ay

{Laer. }H{aue a}{t you n}{ow.

{In }sc{uffling}{ they }{change}{ Rapier}{s.

King. }
P{art the}m{, they }{are i}{ncens}'{d

Ham. }
{Nay }{come, a}{gaine

{Osr. }L{ooke t}{o the Queene}{ there }hoa{

Hor. Th}
{ey b}le{ed on }{both }{sides}{. How i}{s't }{my Lord?
{Osr. }{How is't }{Laertes?}
{ Laer. Why as}{ a W}{ood}c{ocke}{
To mine }
{Sprin}d{ge, }{Osricke,
{I am }i{ust}{ly k}{ill}{'d with }{mine owne }Tr{each}{erie}{

Ham. How }
{does }{the Queene}{?
King. }
{She s}{ounds}{ to see }{them }{bleed}{e

Qu. }
{No, }n{o, the}{ drinke,}{ the drinke}{.
{ my de}er{e Hamlet, }{the drinke, the drinke}{,
I am }

Ham. }
O{h Villa}ny!{ How}?{ Let }{the d}o{ore be }l{ock}{'d.
{Treacherie},{ seeke}{ it o}u{t

Laer. }
I{t is he}{ere Hamlet}{.
Hamlet, th}
{ou ar}{t s}l{aine,
{No }Medic{ine in the }{world }c{an do}{ the}e{ good}.{
In }
{thee, }t{here is no}{t ha}{lfe }a{n houre of }{life;}{
The Tr}
{eacher}{ous }In{stru}{ment }i{s in th}y{ hand,
Vn{bated}{ and e}n{venom'd}{: the }f{oule}{ practi}{se
H{ath t}{urn'd }{it s}{elfe }{on me}{. Lo}{e, hee}{re I }ly{e,
{euer }{to }{rise}{ againe}:{ Thy }M{others }{poyson'd}:{
I can}
{ no more}{, the King}{, the King}'{s too }{blame}{

Ham. The p}
{oint }{envenom'd}{ too,
{Then }{venom}e{ to thy }{worke}{.

urt{s the King.
All.{ Trea}{son, }{Treason}{

King. O}
{ yet }{defen}{d me }F{riends},{ I am }{but h}ur{t

Ham. }
He{ere thou }{ince}stu{ous, }{murd}{rous,
Dam{ned }{Dane}{,
r{inke of}{f this }P{otion}: {Is th}y V{nion }{heere?
F{ollow }{my Mother}{.

{King }Dy{es.

{Laer. H}{e is }{iustly }{seru'd}.{
It is }
a{ poyson}{ te}mp'{red }{by }{himselfe}:
E{xchange}{ forg}{iuen}e{sse with }{me, }{Noble }{Hamlet};
{Mine }{and my }{Fathers }{death }{come }{not }{vpon the}{e,
{r thin}{e on me.}


{Ham. Hea}{uen m}{ake th}{ee fr}e{e of it,}{ I fo}{llow }{thee}.{
I am }
{dead }{Horatio, }{wretch}{ed }{Queene }{adie}w{,
You }
{that l}{ooke }{pal}{e, and t}r{emb}l{e at th}{is c}h{ance,
{That }{are }{but }Mu{tes o}r a{udience}{ to this }{acte}:{
Had }
{I but }{time }({as this }{fell }Serg{eant }{death
I{s str}i{ck'd}{ in his }A{rres}t) oh{ I could }{tell }{you}{.
But }
l{et it }b{e: }{Horatio, }{I am dead}{,
Thou }
liu'{st, }{report }m{e and my }{cause}{s right}
T{o the }{vnsa}{tisfied}{

Hor. N}
{euer be}{leeue }{it.
{I am }{more a}n{ An}t{ike }R{oman then}{ a D}a{ne:
{Heere's }y{et some }{Liquor}{ le}f{t

Ham. }
{As t}h'{art a }{man, }g{iue me the Cup}.{
Let }
{go, }{by }{Heauen }{Ile haue}{'t.
{Oh }{good Horatio,}{ what a }{wounded }{name},
(Th{ings }{stand}{ing thus }vn{knowne}){ shall liue }behi{nd me}.{
If th}
{ou did}{'st }{euer }{hold }{me in th}{y heart,
Abs{ent th}{ee from }f{elic}{itie }a{while,
{And in th}{is ha}rsh{ world }{draw}{ thy br}{eath }{in pa}{ine,
T{o tell m}y{ Sto}{rie}{.

M{arch}{ af}{arre off}{, and sho}ut{ within}{.

{What w}{arl}{ike }n{oys}{e is thi}{s?
Enter }

Osr. Yo}
{ng }{Fortinbras}{, with }{con}{quest}{ come }{fro}[m]{ Pol}{and
T{o th' }Amb{assa}do{rs of }{England }gi{ues th}{is wa}{rlike }v{olly}{

Ham. O}
{ I d}y{e Horatio}{:
{ po}t{ent p}{oyson }q{uite }{ore}-c{rowes }{my s}{pirit},{
I cannot }
l{iue to }he{are the }N{ewes }{from England}{,
But }
{I do }{proph}esi{e th' election }{light}s
On{ Fortinbras, }{he ha's }{my d}{ying }{voyce,}{
So }
{tell him }{with the }occurr{ents }{more an}d{ lesse,
{Which }{haue s}o{licit}ed{. The }r{est is }{silence}{. O}, o{, o, o}{.


a.{ Now }cr{acke a }{Noble }{heart:}{
n{ight s}{weet }Pri{nce,
And }
f{lights}{ of A}{ngel}s{ sing }{thee }{to thy }{rest},{
Why }
{do's }{the D}r{umme}{ come h}{ither}{?
Enter }
{Fortinbras}{ and Engl}{ish }{Ambassador}{, with }{Drumme}{, Co}l{ours,}{


{Fortin}{. Wh}{ere is }{this s}{ight?}{
Hor. }
{What is }i{t ye}{ would }{see;
{If o}{ught of w}o{e, or }{wonder}, c{ease }{your se}a{rch

F{or. H}i{s qu}{arry }c{ries }{on h}auo{cke. }{Oh }{pro}ud{ death,
{What }feas{t is to}{ward }{in thi}{ne e}{tern}{all C}{ell.
T{hat thou}{ so }{many }{Prince}{s, a}t{ a sh}o{ote}{,
So }
{blood}ily{ hast }{stro}o{ke

{Amb}{. The si}{ght i}{s di}sma{ll,
And }
{our }{aff}{aire}{s from England}{ come to}{o late}{,
The }
{eares }{are }{sense}l{esse th}{at should }g{iue vs }{hear}{ing,
{o tell him }{his co}{mmand}'{ment is }fulf{ill'd}{,
That }
{Rosincrance}{ and G}{uildensterne a}r{e dead}:{
Where }
{should }{we haue }{our t}{hanke}s{?
Hor. No}
t{ from his }{mouth,
H{ad it }{th' }abil{itie of }{life }{to tha}{nke you}{:
{ neuer }g{aue co}{mmand'ment }{for the}i{r death}.{
But since }
{so }i{umpe}{ vpon th}i{s blood}ie{ question}{,
You }
{from the }{Pola}k{e warr}{es, and }{you from }{England
Ar{e heere }{arri}u{ed. }{Giue }{order} {that the}{se bo}{dies
H{igh }{on a }{sta}{ge be}{ place}d{ to the }v{iew,
{And let }{me s}{peake to th}'{ yet }{vnknow}{ing }{world},{
How t}
{hese th}{ings }{came }{about}{. So }{shall }y{ou heare}{
Of }
ca{rnall},{ blo}{udie}{, and vn}{natur}{all a}c{ts,
{Of a}cc{ident}{all i}{udgement}s{, ca}s{uall }s{laugh}{ters}{
Of }
{death}'s{ put on }{by c}unn{ing, and }{for}c'd{ cause}{,
And in this }
vp{shot},{ purpose}{s mi}st{ooke,
F{alne}{ on the }I{nuen}to{rs he}ad{. Al}l{ this ca}{n I}{
{ly d}{eliuer}{

For. }
L{et vs }{hast t}{o heare }{it,
{And }{call the}{ Noble}s{t to the }{Audience}.{
For }
m{e, with}{ sorrow,}{ I }{embrace }{my F}{ortune,}{
I haue s}
{ome }{Rites}{ of me}{mor}y{ in this }{King}d{ome,
{Which }{are to }{claime}{, my }v{anta}{ge dot}{h
n{uite }{me,
{ Hor. }O{f that }I{ shall haue a}lw{ayes }{cause }{to s}{peake,
{And from h}{is mouth}{
Whose }
{voyce}{ will d}{raw }{on m}o{re:
But }
{let this }{same }b{e present}{ly p}{erform}{'d,
E{uen }{while}{s me}ns{ minde}{s are }w{ilde}{,
s{t more }{mis}{chance}{
On }
{plots}{, and e}{rro}{rs h}appen{

For. Let }
{foure }Cap{taines}{
{ Hamlet }{like a S}{old}i{er to the }S{tage}{,
{ he was }{likel}{y, h}{ad he }{beene }{put on}{
To }
{haue pr}{ou'd }{most }{royall}{y:
And }
{for hi}s{ passage}{,
The }
{Soul}{diou}{rs }Mus{icke, and }{the r}{ites of }W{arre}
S{peake }{low}{dly }{for him}{.
{ake vp }{the b}ody; S{uch a }{sight }{as this}{
{comes the }Fie{ld, }{but he}{ere she}{wes m}{uch a}{mis}.{
{, b}{id the }{Souldi}{ers s}{hoote}{.

{March}{ing: }{after }t{he which}{, a }P{eale}{ of }O{rde}{nance }a{re sho}t


FINIS{. The }t{rage}d{ie of }HAMLET,{ Prince}{ of }{Denmarke}.