1 Introductory Material

1.1 R-Studio / R

For the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient you will need the ICC package which can be installed using the following command from R-Studio (or the R terminal)


1.2 New Nodes

The new names are explained relative to the dataset used in the first problem. So read the first problem for more introductory material on these tables

1.3 Join

  • This node takes two different tables and combines them together based on one or more key values.
  • The default option is an ‘Inner’ join which means the output has all of the keys which appear in both the first (table A) and second (table B) table
  • There are many other possibilities
  • Joins from (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38549/difference-between-inner-and-outer-joins)
  • In many cases inside of KNIME the ‘RowID’ is a reasonable key (you perform a number of operations and want to compare it to the original result)
  • For the aforementioned dataset we will apply an inner-join using the ‘Join’ block and matching on the ID column in both
351 0.0302208 57.16318 0.186455 0.019785
356 0.0327883 54.97201 0.183007 0.015696
357 0.0360747 73.59088 0.216930 0.028019
359 0.0311451 49.85482 0.193758 0.024087


ID D1Mit64 D1Mit236 D1Mit7 D1Mit386
351 H H H H
356 H A A A
357 H B B B
359 A B B B

BECOMES (hiding excess columns)

351 0.0302208 57.16318 H H
356 0.0327883 54.97201 H A
357 0.0360747 73.59088 H B
359 0.0311451 49.85482 A B

1.4 Cross-Join

  • This join performs what is mathematically known as a Cartesian Product on the two tables
  • For those more familiar with computer programming nomenclature this is
for(eleA in tableA):
  for (eleB in tableB):
    yield (eleA,eleB)
  • in plain language this is equivalent of combining every element with every other element
  • This is useful when performing parameter sweeps or other similar analyses where you want to try every threshold value with every sigma value with every type of filter (since you have no prior information about which one works best and they all work effectively independently)
  • Using the last table as an example (while it might initially not seem to make sense, it is actually used for measuring the error level in such systems permuting the genetic material through the original phenotype data to determine the baseline number of correlations found)
351 0.0302208 57.16318 0.186455 0.019785
356 0.0327883 54.97201 0.183007 0.015696
357 0.0360747 73.59088 0.216930 0.028019
359 0.0311451 49.85482 0.193758 0.024087


ID D1Mit64 D1Mit236 D1Mit7 D1Mit386
351 H H H H
356 H A A A
357 H B B B
359 A B B B

BECOMES (hiding excess columns)

351 0.0302208 57.16318 351 H H
356 0.0327883 54.97201 351 H H
357 0.0360747 73.59088 351 H H
359 0.0311451 49.85482 351 H H
351 0.0302208 57.16318 356 H A
356 0.0327883 54.97201 356 H A
357 0.0360747 73.59088 356 H A
359 0.0311451 49.85482 356 H A
351 0.0302208 57.16318 357 H B
356 0.0327883 54.97201 357 H B
357 0.0360747 73.59088 357 H B
359 0.0311451 49.85482 357 H B
351 0.0302208 57.16318 359 A B
356 0.0327883 54.97201 359 A B
357 0.0360747 73.59088 359 A B
359 0.0311451 49.85482 359 A B

1.5 Concatenate

  • Concatenate is the last of the table operations covered today.
  • It can be thought of as combining two tables which have the same columns but different row values
  • For example if we have each experiment in a separate file, it would make sense to concatenate them all together rather than Join or Cross Join

  • First table

351 0.0302208 57.16318 0.186455 0.019785
356 0.0327883 54.97201 0.183007 0.015696
357 0.0360747 73.59088 0.216930 0.028019
359 0.0311451 49.85482 0.193758 0.024087
  • Second set of results

    21 457 0.0311451 49.28858 0.178971 0.020928
    22 459 0.0293992 58.17281 0.158907 0.018856
    23 470 0.0316586 61.49628 0.162435 0.019928
    24 472 0.0345342 56.62613 0.185258 0.028595

The concatenation of the two groups

1 351 0.0302208 57.16318 0.186455 0.019785
2 356 0.0327883 54.97201 0.183007 0.015696
3 357 0.0360747 73.59088 0.216930 0.028019
4 359 0.0311451 49.85482 0.193758 0.024087
21 457 0.0311451 49.28858 0.178971 0.020928
22 459 0.0293992 58.17281 0.158907 0.018856
23 470 0.0316586 61.49628 0.162435 0.019928
24 472 0.0345342 56.62613 0.185258 0.028595

2 Tasks

2.1 Running basic statistical analyses

For this example we will start with a fairly complicated dataset from a genetics analysis we did at the Institute of Biomechanics.

2.1.1 Introduction

There are 1000 mouse femur bones which have been measured at high resolution and a number of shape analyses run on each sample. - Phenotypical Information - Each column represents a metric which was assessed in the images - CORT_DTO__C_TH for example is the mean thickness of the cortical bone

351 0.0302208 57.16318 0.186455 0.019785
356 0.0327883 54.97201 0.183007 0.015696
357 0.0360747 73.59088 0.216930 0.028019
359 0.0311451 49.85482 0.193758 0.024087
  • Genetic Information (genoTable.csv)
  • Each animal has been tagged at a number of different regions of the genome (called markers: D1Mit236)
  • At each marker there are 3 (actually 4) possibilities
  • A is homozygous (the same from both parents) from the A strain
  • B is homozygous from the B strain
  • H is heterozygous (one from A, one from B)
  • ‘-’ is missing or erronous measurements

    ID D1Mi t64 D1Mi t236 D1Mi t7 D1Mi t386
    101 685 A H H H
    102 686 B B B H
    103 687 A A H H
    104 688 H H H A
    105 689 H H - A

2.1.2 Tasks

  1. Download the two needed tables to start the analysis
  1. Using the workflow ‘ComparingSamples’ load the data and make sure you can produce the basic plots for the histogram Histogram
  2. Explore the data and correlations between various metrics by using the ‘Scatter Matrix’ plotting component. Change the components to examine different variables Scatter Matrix
  3. For the rest of the analysis you can connect the various components to the ‘Column Filter’ node since that is the last step in the processing
  4. Use one of the T-Test nodes in the Statistics -> Hypothesis Testing section to see if there is a statistically significant difference between Gender’s when examining Cortical Bone Microstructural Thickness (Mean)
  • Which value is the p-value?
  • What does the p-value mean, is it significant, by what criterion?
  1. Use another node from the Hypothesis Testing section to evaluate the effect on the D16Mit5 on the Lacuna Distribution Anisotropy? Is it significant?

2.1.3 Questions

  1. In the ‘Independent Groups T-Test’ node we can run a t-test against all of the columns at the same time, why SHOULDN’T we do this? Independent Groups
  • If we do, how do we need to interpret this in the results
  • Is p<0.05 a sufficient signifance criteria?

2.2 Comparing Two Real Bone Samples

Comparing Bone

For this example we will compare two real cortical bone samples taken from mice. The data will be downloaded in KNIME from the course website (KNIME can also download / upload to FTP servers making sharing results and data easier). - If you are using your own computer you will need to change the Target Folder in both of the “Download” nodes to something reasonable (just click Browse)

For the purpose of the analysis and keeping the data sizes small, we will use Kevin’s Crazy Camera again for simulating the noisy detection process. The assignment aims to be more integrative and you will combine a number of different lectures to get to the final answer.

2.2.1 Questions

  1. We want to know if there is a statistically significant difference in
  • cell volume
  • cell shape
  • cell density
  • between the two samples given the variation in the detector
  • which metric do we need here? why?
  1. We see in the volume comparison a very skewed representation of the data Volume/Num Pixels
  • why is this? (Hint check the segmented images)
  • What might be done to alleviate it (hint Row Filter)

2.2.2 Hints

  1. Look at the kind of noise (you can peek inside the Crappy Camera) to choose the proper filter
  2. Use an automated thresholding technique for finding the bone automatic-methods Threshold
  3. To do this we will need to enhance the image, segment out the bone (dense) tissue, find the mask so that we can look at the background: contouring Threshold
  4. We then need to label the cells, and analyze their volume and shape: labeling CL
  5. Use a Chunk Loop for the Segmenting Features node to prevent all of the features being dumped into the same output (they can afterwards be recombined with the original images using the Join node) ChunkLoop
  6. The final join should combine the output of the feature analysis (the end loop in this case) and the original crappy camera images. Since the Chunk Loop outputs iterations, we simply use that as the key for joining ChunkLoop
  7. Use Morphology and strongy filter parameters it might be possible to maximize the differences in the groups
  8. You can make the plots in R (sometimes easier than KNIME) using the R View (Table) node and the following code (for volume)
  sample=as.factor(knime.in$"Image Number"),
    volume=knime.in$"Num Pix"
  • Mean Volume Mean Volume
  sample=as.factor(knime.in$"Image Number"),
    volume=knime.in$"Num Pix"
sum.df<-ddply(cur.df,.(sample,measurement),function(in.df) {
  • Cell Count
  sample=as.factor(knime.in$"Image Number"),
    volume=knime.in$"Num Pix"
sum.df<-ddply(cur.df,.(sample,measurement),function(in.df) {
  1. What is intraclass correlation? How can it be applied to these data?
  • The following code can be used inside an R View block to calculate the ICC value (and then just click ‘Eval Script’)
  metric = knime.in$"Num Pix",
    group = knime.in$"Image Number"
  • If the value for a specific metric is 0.012 how should we interpret that?

2.2.3 Big Hint (don’t read unless you’re stuck)

One possible final result looks something like this Partial Solution

2.3 T-Test Simulator

This exercise (workflow named - Statistical Significance Hunter) shows the same results as we discussed in the lecture for finding p-values of significance. It takes a completely random stream of numbers with a mean 0.0 and tests them against a null hypothesis (that they equal 0) in small batches, you can adjust the size of the batches, the number of items and the confidence interval. The result is a pie chart showing the number of “significant” results found using the standard scientific criteria for common studies. T-Test Simulator

2.3.1 Questions

  1. If we change the size of the chunks to the same as the number of elements in the list do we still expect to find ‘significant’ (<0.05) values? Why or why not?
  2. How does comparing against the null hypothesis being 0 relate to comparing two groups?
  3. How does comparing a single column compare to looking at different metrics for the same samples?
  4. What is bonferroni correction (hint: wikipedia) and how could it be applied to this simulation?
  • Make the modification needed

2.4 Grammar of Graphics Plots in R (Work in Progress…)

2.4.1 Introduction

Making plots or graphics should be divided into separate independent components. - Setup is the \(ggplot\) command and the data - Mapping is in the \(aes\) command \[ ggplot(\textrm{input data frame},aes(x=\textrm{name of x column},y=\textrm{name of y column}))+ \] - Plot is the next command (geom_point, geom_smooth, geom_density, geom_histogram, geom_contour) \[ \textrm{geom_point}()+ \] - Coordinates can then be added to any type of plot (coord_equal, coord_polar, etc) - Scales can also be added (scale_x_log10, scale_y_sqrt, scale_color_gradientn) - Labels are added \[ labs(x="\textrm{x label}",y="\textrm{y label}",title="\textrm{title}") \]

2.4.2 Tasks

  • Start RStudio
  • Load the necessary libraries
  • Load the phenoTable from the first exercise
# read the table in
# take the first 4 rows and columns
# print it out nicely
351 0.0302208 57.16318 0.186455 0.019785
356 0.0327883 54.97201 0.183007 0.015696
357 0.0360747 73.59088 0.216930 0.028019
359 0.0311451 49.85482 0.193758 0.024087
- Set up the inpu t table as ```phen.tab le``` and the map ping with the x position mapped to BMD (Bone Mineral Density) and the y position as CT_TH_RAD (Cortical Bone Thickness)
  • Create the first simple plot by adding a point representation to the plot

- Change color of the points to show if the animal is female or not (in the mapping)


- Show the color as a discrete (factor) value instead of a number

m.table<-mutate(phen.table,GENDER = ifelse(FEMALE==1,"F","M"))

- Make the plot in two facets (windows) instead of the same one


- Make the facet based on evenly (in number) dividing the points into 6 groups by the number of lacuna (LACUNA_COUNT)

                GENDER = ifelse(FEMALE==1,"F","M"),
                LACUNA_NUMBER_GROUP = cut_number(LACUNA_COUNT,6)

- Fix the labels and add a white background (theme_bw) with font-size 12

  labs(x="Bone Mineral Density",y="Cortical Bone Thickness (um)",color="Gender")+

For more information and tutorial read about it in: http://ggplot2.org/

2.5 Unit Testing (Advanced)

Unit Testing works differently in every language but the major ideas remain the same.

  • Using the language of your choice make a function that reads in an binary 2D array and counts the number of true points. In scala this would look like
def countPoints(in: Array[Array[Boolean]]): Int = 
  in.flatten.map(if(_) 1 else 0).sum
  • Now create a series of tests to ensure it works correctly
  • A simple 1x2 array with one true

    import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
    class PointCounterTests extends FunSuite with Matchers 
      test("Simple Array") {
    val simpleArr = Array(Array(true,false,false))
    countPoints(simpleArr) shouldBe 1
  • An empty error should return 0

    val emptyArr = Array(new Array[Boolean](0))
    countPoints(emptyArr) shouldBe 0

2.5.1 Dynamic Languages!

It is critical to note, if you are using a statically-type language (C, C++, Fortran Java, Scala, Groovy, etc) you do not need to explicitly check type issues since that is automatically done by the compiler (you cannot give a string to a function expecting an integer, it simply will not run) If you are using a dynamically typed language (Matlab, Python, R, Mathematica, etc) you will need to make additional tests to make sure your function handles a variety of different input correctly. For example if you make the countPoints function in Matlab what happens when you give it a 3D array or a string? Either it should immediately throw an error message explaining that this input doesn’t make sense or explicitly handle this case. Otherwise you could have very unexpected behavior. The following is a perfectly reasonable function in Matlab

function [out]=isBiggerThanFive(inVar)
  if inVar>5
    disp([inVar ' is bigger than 5'])
    disp([inVar ' is smaller than 5'])

And if you execute isBiggerThanFive('Tom') it executes perfectly and you get Tom is bigger than 5 which is probably meaningless. It would be much better if the program throws an error saying that a string is not an appropriate type for this function.

2.6 Report Generation (Advanced)

  • knitr for report generation

To make a report in RStudio you can go the File -> New Files -> R Markdown… menu. You can then enter code in blocks as are shown in the example and text or Markdown (text with dashes and pound signs for formatting) to make a document which compiles to a PDF, HTML-file, or Word Document.

This allows you to have your entire analysis in a simple document. Additionally it prevents you from having to deal with some of the major challenges with Matlab, Python, and R (dynamic languages) involving name-spaces and analyses that run fine now, but do not work or work differently tomorrow.